江苏姜堰九级英语上册 Unit67单元综合测试 人教新目标.doc

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1、江苏省姜堰市2013届九年级英语上册 Unit6-7单元综合测试试题(无答案) 人教新目标版单选题( )1.The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. A. minds B. cares C. matters D. considers( )2. I knocked over my tea cup. It went right over _ keyboard. You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer. A. the, / B. the, a C.

2、a, / D. a, a( )3. My cousin works in a restaurant. He is _ cook. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( )4. Do you like _English teacher Miss Wang? Yes, we like _ very much. A. our; him B. our; her C. us; he D. ours; she( )5.What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? Im not sure. But Ill buy her . A

3、. something special B. anything special C. special something( )6.We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month. A. the other B. some C. another D. other( )7.Some of the stickers belong to me, while the rest are _. A. him and her B. his and her C. his and hers D. hi

4、m and hers( )8. Whats wrong with my son, doctor? _. Just a cold. A. Something serious B. Serious something C. Nothing serious D. Serious nothing ( )9. _ the money that Mr. Brown _, poor Mary could go back to school again. A. In; offered B. With; offered C. In; was offered D. With; was offered( )10.

5、Is John coming by train? He should , but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. may D. need( )11. _of fans have voted online _ their favourite singers. A. Thousand; to B. Thousand; for C. Thousands; for D. Thousands; to( )12. Amy has no idea _her summer holidays. A. what she should sp

6、end B. when should she spendC. where she should spend D. how should she spend( )13. I dont know _ to do with this maths problem. Its too hard. You can ask your classmates or teachers for help. A. which B. how C. what D. when( )14. Could you tell me_? By underground. A. how did you come hereB. how yo

7、u came hereC. when did you come hereD. when you came here( )15. Our teacher told us the earth _around the sun. A. turns B. turned G. turn( )16. Can you tell me _? Two weeks ago. A. when you bought the toys B. who did you buy the toys for C. how much the toys cost D. how many toys did you buy( )17. O

8、ur teacher said light _ faster than sound. A. traveled B. has traveled C. is traveling D. travels ( )18. Please tell me how many times _ to the Summer Palace. Only once. A. have you gone B. you have gone C. have you been D. you have been( )19. _ useful dictionary for beginners of English! Where did

9、you get it? A. SuchB. What anC. What aD. How a( )20. _terrible weather it is! The radio says that itll get _ later in the day. A. What a, bad B. What, worse C. How,bad D. How a, worse( )21. It is reported that an earthquake hit Yunnan on June 3rd. _terrible news!A. How a B. What a C. How D. What( )2

10、2. _information it is!A. How a useful B. How useful C. What a useful D. What useful( )23. _will the teacher be back? I have a question to ask him.In ten minutes, I think. A. How soon B. How long C. How far( )24. What _ your English teacher look like? She is quite slim. A. do B. is C. does D. was( )2

11、5. How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? _. A. In three days B. After three days C. In three days time D. After three days time( )26. Millie, could you give me some advice? I dont know _. Why dont you wear this red shirt? A. when to wear B. what to wear C. how to wear D. where to wear( )27. What

12、 do you think of the colour of my new dress? Sorry, but what did you say? I _ about something else. A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking( )28. Mr Johnson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Dont forget it! OK, I _. A. wont B. dont C. will D. do( )29. I had a really good weekend at my uncles. A. Its a pleasure B. Yes, thats all rightC. Oh, Im glad to hear that D. Oh, thats very nice of you( )30. Hello, may I speak to Mary please? A. Im Mary. B. Yes, please. C. Who are you? D. Hold on, please.( )31. How are you toda


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