天津滨海新区大港同盛学校八级英语上册Module2Unit3Languageinuse学案新外研 1.doc

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1、Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 3 Language in use学习目标一、 语法复习: 形容词比较级的使用情况程序集体备课内容个案补充学习过程二、 一、自读与反馈质疑(自学Language practice,找出语法点)二、合作交流 知识梳理形容词比较级的用法: A+be+形容词比较级+than+B.疑问词+be+形容词比较级,_or_?形容词比较级的修饰词(放在比较级前面):Much(.得多) even(甚至) still(更) a little(一点) a bit (有点)用这些词来修饰,表示程度进一步加深。 三、 三、即时训练 做课

2、内练习1-7四、 四、 达标检测 五、 A. 写出下列形容词的比较级六、 small_ warm_ large_nice_ fat_ thin_ early_ healthy_ heavy_wide_ cheap_ easy_hot_ new_ busy_big_ old_ fine_B短语归纳1.相当好 2.在海岸线上3.记得做某事 4.因.而闻名5.事实上 6.总有一天7. as.as. 8. The capital of9. in the east of 10. be part ofC中考题热身 1. Remember _off the lights when you leave the

3、 room, please. (2013黑龙江) A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned2.Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice.(2013福建) A. as B. with C. for D. to3. The old man owned _dollars. When he died, he left two _dollars to his son.(2014广东) A. millions of; millions B. millions of; million C. millions; millions

4、D. millions of; millions of4. Lilys mother is_ English teacher in _university. A. an; an B. an; a C. a; an D. a; a5. With the help of the new skill, Liu Xiang can run _than before. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. very fast6. Lucys ruler is longer than _. A. my B. mine C. me D. I7. My mother is busy

5、and she has lots of housework _. A. do B. doing C. to do D. did1. Review the rules for the spelling of comparatives with students.2. Have the students compare the two pictures in pairs. Elicit and prompt an example with one of the words for them to use.3.Have a discussion with the students about the reports. Tell them to decide which places they like the best and why.板书Unit 3 Language in use1. Grammar.2. Vocabulary.3. Listening.4. Writing.反思4


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