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1、兴化市昭阳湖初级中学七年级英语作业班级 姓名 学号 成绩 一,翻译下列短语(1*10分)1.看金鱼游来游去 2.在我的膝上睡觉 3.把它抓在我的手里 4.所有的动物当中最聪明的 5.眼睛睁得大大 6.玩精彩的小把戏 7.用树枝搭建帐篷 8.喜欢打架 9.永远照顾它 10.需要轻轻抚摸 二,填空(1*15分)A)根据首字母,句意和中英文提示完成句子1.We would like to go _ _(露营)at the beach next week.2.He often sleeps with his eyes open _ _(张大地).3.Dont _ _(藏)behind the door

2、 .they will be you easily.4.Dont stand so near to the dog .It might _ _(咬)you .5.They plan to _ _ _(建造)some more tall buildings for the poor6.If you are so _(粗鲁), nobody likes you.7.Near the _(末尾) of he class, he told us a story.8.Sticks_(押韵) with tricks. B)动词的适当形式填空9. My dog is the _ (clever) anima

3、l of all.10. We _ ( not need ) to feed them too much . 11. Did you watch an old man _ (walk) into that shop?12.They _ (build) a new school in the village next year.13. Dont forget _(give) it clean water every day.14. People hate all _ (mouse) except one called Mickey Mouse. 15. I have some _ (troubl

4、e) in learning English. 三,单项选择(1*15分)( ) 1. I like _ my goldfish _ around in water. A. watch; to swim B. watching; swim C. watching; to swimD. watching; swimming ( ) 2. She is _ a small white mouse in her hand. A. carryingB. taking C. holding D. having( ) 3. Our teacher often teaches us _. A. sing B

5、. to sing C. singing D. sings( ) 4. People hate all_ except one _ Mickey Mouse.A. mouse, called B. mouses, calledD. mice, calling D. mice, called ( ) 5. I didnt go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to my little sister at home. A. look after B. look atC. look forD. look like(

6、 )6. My grandpa has poor eyesight. He has some trouble _books without glasses.A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading( )7. Tom fights _his brother_ food sometimes .A. for, for B. with, with C. with, for D. for, with( )8. He _ finish his homework _ his Dad came back. A. not; until B. didnt; until

7、 C. wont; before D. isnt; after( )9. Who is _ student _ your class.A. cleverest; of B. the cleverest; in C. clever; in D. more cleverer; of( )10. We didnt know anything about it _ you told us. A. whenB. after C. while D. until( )11. My cat often plays _ my dog.A. with B. to C. at D. and( )12. _ is i

8、mportant _ fish fresh water. A. That; to give B. It; to giveC. That; giving D. It; to giving ( )13. My dog likes to _ , but it never _ me. A. bark; bark at B. barking; bark C. bark; barks at D. bark at; barks ( )14. Are they watching the girls ? Yes. And they often watch the girls . A. dance;to danc

9、eB. dancing;danceC. to dance;dancing D. dancing;to dance( )15.What your cat like?Its lovely and cheerful.A. doesB. is C. looks D. are四,完形填空(1*10分)Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So he didnt like it, he wanted to 21 it. He 22 Tod and put it in a small boat.

10、He rowed the boat to the 23 of a big river. Just as he 24 the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. 25 the man and Tod 26 into the river.Tod was able to swim, 27 Sam couldnt. The dog bit the rope (绳子) and broke(破坏) it. It tried its best to swim to 28 Sam. The man was saved, so he wa

11、s very thankful for the dog and he didnt want to kill the dog 29 . From then on, he gave the dog as 30 as it wanted.( )21. A. sell B. buy C. beat D. kill( )22. A. tied B. pulled C. pushed D. closed( )23. A. front B. foot C. side D. middle( )24. A. threw B. carried C. sent D. brought( )25. A. Neither B. Nor C. Each D. Both( )26. A. fell B. swam C. lost D. jumped( )27. A. because B. though C. but D. when( )28. A. kill B. save C. meet D. hit( )29. A. no more B. any more C. no longer D. not more( )30. A. little B. few C. many D. much3


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