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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesSection A1、劳驾,请原谅 excuse me2取钱 get some money3买一些杂志/邮票 get/buy some magazines4获取一些有关的信息 get some information about 5买一双鞋 get/buy a pair of shoes6买一份报纸 buy a newspaper7买一本字典 buy a dictionary8买一些有票 buy some stamps9吃饭 /早餐/午餐/晚餐 have dinner/b

2、reakfast/lunch/dinner10怎样到达 how to get to sp11沿着 go along/ go down12在银行的旁边 beside the bank13在右边 on the right/left14在某人的右边 on one s right15去三楼 go to the third floor16向左转 turn left/ right17在之间 between and18走过书店 go past the bookstore19.经过,路过 pass by/go by20.做某事感到激动 be excited to do sth.对某事感到激动 be excit

3、ed at21.尝试乘骑项目 try the rides22.一个吃饭的好地方 a good place to eat23.从/以开始 start/ begin with24.不必匆忙 not need to rush25的角落the corner of26.握住某人的手 hold ones hand27.有点饿 get a little hungry28.提供美味食品 serve delicious food29.向某人走去 walk up to sb.30.一名工作人员 a staff person31.有独特之处be special about. .32加油 , 过来 come on33

4、休息室 a room for resting 34请再说一次 pardon me35抓住某人的手 hold one s hand36摇滚乐队 a rock band37起初 at first38.在去.的路上on one s way to. 39.开始玩 start playing40.沿 . 走;走上;走近 walk up41.在门边 at the door42.在门旁 bythedoor:43.在那个时刻 at that time44.来得更早点 come a little earlier45.占位子 get a table46.一些吃的东西 something to eat47.最近的银

5、行 the nearest bank48.寄信 mail a letter49.在购物中心 in the shopping center二必背句子:1.我兴奋的要尝试这些乘骑设备。I_ _ _ _the rides.2.在我们决定之前,你能先告诉我哪儿有洗手间吗?Before we _,could you first tell me _ _ _ _?3.你不必着急。 You _ _ _ _.4.我想知道下一步我们该去哪儿。I_ where _ _ _ _.5.我保证它会很刺激。I_ it _ _ _.6.你永远不会了解一种东西直到你去尝试它。You_know _you_something.7.

6、在我上学的路上,我看见有一只狗正躺在路上。On_ _ _ school.I saw a dog_on the road.8.快点,他们刚刚经过了快乐时光时光公园。_.They_ _the Fun Times Park just now.9.打扰一下,你能告诉我们今天晚上乐队什么时候开始演出吗?_ _,could you please tell us_ _ _ _ _this evening.10.我不太确信如何把英语学好。Im_ _how_ _English well.11.我想知道在购物中心是否有一家银行。Im wondering_ _ a bank _ _ _ _.12.你能乘电梯从一楼到

7、十五楼。You can_the elevator _ _ _floor to_ _.13.书店在你的左边。你不会错过的。The bookstore is_ _ _and you cant_ it.14.沿着主街走,直到你经过中央大街。Go_ _street_you_ _Center Street.15.你知道公园今天何时关门吗?Do you know_the park _today?三、Grammar focusGrammar:宾语从句(2)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句宾语从句的连接词 特殊疑问词引导宾语从句时,从句的连接词由该特殊疑问句的疑问词充当。特殊疑问句的疑问词通常有疑问代词what, w

8、hich, who, whose和疑问副词where, when, why, how等。 He wondered what had happened to her. Could you tell me how I can get to the hospital?宾语从句的语序 特殊疑问句作宾语从句时,不管主句是陈述句还是疑问句,从句都是用“连词+陈述句语序的句子”,句末是否用问号由主句来定。主句是陈述句时,句末用句号;主句是疑问句时,句末用问号。 Where does Mr. Liu live? Do you know?- -Do you know where Mr.Liu lives?二含有

9、宾语从句的复合句与简单句的互换:(1)若主句的主语或宾语与从句的主语一致,则由疑问词引导的宾语从句变成不定式。Eg.I dont know how I should do it next. I dont know how to do it now. (2)当主句谓语动词是see,hear,watch时,其后的that从句可转换为“宾语+动词原形/动词ing形式。Eg.I saw some boys were playing basketball on the playground just now.I saw some boys playing basketball on the playgr

10、ound just now.(3)当主句的谓语动词是hope,agree,wish时,主句的主语或宾语与从句的主语一致时,其后以that引导的宾语从句可简化为to do(不定式)结构。Eg.He agreed that he could help me with my English. He agreed to help me with my English.特别提醒:当引导词做宾语从句的主语或主语的定语时,宾语从句的语序等同于陈述句语序。Eg.I wondered who beat you.(我想知道谁击败了你?)Do you know how many books are yours?四、

11、知识点巩固练习(一)单项选择1.The teacher asked the students_. A. if they were interested in dinosaurs B. when was Albert Einstein born C. what they will do with the computers D. how many trees they have planted 2. We dont know_ their parents are. A .that B. what C .why D. which 3 .I know_ I promised to take you

12、to dinner, but I wont finish working until ten oclock. A. that B. what C. why D. if4.They wonder_robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. A.that B.if C.whether D.what5.Could you tell me_a meeting in Guangzhou next week?A.if there was going to be B. whether there is going to have C.whether is

13、there going to be D. if there is going to be6.-Oh,why is your garden so wet in the sun?I wonder_A. if you have watered the flowersB. that you watered the flowersC. did you watered the flowers7 .I wonder _in your hometown in winter.A. whether does it often snowB. whether it often snowsC .if it often snowD. if does often it snows8.Could you please tell me_? -Yes. There is one on Center Street.A. where can I buy some stampsB. when you will take your vacationC. when was the telephone inventedD.if there are


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