中考命题研究冀教专中考英语基础知识梳理九全Units12 1.doc

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1、九年级(全) Units 12河北中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.harmful(名词)_ (反义词)_2encourage(名词)_(反义词)_3helpful(动词)_4.able(反义词)_5mean(名词)_6successful(副词)_7ill(名词)_8decision(动词)_9.bad/badly(最高级)_10medicine(形容词)_11graduate(名词)_12introduce(名词)_短语互译1.regret doing_2get dressed_3go to the dentist_4have no choice but to_5right a

2、way_6_富于7_数以百万计的8_由于;作为的结果9_冒险(做某事)10stay away from _11be unable to_12dare to_13_集中于;致力于14_既然15be deep in thought_16._尽某人最大努力17_在方面成功;顺利完成18_因而闻名19go on to_20in the field of_21_(婉辞)去世22work on_23lose the ability to_24remain in use_25be well known for_26make a decision_27first aid_28_一天又一天29based on_

3、句型温故1.现在我后悔吃了那么多面包圈。I regret eating _ donuts now.2“丹尼,你现在觉得怎么样?”“我这儿疼。”_ are you _,Danny?Ive got a pain here.3这位男士给了那位女士什么建议?_ did the man give to the woman?4你是怎样保护牙齿的?_do you take care of your _?5如果你养成吸烟的习惯,放弃它并不容易。If you get into the habit of smoking,its not easy to _6当简十岁的时候,发生了什么?What _ Jane whe

4、n she was ten years old?7我觉得我们应该努力养成好习惯来使我们保持健康,远离医院!I think we should try hard to form good habits _ we can stay healthy and _ the hospital!8.我不确定如何回答这些问题,但是我觉得我们应该尽我们最大努力去过一种美好和幸福的生活。Im not sure _ them,but I think we should _ a good and happy life.9他的梦想就是要种植一种像花生那么大的新型水稻。In the dream,he grew a new

5、 type of rice that was _ a peanut.101938年,由于知道许多人在战争中濒临死亡,他决定去中国北部。In 1938,he _ to go to northern China because he knew many people were dying in the war.语法总览1.情态动词should和need的用法。2before,after,as引导的时间状语从句。3.who和that引导的定语从句。话题再现1.常用看病用语2谈论健康3.谈论伟人及他们的生活河北五年中考真题演练情态动词( )1.(2011年36题)You _ eat the soup

6、if you dont like it.Ashouldnt BmustntCneednt Dcant定语从句( )2.(2011年43题)The teachers _ came for a visit are foreigners.Awho BwhomCwhose Dwhich河北中考重难点突破 risk的用法【考点抢测】( )(2015唐山54中模拟)Taking _ needs great courage for many people.Arisk BrisksCrisk of Drisks of【考点剖析】risk意为“危险;风险;冒险”。(1)作动词时,常见的搭配为:risk ones

7、 life to do sth.冒着生命危险干某事;risk doing sth.冒险做某事。如:The lady risked her life to save the little girl.这位妇女冒着生命危险救那个小女孩。They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们愿意冒失业的危险。(2)作名词时,常见的搭配为:at risk处境危险;at the risk of冒着的危险;take the risk(of) doing sth.冒险做某事。如:They all were at risk.他们都处境危险。They are at the r

8、isk of being hurt by the cars when playing in the street.他们冒着被车撞的危险在街道玩耍。I dont want to take the risk(of) trying this.我不想冒险尝试这个。 regret的用法【考点抢测】1My father _(regret) what he did the day before yesterday.2Five years later she regretted _(leave) her home.3I regretted not _(help) the old man stand up.4I

9、 regret _(say) that he is badly ill.( )5.I _ that I cannot come.What a pity!Aforget BregretCremember Dapologize【考点剖析】(1)regret作为及物动词,意为“感到遗憾,表示歉意,懊悔”。为规则动词,重读闭音节词,现在分词为regretting,过去式、过去分词为regretted。regretn./pron.意为“后悔,对表示歉意”。如:If you dont do it now,youll only regret it.如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。regretthat/wh从

10、句,意为“后悔,遗憾”。如:I have deeply regretted what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。regretto do意为“对感到遗憾”。如:We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾的通知你,你的申请未通过。regretv.ing意为“后悔做了某事”。如:He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。(2)regret作名词,意为“痛惜,懊悔,遗憾,失望”。如:She expressed h

11、er regret at/over the decision.她对这个决定表示失望。 remain的用法【考点抢测】( )Peter became a manager,but Jack _ a worker.Aremained BstayedCkept Dremaining【考点剖析】(1)remain作动词,为不及物动词,但有两种意思,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被动语态:remain“剩下”、“余下”、“遗留”。如:Some of them have disappeared while others remain today.它们中的一些已经消亡,然而另外一些今天仍然存在。remain“留下

12、”、“停留”、“呆在”,相当于“stay”。如:The children remained out because of the weather was fine.由于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。When the others had gone,Joan remained(stayed) to clean the room.别人走了,琼留下来打扫房间。(2)系动词:“保持”、“仍然是”,“依旧是”,后接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语或形容词短语作表语,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态。如:Whatever achievements youve made,you sho

13、uld remain modest.无论你取得多么大的成就,你都该保持谦虚。(3)remaining形容词,“剩下的”、“余下的”,修饰单个名词作定语,置于该名词之前作前置定语,与left同义,但后者必须置于被修饰的名词之后作后置定语,如:She returned home with the remaining 10 dollars.She returned home with the 10 dollars left.她带着剩下的十美元回到了家。 辨析sleepy,asleep,sleeping和sleep【考点抢测】sleep,sleeping,asleep,sleepy1Dont make a noise,gran



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