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1、Unit 6 班级: 姓名: 一、词汇根据括号里的解释,把句子补充完整。1、You are not fit, and you should change your (the way you live).2、Food can give us a lot of (power(力量) to do things).3、Eddie is very lazy and he never (do sports activities).4、 (a kind of yellow fruit)taste sour, but moon cakes taste sweet.5、Do you have a healthy

2、 (the food you usually eat)?6-How many _(sheep)are there on the hill ? - Twenty-one 7The _(leaf)on the trees turn yellow when autumn comes.8We should do morning exercises every day to keep _ (health) .9- Can I help you ? - Id like two _ (kilo)of pork .10 My friends and I go swimming _ (two)a week in

3、 summer .11_ (卷心菜)are my favourite .12Millie likes to have a bowl of _ (汤)before meals.13Its not a good habit to go to school _ (没有)breakfast.14Best _ (祝愿)to your parents .15Jane and Linda want to be _ (舞蹈)when they grow up . 用所给词的正确形式填空16.I have some (knife).I can lend one to you.17.My brother ofte

4、n goes to school without (eat)breakfast.18.My teacher says it is very important (sleep)well before an exam(考试).19.Those need a lot of time every day.(dance)20.The fish is too (salt).I dont want to eat it.21.Look ! Lilys cat _ (lie)on the sofa comfortably .22. I am planning _ (take) a holiday to the

5、USA.二、单项选择( )1._ breakfast , I usually have an egg , some bread and a glass of milk . A. For B. To C. With D. On ( ) 2. Daniel goes to the zoo _ a month.A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime( ) 3. Sam never _ to English news before.A. listens B. listen C. listening D. listened( ) 4. _

6、did you write to your e-friend yesterday? For more than half an hour.A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How soon( )5. Lucy _ goes roller skating on weekends. She likes it very much. A. seldom B. some time C. never D. often( ) 6.- Mum , Im hungry .-Oh ,There _ some orange and bread on the table

7、. A. is B. are C. be D. will be( ) 7. I dont like this kind of drink because theres _sugar in it . A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too ( )8. - Doesnt Li Ming do morning exercises every day ? - _ . He has a healthy body because of this . A. Yes , he doesnt B. Yes , he does C. No , he does

8、 D. No , he doesnt ( ) 9. It is a nice bag , but it only _ me ten yuan . A. spent B. took C. paid D. cost ( ) 10.My brother likes to eat sweet food and snacks _ meals . A. among B. between C. with D. for( )11. There are four _ on the floor . A. pair of red shoes B. pairs of red shoe C. pairs of red

9、shoes D. pair of red shoe( )12. - Would you like some bread ? - _. Id like some cakes . A. Yes , please . B. Yes , Id like to . C. Yes , thank you . D. No, thanks .( )13. Can you pass me _ carrots and _ salt ? A. many ; many B. many ; much C. much ; many D. much; much( )14. - What kind of _ do you like ? - I like oranges bast . A. milk B. drink C. fruit D. rice( )15. I like to eat some _ and _ in the morning . A. potatoes ; mangoes B. potatos ; mangos C. potatos ; mangoes D. potatoes ; mangos 2


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