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1、Unit6 Topic1 Section A学习目标:1. Master some new words and phrases:would rather.than., fall in love (with sb.), alive2. Go over v.-ing used as object: (1)In my spare time, I like watching TV shows, especially quiz shows.(2)I like watching soccer games best. 3. Learn to express perference and hobbies. 4

2、. Broaden the students horizons.学习重点:掌握1a中出现的重点短语及动名词的用法。学习难点:Express perference and hobbies语言点导学:本节课的学习要点及考点(1) Would rather宁愿,后接动词原形,否定形式在rather后面加not 疑问式将would 提前,would rather没有人称变化,常用于句型would rather do sth ,than do sth比起做更愿意做.I would rather stay at home than go out in such bad weather.这么糟糕的天气,我宁

3、愿待在家中,也不愿出去.(2) Would rather宁愿,后接动词原形,否定形式在rather后面加not 疑问式将would 提前,would rather没有人称变化,常用于句型would rather do sth ,than do sth比起做更愿意做.I would rather stay at home than go out in such bad weather.这么糟糕的天气,我宁愿待在家中,也不愿出去.3). Could you teach me how to play it?How to play it 为疑问词和不定式连用,作宾语me 的不足语, it 指代Chin

4、ese chess.疑问词+动词不定式构成一个特殊的动词不定式短语,在句中作主,宾和表语.How to solve the problem is very important. 4). Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows?Prefer = like betterPrefer d 用法(1), prefer to do/ doing sth. 宁愿/更喜欢做.I prefer to wait.Do you prefer living in Beijing?(2). Prefer A to B. 与B相比更喜欢

5、A.He preferred the country to the city.5). Im tired of watching those shows.Be tired of 厌倦,厌烦Im tired of all the arguments.学习过程:(一)课前预习1.课前预习课本P25-26 2.课前预习 同步练习与检测Unit6 Topic 1 Section A练习3.自学问题记录(二)呈现课文内容(三)课堂探究了解各类电视节目对人们的日常生活的影响.1. (把学生按10人一组分成几个小组,共同交流他们喜欢的电视节目,并向大家推荐自己认为值得看的一些栏目。然后集合起来投票选出最受欢迎

6、的三个节目,最后各组选派一个代表汇报评选结果,并阐述其理由。)T: Maybe everyone has his own favorite TV program, but which program is the most popular one? Why do you think it is worth watching? Please speak out your favorite program and give your reasons. At last we will vote for the three most popular programs and tell the resu

7、lt in class.(四)当堂训练1. 康康,我听说你中国象棋下得很好.2. 你能教我怎样下棋吗?3. 学下中国象棋对我来说有困难.4. 希望有一天我能参加智力游戏节目并且获奖!5. 它向我们展示了未来是什么样的.6. 它展示了旧社会人们的真实生活.7. 它是一个关于警察同坏人作斗争的故事. 提高 拓展的练习1. Could you teach me how to play_(中国象棋)?No problem.2. Who did the woman_(相爱)?her master.3. Do you like_(电视剧)?no Im tired of those shows.4. My

8、little brother would rather watch_(少儿节目)than the others.5. I want to _(参加)one of the quiz shows and win a great_(奖)!6. The student _(更喜欢)studying to playing. 1. The Communist party of China _ July 1st, 1921. A. was founded on B. was founded in C. founded on D. was found in 2. The machine was invente

9、d for _ years. A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. three hundreds D. a hundred of 3. The bowl is used _ wine. A. for serve B. as served C. in serves D. for serving 4. Columbus _ America and Edison _ lights. A. discovered; invention B. invented; discovered C. discovered; invented D. discovers; invents 5. C

10、hildren were made _ outside. A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. stood 6. His homework _ soon. A. finishes B. will finish C. will be finish D. will be finished反馈总结: Unit6 Topic1 Section B备课人:李 琦 初审: 徐君 复审:吴丽莉 张翔 审批:刘俊华Aims and demands学习目标1. Master some new words and phrases:depend on, upon, once upo

11、n a time, hide 2. Learn how to express ones own star sign and describe ones characteristics:(1)I was born on July 12th. So my star sign is Cancer. (2)They are kind and always ready to help others. 3. Learn about 12 star signs and some stories about it. 4. Learn to develop good characteristics and as

12、sess oneself correctly.学习重难点:Learn how to express ones own star sign and describe ones characteristics:(1)I was born on July 12th. So my star sign is Cancer. (2)They are kind and always ready to help others. 重点词组take part in be tired of would rather than fall in love ( with sb. ) fall in love be int

13、erested in be ready to do sth. once upon a time be angry at sth. order sb. to do sth. try ones best from then on学习过程Step1.知识回顾: Step2.自主学习: A.理解掌握下列组。用一种疲惫的声音 _,惊讶地_ _,星座_准备好做某事_, 取决于_ 从前_,为某事而生气_, 给某人的某个部位一个突然袭击_从那时起_, 保守秘密_, 原谅别人_B.根据汉语提示完成句子。1. there are 12 _ _ (星座) and I am interested in them very much.2. Mi



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