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1、U7-U8教学内容跟着美剧学英语:(一).I have a hunch S+V 有.的预感。/好像.原音重现:A:I have a hunch you will win the contest.我有预感,你会在比赛中获胜。B:It is very nice to hear you say that.非常感谢你这么说。英英释义:This is like saying I think that S+V is true. Thespeaker is saying that he believes something.美剧表达:1.I have a hunch hes lying to me.我觉得他

2、在说谎。(二).I have/got a feeling S+V 像是要.原音重现:A:Ive got a feeling Jim is going to be late.吉米好像会迟到。B:Jim is always late for everything.他干什么事儿都会迟到。英英释义:Like the previous two phrases, this is a way to say that the speaker thinks a thing is true. It isa way of indicating This is what I believe.美剧表达:I have a

3、 feeling you did it for me.我想你是为了我才这么做的。 Unit7知识点1:giving a seat to someone on the bus(P81) 在公交车上给人让座 seat名词,意为“座位”,give a seat to sb. 给某人让座,也可表达为give seats to sb. There is no seat on the bus. 公交车上没有座位了。 Its polite to give a seat to the old. 给老人让座是有礼貌的。 seat的动词为sit(坐),固定短语sit down坐,坐下,相当于take/have a

4、 seat. Take this seat, please. 请就座。知识点2:What a brave young man!(P82) 多么勇敢的一个年轻人啊! brave形容词,意为“勇敢的”,作表语或定语。副词为bravely(勇敢地)。 The soldier is as brave as a lion. 这位战士像狮子一样勇猛。批注:这是一个感叹句,此处教师可以适当给学生初步讲解一下什么是感叹句。知识点3:He was brave enough to save his neighbor from a fire. (P82) 他足够勇敢,能从火中救出他的邻居。(1) enough在句子

5、中做副词。常用adj/adv+ enough to do sth. 句式表示有能力做某事。例:Li Ming is seven. She is old enough to go to school. 李明七岁了,她到了上学的年龄了。 enough 用作形容词,通常修饰复数名词或不可数名词,可放在被修饰名词之前或之后。例:He has enough money to buy a car. 他有足够的钱买辆汽车.(2) save 动词,意为“救,救助”,固定短语为:save sb. 救某人;save sb. from 从中救出某人;save ones life救某人的命。 The doctors

6、are trying to save the sick boy. 医生们正在尽力挽救这个生病的男孩。批注:save还可以作为动词,“储蓄;存钱;保存”。 I plan to save money every month. 我打算每月存钱。save还可以作为动词,“节省,节约”。We should save water. 我们应该节约用水。知识点4:Suddenly, he heard someone shouting “Fire! Fire! Help!” (P82) 突然他听见有人大喊:“着火了!着火了! 救命啊!”(1) hear sb doing sth .句型结构的意思是“听见某人在做

7、某事”。I heard the girl singing on her room. 我听见那个女孩正在房间里唱歌。(2) hear sb do sth 听见某人做了某事,该句型结构强调经常或所做的某事已经过去,主语听到的是动作发生的全过程。I heard you play the piano last night. 我昨晚听见你弹钢琴了。批注:此类用法还有:感(feel)听(hear)看(see)知识点5:He went in and found his neighbor, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. (P82) 他跑进去,发现他的邻居,7

8、9岁的孙太太,在厨房里。79-year-old是复合形容词,意为“79岁的”,其中year只能用单数形式,中间用连字符链接。此结构只能放在名词前作定语,不能作句子的表语。This is an eight-hundred-word article. 这是一篇800字的文章。Helen is a 14-year-old girl.=Helen is 14 years old. 海伦14岁。批注:教师要向学生强调有连词符时名词不能用复数。知识点6:He was in hospital for two weeks. (P82) 他住院了两个星期。In hospital住院,指生病住在医院。Daniel

9、 is ill in hospital. 丹尼尔生病住院了。In hospital指病人生病住院;in the hospital是指在医院里,可以指在医院工作或去医院看望某人等。My grandfather is ill in hospital, so I have to look after him. 我爷爷生病住院了,因此我必须去照顾他。Her mother works in a hospital. 她的妈妈在医院工作。批注:此处强调in hospital与in the hospital的区别。知识点7: Suzy loves it and works hard on the subjec

10、t. Suzy喜爱它并且在这个科目上努力工作。(1) work hard动词短语,意为“努力学习”,相当于study hard。Work动词,意为“工作;劳动;学习”;hard副词,意为“努力地”。 We should work hard for our country. 我们应当为祖国努力学习。 They are working hard in the fields. 他们正在田里辛勤劳动。(2) hard work名词短语,意为“艰辛的工作”。Hard形容词,意为“艰辛的,困难的”;work名词,意为“工作”。 Can you finish the hard work? 你能完成这项艰辛的

11、工作吗?批注:此处教师要向学生强调work hard与hard work的区别,同时注意work hard与on的搭配。知识点8:I would like to recommend Daniel for this years Young Star Award. 我想要推荐丹尼尔获得今年的青少年明星奖。(1)Recommend动词,意为“推荐”,固定短语recommend sb./sth. for推荐某人/某物(获奖)。 We recommend her for Youth Award. 我们推荐她获得“青年奖”。 Can you recommend a good place for dinne

12、r? 你能推荐一个吃饭的好地方吗?(2) recommend sb. as推荐某人担任(某职务);recommend sb./sth. to sb. 把某人/某物推荐给某人。 Before class, he recommended a book by Lao She to us. 课前,他向我们推荐了一本老舍的著作。 Id like to recommend Daniel as/to be our monitor. 我想推荐丹尼尔做我们的班长。批注:recommend常考的是它的短语搭配,注意后面跟介词for, as, to时的不同用法。知识点9:He is a member of our

13、Project Hope group and often takes part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need. 他是希望工程小组的一名成员,经常参加为需要的孩子收集衣服和书之类的活动。Take part in 动词短语,意为“参加”,多指“参加群体性活动、劳动、游行等”。Part名词,意为“部分”。Did you take part in the big cleaning yesterday? 你参加昨天的大扫除了吗?Take part in, join与join in的区别词条含义用法

14、take part in参加指参加群体性活动、劳动、会议、聚会、游行等join加入指参军,加入某组织、党派或社会团体,成为其中的成员或跟在表示人的词后,指“参加某种组织或某人的活动”join in 参加指“参加某种活动”,有时可与take part in互换He takes an active part in the sports. 他积极参加体育活动。May joined the Computer Club last year. 梅去年加入了电脑俱乐部。Shall we join in the game? 我们加入这个游戏,好吗?批注:此处需向学生强调take part in与join的区别,新教材改版之后join后面可以直接加团体,如join Huanghe Football Club.知识点9:We look forward to hearing from you soon. 我们盼望尽快收到你的来信。Hear from 动词短语,意为“收到的来信”,相


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