江苏灌南实验中学七级英语上册Unit6 food and lifestyle Task同步练习 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省灌南县实验中学七年级英语上册Unit6 food and lifestyle Task同步练习(无答案) 牛津版(说明:标注符号“”为选做题)一、单选题( )1.Eat more vegetables. They _ you .A. are good at B. are good to C.are good for D.are good with( ) 2.Breakfast gives us energy _ the morning.A. to B. for C. on D. in( )3.She often helps Lily _ Chinese.A.learn B. learns

2、 C. learning D. to learning( )4.He drinks _ green tea after meals every day.A.a B. some C. many D. two( )5.I sometimes have rice _ fish and an apple _ lunch.A.with,to B. with, for C. for, with D. in, on( )6.I need Amy _ me .A.help B. helps C. helping D. to help( )7.What _ do you eat before supper?-I

3、 have an apple.A.meat B. vegetables C. fruit D. soup( )8.Are there any _ in the basket?-Yes,there are eight.A.tomatoes B. bread C. cabbage D. chicken( )9.-_ do you exercise?-Every day.A.How long B. How often C. How much D. How many( )10.He is in good_,because his lifestyle is very _.A.health, health

4、 B. healthy , health C. health , healthy D. healthy, healthy二、翻译句子1我经常锻炼来保持健康。_2我们能从巧克力中获得很多能量。_3早餐帮助我很好的开始一天。_4我需要你过来。_5你一天喝几杯水?_三、阅读下列文章,完成练习Nowpeopleareverybusy.Childrenhavelessonsatschool.Parentsoftenworklate.Theydonthaveenoughtimetocookmealsfortheirchildren.Sofastfoodisverypopular.Manypeoplesay


6、d.YoucanfindKFCandMcDonalds restaurantsinChina,Japan,Russiaandmanyothercountries.Butwhenyoueatfastfoodinarestau- rant,pleaserememberthatbesides(除了)time,youneedhealth,too.( )1.Whydopeopleofteneatfastfood?A.Becausetheyarenotgoodatcookingmeals.B.Becausetheirchildrenhavelessonsathome.C.Becausefastfoodis

7、usuallyverynice.D.Becausetheydonthaveenoughtimetocookmeals.( )2.Manypeoplespendmoneyonfastfoodfor_A.theirchildren B.themselves C.theirfriends D.AandB( )3.WhatisKFC?A.Thenameofafastfoodrestaurant. B.ThenameofhamburgersC.Amansname D.Thenameofchicken( )4.Whatcanfastfoodhelppeopledo?A.ItcanhelppeoplekeephealthyB.ItcanhelppeopledomoreexercisesC.itcanhelppeoplesavetimeD.Itcanhelppeoplesavemoney( )5.Whatisthebesttitleforthearticle(文章)?A.FastfoodRestaurants B.KFCandMcDonaldsC.FastFood D.HowtoKeepHealthy?四、以My Lifestyle为题,写一篇短文。80个词左右。 _2


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