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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Section B (3aSelf Check) Learning aims: 一、语言知识(常用词汇、短语和表达) would like, pancake, at our restaurant, special, order二、语言功能1. (1) To learn how to write an ad for a noodle or dumpling restaurant. (2) To do some reading and writing practice;2.能归纳总结广告写作的要点。(1) 标题。(2) 起始句使用问句来抓住

2、读者的注意力:Would you like to eat?(3) 依次介绍餐馆所卖食品、甜点、饮料的种类和价格。(4) 结尾可增加欢迎词或地址电话,如:Welcome to或Please call us at三、学习策略1.学会分类归纳可数名词和不可数名词,并能将所学的食物名词进行分类。2.能根据餐馆广告具备的特点,总结广告写作的要点,提高自己的写作能力四、情感态度了解不同国家的生活习惯以及生日饮食习俗,为今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。(设计意图:目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。尤其突出对写作能力的要求和培养, 做到有的放矢,增强课堂学习的针对性和时效性。)Teaching st

3、eps and Learning steps:Step1 Review一、Put the words you learned in different groups. 让学生独立完成,然后请同学说出各组词例。FoodDrinkOtherMeatVegetableFruitcake (【设计意图】该活动主要引导学生对所学的食物、饮料和其他词汇进行分类总结和评测,以帮助学生掌握分类记忆单词的策略。)二、 Complete the sentences.1. 这条街上有家饺子店。There is a _ _ _ in this street. 2. 你想要什么粥?_ _ _ porridge _ yo

4、u _? 3. 在甜点馆,我们有两种很棒的新的特色甜食。At the Dessert House, we have two _ _ _ . 4. 他不喜欢牛羊肉。He _ like beef _ mutton. 5. 你想要多大碗的汤?_ _ bowl of _ would you like? (设计意图:通过复习前几节课所学知识,使学生进入情景模式,效果较好。为下一步写作创造条件。)Step2 Preview:(预习检测)Look at pages60 quickly, put the following into English orally, then write them down w

5、ithout looking at the text.一、翻译下列句子:1.我们有些特色菜。_2.我们有不同种类的水果冰淇淋。 _3.你要四元一大碗的还是仅仅两元一小碗的? _4.我们的鱼肉短缺。_5. 戴上眼镜你就能看见羊肉。_(设计意图:通过检查预习,让学生熟悉本节课涉及到的单词、短语和句型,了解学生的掌握情况,为后面写作活动做好的铺垫。)Step3 Warming up and Leading in:(热身导入)T: What kind of food would you like? And what kind of drinks would you like?There is some

6、 food and drinks here. dumplings noodles hamburger Pisa milk coffee coffee orange juice black teaPlease make some conversations in groups. 1.The teacher shows the Ss some pictures which are about food and drinks. Let the Ss talk about it using:What would you like? What kind of food / drink would you

7、 like?Id like some 2. Where do you want to have these food and drinks? Would you like to eat at home or eat out? Why? Steak house(牛排馆) Pizza hut Dumpling house3. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read their conversations. (设计意图:本环节引导学生使用表示食物和饮料的描述性词语,帮助学生复习和回顾已学知识,然后进一步带领学生进行口头训练,使学生更好地内化语言知识,达到

8、更好的理解效果。为下一步的写作教学做铺垫,并引入新课。)Step4 WritingTask1. 3a 1. Let the students predict the main content according to short title and illustration of 3a. (1)Can you get the ice-cream or pancakes in the house?Yes, we can.(2) What kind of ice-cream do they have?They have strawberry, banana and orange ice-cream

9、.(3) How much are the delicious pancakes?Theyre only five yuan.2. Fill in the blanks in the ad with the words in the box.(work alone)order bowl kinds strawberry specialsThe Ice-cream and Pancake HouseWould you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes? At our restaurant, we have some great _.We have differe

10、nt _ of fruit ice-cream, like _, banana or orange. Would you like a big _ for four yuan or a small one for just two yuan? You can also _ our delicious pancakes. Theyre only five yuan.(1)T: Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks in the passage according to the pictures. Then have the Ss check their answers

11、 with their partners first. Then, choose several Ss to show their answers blank by blank. At last, give the Ss time to read the completed passage.(2)教师指导学生仔细阅读短文,并说出餐馆广告具备哪些要点,行文上有什么特点。让学生在小组内交流,然后请小组代表发表看法,老师总结。餐馆广告具备要点及行文特点:a.标题。b.起始句使用问句来抓住读者的注意力:Would you like to eat?c.依次介绍餐馆所卖食品、甜点、饮料的种类和价格。d.结

12、尾可增加欢迎词或地址电话,如:Welcome to或Please call us atTask2. 3b Imagine you have a restaurant. Discuss and write the foods and their prices with your partner.Welcome to Tai erzhuang Restaurant! MenuFoodPriceMeatVegetableFruit(【设计意图】学生自主完成写作前的语言准备, 并同伙伴一定的交流。 在渐进的语言实践中提升了其语言的运用能力, 从而能顺利地进入下一阶段的写作进程。)Task 3. Writing ( in groups)请根据下面的汉语提示,为店主写一篇小广告,词数不少于60。 在南京路开了一家叫Happy Dessert的甜点屋,现新上三种很好的特色甜点:苹果香蕉冰淇淋桔子脆梨冰淇淋西瓜草莓冰淇淋。有大杯、中杯、小杯三种。店内还有果汁、可乐和绿茶。Happy Dessert_ _ _ _ _Come and see for yourself at



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