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1、Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner学习目标To be able to identify how Lingling learns English学习重点To be able to get the main information about ones learning English学习难点Structures of adverbial clauses or infinitives学习过程备 注【自主学习】:单词,抄写并读会。成功;实现_2.说某种语言的人_ 3.包括,包含_4.老板,上司_ 5.秘书_6.四分之一_ 7.制造业,工业_

2、8.(数字)零_9.印度人,印度的,印度文化的_10.种,类,类型_ 二、词组翻译,并在文中划住1.多大进步_ 2.取得进步 _ 3.需要付出太多努力_4.一开始,起初_ 5.坚持努力 _6.足够好_7.英语角_ 8.练习说英语_9.同时_10.越来越流行_11.继续做某事_12.擅长_ 13.做某事高兴_知识回顾:根据汉语提示完成句子。_(继续)shouting and whistling,always three times together.How did you decide to be astronauts when Chinas space industry is still_(在

3、开端)?Wang jian_(擅长)telling jokes,so he is humorous.It seems she is very_(高兴)see me._(由于)the illness, I couldnt do well in the exams.【导入新课】Discussion How do you learn English? What are your problems in learning English?What do you think are the good ways to learn English?【合作探究】Is there an English corn

4、er in your classroom?Have you ever been to an English corner?After several years English learning,do you think which is more difficult.(A1)doing English exercises or reading English stories?speaking to your friends or someone from the UK or the US?3.understanding written English or spoken English?St

5、udents talk about the questions and share.(A2)Listen and choose the best answer.How has Tonys dad made progress in learning Chinese?He has been to classes. b)He has practised it every day.c)He did not do anything special.2)What does Tonys dad think about Chinese?a)It is easier than English. b)It is

6、more difficult than English. c)It is as easy as English.3.According to Tonys dad ,what do you need to do to be good at a foreign language?a)You need to be very bright. b)You need to work hard.c)You need to go to classes.【知识运用】(考点链接)用合适的单词填写对话。A:Hello!This is Follow Me.Can I help you?B: Yes.I have so

7、me p_ with my English.A:W_ B: are you problems?B: First of a_,I cant get the pronunciation right.A: Listen to English t_ and repeat what you hear. And keep practising.B: And Icant u_ the teacher when she talks to the class.A: Listening to more tapes will help i_your listening skills.B: What about ne

8、w w_?A: F_,you should try to guess the meaning of them.Then you can look them u_in a dictionary if necessary.B: OK.Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome.I h_ your English will improve soon.【检测反馈】(略)反思课题:Module 7 English for you and me Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner? 第二课时学习目标To be able

9、 to identify how Lingling learns English学习重点To be able to get the main information about ones learning English学习难点Structures of adverbial clauses or infinitives学习过程备 注【词汇复习】: 1.成功;实现_2.说某种语言的人_ 3.包括,包含_4.老板,上司_ 5.秘书_6.四分之一_ 7.制造业,工业_ 8.(数字)零_9.印度人,印度的,印度文化的_10.种,类,类型_11.多大进步_ 12.取得进步 _ 13.需要付出太多努力_1

10、4.一开始,起初_ 15.坚持努力 _1_6.足够好_17.英语角_ 18.练习说英语_19.同时_20.越来越流行_21.继续做某事_22.擅长_ 23.做某事高兴_【合作探究】Reading aloud and answer:(Activity3)1【点拨引导】(归纳小结)_1.Students read the conversation and find out some adverbial clauses .2.Read and find out some key phrases.取得进步_ 帮助某人做某事_ 同时_ 在开始_ 越来越流行_ 更多的努力_ 英语角_【知识运用】Complete the sentences in your own words.(A4)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.(A5)【检测反馈】(略)【拓展延伸】Talk about your progress in English.Use your answersin Activity5 to help you.反思安全提示:生命的平安源于你的关注。 4


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