广西北海合浦八级英语教学目标检测题一Units 12 人教新目标.doc

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1、广西北海市合浦县2012-2013学年八年级英语上学期教学目标检测题(一)Units 1-2 人教新目标版 班别_ 姓名_ 座号_ 成绩_一、选择填空。 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分) ( )1. - _ do you usually do when you are free? - I often read something interesting. A. When B. WhatC. Why D. Where ( )2. I cant go with you because I have homework to do.A. too many B. many t

2、oo C. much too D. too much ( )3. Jim visits his friends a month. A. twice B. first C. one D. two ( )4. _I have a healthy habit, _Im not very healthy. A. Although , but B. Although, / C. Although ,so D. but , / ( )5. My sister often goes shopping _ weekends. A. in B. to C. on D. for ( )6. - does she

3、exercise?- Once a week. A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How ( )7. Gina is too tired. She go to bed early. A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant ( )8. There are _ eggs at home. Lets go and buy some. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )9. Its very important to eat a _ diet. A. balance B. b

4、alances C. balancing D. balanced ( )10. He often goes to school early so he is _ late for work. A. usually B. never C. always D. often ( )11. Is her lifestyle the same _ yours or different? A. as B. in C. at D. to ( )12. Im very _. Please bring me something to eat. A. tired B. thirsty C. stressed ou

5、t D. hungry ( )13. Mike has a bad cold. I think he should _. A. listen to music B. see a dentist C. see a doctor D. stay with his friends ( )14. Please _ this baby. Her mother isnt in. A. look at B. look up C. look after D. look for ( )15. I want you _ with me every day. A. exercise B. exercising C.

6、 exercises D. to exercise二、完型填空。(15分) Some of my classmates are not feeling _1_ today. Tom has a _2_, he cant eat _3_ .Lucy has a toothache, too. They have to see _4 _ after school. Jack has a headache. His mother asks him 5 and rest. 6 he cant come to school today. Peter is stressed out, 7 the exam

7、 is coming. Nancy has a 8 because she ate too much yesterday. She doesnt feel like _9_ anything. Jim has a sore throat, he should drink hot tea _10_ honey. ( )1. A. good B. well C. health D. ill ( )2. A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache D. sore back ( )3. A. something B. anything C. everything D

8、. nothing ( )4. A. her parents B. her friends C. her teachers D. dentists ( )5. A. lie down B. lies down C. lying down D. to lie down ( )6. A. So B. But C. Or D. because ( )7. A. because B. until C. though D. when ( )8. A. headache B. toothache C. stomachache D. sore throat ( )9. A. eat B. eats C. e

9、ating D. to eat ( )10. A. and B. with C. or D. in 三、阅读理解。(20分) A Lucy didnt enjoy herself last Saturday. She had a bad cold. She felt uncomfortable. She coughed badly. But her father and mother went to work. She had to look after herself. What should she do? She took some medicine and drank lots of

10、water. Then she lay down and had a good sleep. She felt much better when her parents came back home.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误 (F) ( ) 1. Lucy had a good time last weekend.( )2. She didnt feel very well last Saturday.( )3. Lucys parents werent at home last Saturday.( )4. She had a cold and didnt cough.( )5.

11、Lucy went to see the doctor. B Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a days work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory. One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy in t

12、he factory. He was very hungry when he got home. He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, Im going out to eat in a restaurant. Wait for five minutes, said his wife. Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes? asked Mike. Of course not, she answered. But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )6. Mike works in_. A. a factory B. an office C. a school D. a hospital ( )7. Jenny stays at home because _. A. she likes cooking B. she loves her husband very much C. she doesn


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