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1、九年级英语听力突破I Unit 9英语听力:asf听力文件无病毒,请放心打开听力理解听力风向标有关动物的听力试题主要涉及对一些动物名称的考查,另外还涉及一些动物的性格特点、生活习性的考查。只要我们平时认真记单词,把每个单词的读音读准,做这样的听力题也不会太难。必备工具箱常用词汇:cat 猫,dog 狗,duck 鸭子,sheep 羊,horse 马,pig 猪,cow 牛,chicken 鸡,tiger 老虎,elephant 大象,lion 狮子,panda 大熊猫,rat 老鼠,bear 熊,rabbit 兔子,deer 鹿,monkey 猴子,snake 蛇,wolf 狼,fish 鱼,

2、parrot 鹦鹉,fox 狐狸,lovely 可爱的,beautiful 美丽的,ugly 丑陋的,huge 庞大的常用短语:on land 在陆地,in the world 世界上,in the sea 在海洋里,the biggest/ smallest 最大/小的,live in 居住在,a kind of 一种/类,climb trees 爬树,in the water 在水里,on the tree 在树上,protect animals 保护动物,in the zoo 在动物园,in the forest 在森林里常用句型:(1)Which animal do you like

3、better, the tiger or the lion?你更喜欢哪种动物,狮子还是老虎?The tiger.老虎。(2)Elephants live on land, but fish live in the water.大象居住在陆地上,而鱼儿居住在水里。(3)Do pandas eat meat?熊猫吃肉吗?No, they dont. They eat bamboo.不,它们不吃肉。它们吃竹子。(4)Animals are friends of human beings.动物是人类的朋友。(5)I like pandas because they are friendly.我喜欢熊猫

4、,因为它们很友好。(6)Monkeys are very clever.猴子很聪明。听前热身营听对话,选出与所听内容相符的选项。听力录音原文及答案:1. W: Which animal do you like best? M: The monkey is my favorite.2. M: Whats the monkey doing? W: The monkey is playing with two cocks.解析:仔细观察(1),本题是四个动物的图片,首先要清楚这四种动物的英语名称,当听到The monkey is my favorite.时,就很容易得出正确答案D。(2)中各图都有m

5、onkey,那么我们听的重点就应放在是一个还是两个cock上,当我们听到two cocks时,就可判断答案为C。听力练功房一. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。句子听一遍。听完句子后,你将有3秒的答题时间。( )1. A. catB. dogC. sheepD. cock( )2. A. rabbitB. tigerC. foxD. wolf( )3. A. golden fishB. foxC. fishD. meat( )4. A. chickenB. duckC. bearD. monkey( )5. A. foxB. pigsC. sheepD. dogs二. 听句子,选出该句所描述的一种

6、动物。每个句子读一遍。每小题你有3秒的答题时间。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三. 听句子,选择能够回答该句的正确答案。每个问句读一遍,每小题你有5秒的答题时间。( )1. A. Theyre tigers.B. I dont like dogs.C. I like giraffes.D. There are many dogs.( )2. A. Shes twelve.B. Shes fine.C. Shes living in a zoo.D. She eats a kind of grass.( )3. A. Theyre smart.B. Theyre from Au

7、stralia.C. Theyre under the tree.D. They live in a forest.( )4. A. Youre welcome.B. Im very sorry.C. All right.D. Its right.( )5. A. I dont like them.B. They like sleeping.C. They like grass, I think.D. They drink water.四. 听短文,填写所缺的单词。短文听三遍。下面你将有15秒的时间阅读有关的内容。My name is Wang Hua. Im a Chinese boy. I

8、 have a 1 named Wangwang. I love him very much. Every day when I get home from 2 ,he often waits for me at the gate. Then he 3 on me and barks to me. When I sleep, he sleeps in front of my bed. If I cant get up on time, he can 4 me up. I love him and he 5 me.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _一. 1. I have a do

9、g. Its name is Huahua. 2. A lion is running after a rabbit. 3. Look! The cat is eating some fish under a table. 4. Dont feed the monkey. It isnt hungry. 5. We can get meat from pigs.二. 1. This kind of animal lives only in China. They are very lovely. 2. I like koalas because theyre kind of interesti

10、ng. 3. This lion is from South Africa. Its very big. 4. This kind of animal has a very long nose and big ears. 5. Monkeys are very clever and theyre good at climbing trees.三. 1. What animals do you like? 2. How old is the panda? 3. Where are these animals from? 4. Thank you for helping feed the cat.

11、 5. What do sheep like to eat?四. My name is Wang Hua. Im a Chinese boy. I have a dog named Wangwang. I love him very much. Every day when I get home from school, he often waits for me at the gate. Then hejumps on me and barks to me. When I sleep, he sleeps in front of my bed. If I cant get up on time, he can wake me up. I love him and he likes me.答案:一. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B二. 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D三. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C四. 1. dog 2. school 3. jumps 4. wake 5. likes年级初中学科英语版本期数内容标题初中英语听力突破I Unit 9分类索引号G.431分类索引描述听力主题词初中英语听力突破I Unit 9栏目名称听力供稿老师审稿老师录入吕春艳一校胡丹二校审核用心爱心专心


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