吉林通化第十三中学八级英语期中人教新目标 1.doc

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1、2014-2015学年度下学期八年级英语期中考试试题一 填空(每空1分,共15分)I. 根据所给词适当形式填空 (10分)1. If I leave my hometown, I _(miss) my family.2. These clothes are very cheap. They are _ (expensive). 3. There will be _ (few) cars than now in the future4. In English, Im _ (good) at reading than listening. 5. For many young people, bec

2、oming a _ (profession) athlete might seem like a dream job.6. Betty _(fly) to Shanghai tomorrow. 7. She said she _(can) speak three languages. 8. Maybe he wants to go _ (skate). 9. There are many tall _ (build) in my hometown.10. Jim _ (talk) on the phone when the man came in.II. 根据句意填空(5分)11. Whats

3、 _ with you, Lucy?12. You could write him a letter. Sorry, I dont like _ letters. 13. The boy was walking down the street _ a UFO landed on Center Street. 14. The girl said she wasnt mad _ me any more. 15. What will _ if they wear jeans to the party? 二 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)( ) 1. Kids wont go to school.

4、They will study _ home _computers. A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ( ) 2. People will live _ 200 years old in the future. A. / B. be C. to be D. in ( ) 3. Will there be fewer trees? _.A. Yes, there will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there arent. D. No, they wont.( ) 4. He predicted that no o

5、ne would want to see actors _. A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk ( ) 5. Some scientists think that it may take _ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of( ) 6. He _ know where her house is. A. maybe B

6、. may be C. may D. must be ( ) 7. I think you should _ some money _ your friends. A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to ( ) 8. If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will _. A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them ( ) 9. Dont _ others when the

7、y are in trouble. A. laugh at B. smile at C. laugh to D. smile to ( ) 10. I finished _ homework just now. A. doing B. did C. do D. to do ( ) 11. Not all events in history are as _ as this. A. most terrible B. more terrible C. the most terrible D. terrible( ) 12. If it _ tomorrow, we _ to the park. A

8、. rains; wont go B. will rain; wont go C. rains; dont go D. will rain; dont go( ) 13. We should try our best to help the animals _. A. in dangerous B. danger C. in danger D. dangerous ( ) 14. _talk in class. You should listen to your teachers. Sorry , I _. A. Dont ; dont B. Dont ;wont C. Not ; wont

9、D. Not,; do( ) 15. He told us the earth _ round the sun. A. go B. goes C. went D. was going( ) 16. Tom often makes his friends _. A laugh B laughed C laughing D. to laugh( ) 17. It is important for her _English well. A. learns B. learning C. to learn D. learned( ) 18. Everyone has seen the movie_ he

10、r. A. except B. without C. no D. beside ( ) 19. How _ you write! A. careful B. care C. carefully D. careless( ) 20. Nancy, thanks for _ care of my dog. A. take B. taking C. takes D. to take三 补全对话(共计15分). 选择正确的句子完成对话(5分)A. How long are you staying there? B. Im going to Hawaii. C. Then enjoy yourself.

11、 D. What about you? E. What are you doing there?A: Lily, where are you going for vacation? B: _1_ A: That sounds great. _2_ B: Im going surfing in the sea. _3_ A: Im visiting the place of interest in Hangzhou.B: Sounds cool. _4_ A: Just for three days. B: _5_ A: The same to you. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._I

12、I. 补全对话。(Two students are talking about their report cards.)A: Hi, 1._ your report card?B: Yes, I did. I got it this afternoon.A: 2._? B: My teacher said I wasnt hard-working enough.A: What a pity! You should try your best.B: I will. But I dont know 3. _ to do it.A: Maybe you could ask your classmat

13、es to help you.B:4. _. Thank you.A:5. _.Bye.五 阅读理解 (共计35分)(A) 选择正确的词,将序号填在横线上。(每题1分,共10分)A. angry B. who C. stronger D. way E. began F. coat G. turn H. took off I. out J .us K. wind L. overOne day, the wind started an argument with the sun. “Im much 1_ than you are!” said the wind. “No,” answered the sun, “Im much stronger than you are!” While they were arguing, they saw a m


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