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1、Where did you go on vacation? Section B 2aself check学习目标掌握本课的生词、短语、句型理解本课的主旨大意对本课的内容进行归纳、对话改写、及仿写。学习重点难点复习一般过去时态的构成及用法;进一步学习一般过去时态针对地点的提问及回答;学法指导仔细阅读课文-理解课文大意-重点句子理解-完成相关任务学习过程一、 启发探究 3分钟A依照例句写句子 例句:He went to the Central Park. 1) He didnt go to the Central Park. 2) Did he go to the Central Park? Ye

2、s,he did. /No,he didnt. 1、I went somewhere interesting. 否定:_一般疑问句并回答_2、She bought something for her father. 否定:_一般疑问句并回答_3、We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. 否定:_一般疑问句并回答_4、He took a bag with food and water. 否定:_一般疑问句并回答_5、They forgot about the last five hours. 否定:_一般疑问句并回答_B discussingWhat do

3、 people usually do on vacation?What activities do you find enjoyable?二、自主探究 6分钟Task1:听2b磁带,体会语音、语调、句群停顿,理解段落的汉语意义。Task2:小组合作,较好的事物画圈,不好的事物画下划线。Task3:小组讨论核对答案。Task4:仔细阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题。1.How was the weather on July 15th / July16th ?2.Where did she go on July 15th / July16th /?3.What did she do on the

4、2 days?4.How were her 2 days on the vacation?三、交流合作探究 10分钟1、仔细阅读2b课文,注意模仿语音、语调、句群停顿2、仔细阅读2b课文,勾画记忆课文短语1. fFeel likefeel like doing 2. Chinese train from 1ooyears ago3. in the past4. wait for5. because of5. arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 / try

5、to do sth. 尽力做某事8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事9. want to do sth. 想去做某事10. start doing sth. 开始做某事四、总结探究 15分钟仔细阅读课文,完成2c1、仔细阅读2b课文,注意模仿语音、语调、句群停顿2、在原文中找出2c的句子3、根据要求完成2c4、检查答案5、拓展1)Decide 在此处为实意动词,意为“决定”,常构成短语decide to do sth. 相当于decide on doing sth.和make a decision to do sth.:决定做某事.它的否定为:decide not to do s

6、th.2)start doing sth = start to do sth. 开始,可与begin 互换 。He started doing his homework. 但以下几种情况不能用begin .创办,开办: He started a new bllkshop last month.机器开动: I cant start my car.出发,动身: I will start tomorrow morning.3)because of 介词短语,因为,由于,后接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。He cant take a walk because of the rain.because

7、连词,因为,引导状语从句,表示直接明确的原因或理由。I dont buy the shirt because it was too expensive.6、练习( )1. There _ a football match on TV yesterday evening.A. have B. had C. is D. was ( )2. -Where did you _ on your vacation? -We _ to New York City.A. go, went B. went, go C. goes, went D. go, go( )3. He _ someone playing

8、 Kongfu on the square yesterday afternoon.A. see B. saw C. sees D. to see( )4. How about _ some dumplings?A. make B. making C. made D. to make ( )5. He _ to New York two hours ago.A. flied B. flies C. flew D. flying( )6. -Where did you go _ vacation last year? -I went to the zoo to see animals. They

9、 are cute.A. at B. for C. on D. with ( )7. She had much fun _ on the playground.A. plays B. played C. play D. playing ( )8. Jim decided _ to the Mount Wutai last month.A. go B. to go C. going D. went ( )9. -_ was your vacation?- It _ fantastic.A. How, was B. What, were C. What, was D. How, were五、 应用探究 6分钟仔细阅读课文2b,完成2d2e1、仔细阅读2b课文,注意模仿语音、语调、句群停顿2、对原文仔细认真理解3、根据要求完成2 d4、检查2 d答案5、大声朗读2d,尽量做到快速、流利,语音、语调、句群停顿正确。6、对原文仔细认真理解后进行简写2e。7、检查2e答案教学反思今天我学到了:4



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