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1、英语中考复习精选试题二十五一补全对话。选择方框内的选项填空,使对话完整,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。A: Hello, Bob.1.B: Hello, Jack. Im going to watch the football match between our Chinese team and the Korean team.A: Oh, thats such an important match. I dont want to miss it.2.B: Of course. Lets go.A: It seems that you like football very much. Do you

2、like PE?B:3.A: Why not?B: Because the teacher just lets us play games ourselves. What about you?A: I like it very much.4.B: You are lucky.A:5.B: Yes, having sports can make us healthy.A: Thats right. I agree with you.A. You are good at sports, arent you?B. No, I dont like it at all.C. What are you g

3、oing to do?D. Our teacher teachers us a lot in PE lessons.E. Can I go with you?二:口语应用A) 根据对话内容排序To Jacks party.Yeah, well, Im a little nervous. I dont know what to wear.If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie.Where are you going, Kelsey?E. Lucky you! Id love to go to that party.1._2._3._4._5._1.Did C

4、arol_(camp) with us?2.Lets go_(boat) next week.3.We like playing_(beach) volleyball.4.They_(play) badminton yesterday morning.5.I_(not hear)from her last week.6.They_(study) for the test yesterday.三翻译1.做家庭作业_2.去看电影_3.去划船_4.在湖边露营_5.去沙滩_6.打羽毛球_7.深夜不睡;熬夜_8.许多种_四书面表达每个人都经历过童年,小时候的一些瞬间总是令人难以忘怀,那段无忧无虑、快乐无

5、比的日子在我们的记忆中也将永不褪色请根据提示以My childhood memory为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文,向大家讲述你童年发生的故事。1When did it happen?2What was yo ur memory?五七选五AIts a shameBHas Lily been back to France?CWhen will she return to Japan?DIt means she hasnt been back since she came to JapanEHow long has she been in Japan?A:Hello,Bob11.Do you k

6、now?B:No,she hasntShe is still in JapanShes going back to France next weekA:22.B:Im not surePerhaps for five yearsA:33.B:NoShe has been back four timesA:44.B:She will be back to Japan in three monthsA:55.We cant see her for three monthsB:Thats trueI hope she wont leave六选词填空child truth check out make

7、 part with1.Little Peter is a trouble_Few people like him2.I have already_the computerThere is nothing wrong with it3.These photos about me remind me of my_It is such a sweet memory4.According to the report,the news is_5.Grace has to_her parents for three years because she will study in another city

8、七单词拼写1.Could you please help me_(清理)out the kitchen?2.For a_(某种)reason,these wild animals are fewer and fewer3.Peter enjoys sports,_(尤其)water sports4.I_(把视为)Julia as my best and most faithful friend5.The food is too_(甜的)I cant have it any more八短文填空How long does it take to build a new house?It usuall

9、y takes about six months or moreB1.each year,thousands of people work together to build new homes in just four months!Who does thisw2.work?Habitat for HumanityHabitat for Humanity is a group that builds homes for families inn3.It has branches(分部)in different states around the countryThis group works

10、 all over the world,tooVolunteers help build the homesThey are unpaid workers who do all the work forf4.Volunteers can be builders and paintersThey can be teachers or Some are studentsHabitat for Humanity has built more than 300,000 housesMore than l5million peoplel5.in these housesBuilding a home i

11、s hard workVolunteers learnh6.to put up wallsThey use manym7.and tools.These selfless(无私的)volunteers work with the family that will live in the houseEveryone works together to make the e trueSuruchi Srikanth has worked with Habitat for Humanity for four yearsSheb9.volunteering in high school.She has built many homes with other volunteersShe takes her responsibilities(责任)seriouslyVolunteers knowi10.they dont help,homes may not get builtThey are good citizens who care about other people3


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