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1、Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly Class _ Name _ Mark _一、单项选择。( ) 1. - Hello, this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr Black? - Sorry. He _ the White River Park. A. has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. will go to ( ) 2. - Have you finished your homework, Tom? - No, I _. I think

2、I will finish it tomorrow. A. dont B. didnt C. hasnt D. havent ( ) 3. - Would you like to see the film with me? - Im sorry I _ it twice. A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen( ) 4. What will your future life _? A. like B. likes C. be like D. to like ( ) 5. I havent seen him _ more than twenty years

3、. A. in B. before C. after D. for( ) 6. - Did you enjoy yourself at the party? - Yes. Ive never been to _ one before. A. a more excited B. the most excited C. the most exciting D. a more exciting( ) 7. - I cant find Miss Li. Do you know where she is? - She _ the teachers office. She _ there just now

4、.A. has gone to ; went B. has been to ; has gone C. has come to ; went D. went to ; went to( ) 8. Great changes have _ in China during the reform and opening-up. A. happened B. taken place C. took place D. happened to( ) 9. _ his mother was badly ill, _ she still went on doing the farm work. A. Thou

5、gh, but B. Because, so C. Though, / D. Because, / ( ) 10. Have peoples _ conditions improved yet? A. living B. live C. life D. lives( ) 11. - Have you _ read this book? - No, Ive _ heard of it. A. ever ; already B. ever ; never C. already ; ever D. never ; ever( ) 12. - I have watched the game. - Wh

6、en _ you _ it?A. have ; watched B. do ; watch C. did ; watch D. was ; watch( ) 13. - _ you _ the United States? - No, never, but I _ when I grow up. A. Did ; go to ; go B. Have ; go to ; will go C. Have ; been to ; will go D. Have ; gone to ; go ( ) 14. He has never fed a horse before, _? A. did he

7、B. didnt he C. hasnt D. has he( ) 15. - How long have you been in Beijing? - _A. Five years ago. B. Since five years ago. C. For five years ago. D. Since five years.( ) 16. I think that you have made rapid _ in math.A. a progressB. progressC. progressesD. progressed( ) 17. - How do you like Beijing,

8、 Miss Read? - Ive no idea. I _ there.A. have been B. havent been toC. havent beenD. have been to( ) 18. - What _ to your city in recent years?- Lots of wide roads, tall buildings and beautiful parks have been built.A. takes placeB. have happenedC. has happened D. happened( ) 19. - Does your father s

9、till smoke?- No, he has succeeded in _ smoking for three years.A. giving up B. give up C. gives upD. gave up( ) 20. In the past, I often wrote letters to my friends. But now we keep in touch _ each other by telephone and the Internet.A. to B. of C. for D. with( ) 21. The family was _ poor _ they cou

10、ldnt buy a TV set.A. so; thatB. not; untilC. not; but D. so; but( ) 22. - Have you seen my brother?- Yes. I _ him in the library five minutes ago.A. have been metB. have metC. meetD. met( ) 23. I _ just _ back from Beijing. A. have, come B. was, coming C. was, come D. did, came( ) 24. _, many big fa

11、milies were crowded in small houses. A. In the 1960 B. In the 1960s C. In 1960s D. In the 1960s( ) 25. - Whats that film about? - Im sorry. I _ it yet. A. have seen B. didnt see C. havent seen D. hasnt seen二、完型填空。“Thanks for our government. Thanks for providing us with such a good training program.

12、The training program will help us live well. I will study hard and learn different skills. After that I can _1_ my family difficulties and do good to others.” a learner on the job training program said, feeling _2_.The learners father is disabled, and his mother is _3_ in bed. The family is very poo

13、r. So he has to find a job to make money. The learner graduated from high school and didnt have the _4_ to go to the college. The job training program can help him to learn the skills that hell need in the work place.The story makes me think of another _5_. It goes like this: Long long ago, there was a man who liked fishing a lot, and he was _6_ to catch a lot of fish every day. He was a kind-hearted man, he always _7_ his fish with his neighbors because they didnt know how to fish. One day, he thought


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