八级英语上册 第十三周周末考点学案 外研.doc

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1、外研版英语八年级上第十三周周末考点学案一知识点整理 语法归纳:1. 动词不定式做宾语plan(过去式是planned),decide,hope,want,agree,offer,try,like,love,need,learn,cant wait,wish to do sthagree with sb, agree to do sth, agree sb to do sthoffer sb sth=offer sth to sb, offer to do sth, offer sb to do sthteach sb sth, teach sb to do sth teach oneself

2、sth=learn sth by oneself希望做某事:hope to do sth 希望某人做某事:wish sb to do sth2. 动词不定式做表语problem(问题),difficulty(困难),plan(计划)duty(职责)project(方案),dream(梦想),hope(希望),job(工作),mission( 任务) is +to do sth.advice(建议),idea(想法),thing(事情),wish(愿望) 3.双宾语(概念见课本第178页内容) sing,make,cook,buy,read+sb+st 变成sing,make,cook,buy,

3、read+sth+for sb give,bring,lend, send, hand,pass,show,teach, leave,offer+sth +to sb 如果表示物的词是代词,只能用“动词+表示物的代词+for/to+sb4. see,hear,find,notice,watch,listen to,look at,observe sb do/doing sth说明:这些感官动词后只能接动词的这两种形式做宾补,(不要受谓语动词时态的影响): 如果指动作的全过程就用动词原形;如果动作正在进行就用动词的ing形式;句中如果有just now,often,always,seldom,n

4、ever等表频率的副词或作宾补的动词是短暂性动词时,要用动词原形)5. enjoy,practice,mind,finish,suggest,keep,allow,be busy,go on,cant help,6. continue, miss等动词和look forward to,thank you for,be good at,be interested in,give up等介词后要用动词的ing形式.词组归纳:1.爱上某人_2.教某人英语_3.热情欢迎某人_4.发生_5.在20世纪_6.在抗日战争期间_7.主要兴趣_8.几乎不可能_9.师范学校_10.一个著名作家_11.向某人说再见

5、_12.全世界_13. be full of_14.have a good time=enjoy oneself_15.fromto_16.look after=take care of _17.the best part of the film_18.tell sb the story of_19.be famous for_20.be named/called_21.the audience life_22.something special_23.take/send sb to sw_24.How was it?_ 25.write down_26.see/watch a play_ 2

6、7.make them study hard_动词填空:1. He wants_(be) an artist.2. My family has a dog _(name) Kimmy.3. He enjoys _(listen) to some music.4. She decided _(not,stay) for dinner.5. Yesterday he went to the hospital _(see) his sick uncle.6. Lao Shes job is _(teach) Chinese to the English in London.7. When I got

7、 home yesterday afternoon, I saw my mother _(cook) in the kitchen.8. His mother told him _(not,swim) in the river.9. I _(go) to school without _(eat) anything this morning.10. Did you find English easy _(learn)?11. Its interesting _(help) my mother do the housework.12.He made a kite _(make) his daug

8、hter happy.13.My dream is _(be) a scientist one day.14.We went to the theatre _(watch) a play.15.There are many ways _(save) animals in danger.16.Would you like _(see)a film with me tonight?用适当的介词填空:1. My good friend,Tom often sends emails _me.2. _the end,they won the football match.3. The villagers

9、 offered a warm welcome _the tourists from America.4. I agree _ you. Lets go there _ two weeks.5. The story took place _ a rainy night _ October,2005.6. The book tells us the story _a boy named Tom Sawyer.7. Were going to stay _a cup of tea _the teahouse.9.What happened _ him last night?单项选择:1. Read

10、ing is my main_.Im _in different kinds of _books.A.interest,interested,interestint B.interest,interesting,interestedC.interested,interesting,interest D.interesting,interested,interest2.Maria is very_and she sings_.A.beautiful,beautifully B.beautiful,beautiful C.beautifully,beautifully D.beautifully,

11、beautiful3.We dont _her_a wellknown actress.A.watch,as B.think,as C.look,like D.see,as4.The play_it is good for parents to learn to understand their children.A.tells B.talks C.shows D.says5.He didnt get up _,so he missed the bus.A.enough early B.early enough C.late enough D.enough late6.Its fine tod

12、ay.You _wear the coat.A.dont need to B.need to dont C.neednt to D.need to7.They made the boy _water for them every day.A.carry B.carrying C.carried D.to carry 8.What _ you _?A.are,talking B.are,talking to C.are,talking about D.are,talking wuth9._ the end of the road,youll find the hospital.A.In B.By C.At D.On10.Did you see the boy _into the room?A.running B.run C.to run D.ran11.Jimmy wants to know how _dumplings.A.makes B.making C.made


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