江苏仪征月塘中学九级英语下册Unit2 Robots Period1导学案 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省仪征市月塘中学九年级英语下册Unit2 Robots Period1导学案(无答案) 牛津版Period 1 Comic strip + Welcome to the unitLearning aims: 1. To introduce the context about having a robot to help with the work for humans. 2. To talk about what a robot can do. 3. To learn some of the advantages of robots.Learning focus: To talk abou

2、t what a robot can do.Learning difficulty: To understand some useful expressions.Learning procedures:1.自学展示一、翻译句子1.机器人能帮助科学家探测危险的地方。 2.我们学生每天需要多睡会儿。3.你在为谁寄信呢? 4.我不知道机器人能为我们做什么。5.请你解释一下昨天为什么迟到。 6.我不想听你的辩解。2.探究学习Step 1 RevisionHave 1-2 students talk about what life will be like (on Mars) in the future

3、.Step 2 Warm-up activity To raise students interest, get students to think and talk about robots: Have you seen robots in the films? What kind of robots do you know? Do you like robots? Why? What do you think robots can do for you? Would you buy a robot in the future? Why?Step 3 Welcome to the unit1

4、. Explain the context. Daniel is explaining to Amy what robots can do. Ask one student to read the phrases in the word box at the top of page 23. Make sure that all students understand the meanings of the phrases such as do the laundry, explorer dangerous places, iron shirts, sweep the floor in thei

5、r own words. 2. Ask students to complete the conversation on Page 23 on their own.3. Ask two students to read the conversation and check mistakes.4. Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out the conversation.5. Ask Ss to read the expressions together loud and use them to make some sentences, e.g. Daniel i

6、s very clever and remembers everything well. My mum often cooks dinner for us and sweeps the floor. 6. Ask Ss, Besides the things we list on Page 23, what other things do you think a robot can do? Ask Ss to discuss it and report the results to the class, e.g. chat with me after meals, help me get dr

7、essed in the morning, answer the door or telephone at home. 7. Encourage some more able students to make up the conversations with some ideas above and act them out. e.g.S1: Do you have a robot? S2: Yes, I have one.S1: What can a robot do?S2: It can do lots of different things. For example, my robot

8、 can wake me up in the morning. Then it can help me get dressed, brush my teech and wash my face as quickly as possible.S1: Really? That sounds wonderful. S2: Would you like to buy one?S1: Yes!Step 4 Comic strip1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape for the first time to learn the main idea of the comic st

9、rip. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape for the second time and read after the tape. 3. Ask some students to act out the comic strip.3.课堂整理 Useful expressions 1) complaint: 不可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词“抱怨的行动或话,投诉” complain: 动词:complain to / about 2) hear what you have to say 3) post:动词邮寄:. post something for sb.4.当堂

10、练习词形变化。1. Robot is (lazy) than any other boy in his class.2. He has explored a lot of places. He is a famous (explore).3. Mr Ma has so much knowledge, and he knows everything (good).4. A robot can also look after (child).5. Sandy often helps her mother wash (dish) after dinner.6. Yesterday Mr Jiang wrote a (complain) letters to the shop.教后记:2


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