江苏句容行香中学九级英语上册Unit7FilmsReading2学案2新牛津 1.doc

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1、Films一、【预习导学】(一) .Free talkTalk about your favourite film star(二)读熟课文,并试着复述奥黛丽赫本一生的演艺事业及成就并完成表格。Hepburns profileDate of birthPlace of birthUsed to be Date of deathCause of death(三)预习并写出下列短语1. 不但而且 2. 哀悼这位伟大的美人 3. 开始上芭蕾舞课 4. 成为一名芭蕾舞蹈演员 5. 把她的大部分精力投入到 6. 步入电影事业 7. 通过向我们展现自然之美 8. 被改编成一个剧本 9. 标志着她事业成功的开

2、始 10. 主演一位年轻的公主 11. 出演她的最后一部电影 12. 把她的大量的时间投入到慈善事业中 二、【课堂检测】知识点讲解:1. not only but also 不仅而且 可连接句中的各种成分。 当连接谓语时,放be动词后面或行为动词前面。连接主语时谓语用就近原则。 例:Kitty not only sings well, but also dances beautifully. 翻译:他不仅读过这本书,还记住了这个故事。 He _. 就近原则:Not only his parents but also he _ interested in the film. Not only h

3、e but also his parents _ interested in the film.2. One of + 最高级 + 复数名词 最 之一 最可爱的孩子之一:one of the most lovely children 最美丽的国家之一:_3. put ones effort into 全身心投入 / 把精力倾注于 As a Grade 9 student, we must _(全身心投入学习).4. one more = another one, two more = another two, three more = another three 再/更多 She stayed

4、 in Shanghai for _ (又两天). Would you like _ (还要些咖啡)? 5.devote sth. to 为某事付出时间,精力,devote oneself to献身于 He _ his job (他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了). Many writers _ literature (献身于文学).一、选择题。( )1. In Always, Audrey played the role _ an angel.A. of B. in C. off D. on ( )2. Audrey won an Oscar _ Best Actress _ her role

5、 in this film.A. as, in B. as, for C. for, for D. for, in ( )3. He devoted all his efforts _ children.A. to educating B. educate C. education D. education( )4.We have _a lot of wild animals,because of the _ of their living areas. A. lose; loss B. lost; lose C. lost; loss D. lose; lost( )5. She _ a m

6、odel before she _ a superstar.A. have been; became B. had been; become C. had been; became D. has been二、根据所给中文、句意和首字母,填入正确的单词。1. T_ her acting years, Hepburn acted in only one TV series.2. Everyone must admire the _ (beautiful) of a mothers love.3. Its our duty to protect the (环境).4. At the (开始) , t

7、hey built another bridge over the river5. We should solve the problems between us _(peace).三、【课后拓展】完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)If something that makes you feel angry happens, how can you manage your anger?Try these things to help 1 angry feelings from building up(积累) inside.Exercise. Go for a walk, 2 go to pla

8、y a sport. Lots of research has shown that 3 is a great way to improve your mood.Listen to music. Music has also been shown to 4 a persons mood pretty quickly. And if you dance, then youre exercising at the same time.Write down your 5 and emotions. You can write down things in lots of ways, for exam

9、ple, in a 6 or as your own poem (诗) or song lyrics (歌词). After youve written them down, you can7 them or throw them away it doesnt matter. The 8 thing is that writing down your thoughts and feelings can improve how you feel. Practise deep breathing. This one works 9 among all the tips. It can help y

10、ou control yourself when youre 10 If you do this regularly, youll find that 11is less likely to build up.Talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Lots of times there are other emotions, such as fear or sadness. Talking about 12with someone you trust can help.Anger is a strong emotion. It can

11、 feel overwhelming(压倒一切的) 13 Learning how to deal with strong emotions 14losing control is part of becoming more mature (成熟的). It 15 little effort, a little practice, and a little patience, but you can get there if you want to.( )1. A. hear B. getC. preventD. suffer ( )2 A. so B. or C. and D. but( )3 A. exercise B. sleep C. envy D. growth ( )4 A. change B. control C. worryD. satisfy ( )5 A. dreams B. address C. name D. thoughts( )6 A. diary B. room C. rest D. meal( )7 A. buy B. read C. keep D. sell ( )8 A. difficult B. importantC. unhappy D. similar ( )9 A. best B. least C.



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