人教四制九级英语典型时态II 及词语辨析.doc

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1、九年级英语典型时态II 及词语辨析(答题时间:60分钟)一. 词汇(A)根据释义写出单词(单词的第一个字母已给出)。1. s some, but not many 2. f someone from another country3. c to write or draw something to look like another thing4. p to give money for what you buy5. h interest; what you like to do when you are free(B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6. There are few _ in

2、 this town!(library)7. How many _ have you got this term?(subject)8. We must study hard at school so that we can get enough _.(know)9. Jenny is _ student in our class.(careful)10. I picked _ corns than you did.(many)(C)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。11. Dont forget _ the library book on time.(return) 12. I _ just

3、_ the interesting story.(read)13. _ you ever _ a letter in English?No, never.(write) 14. Hi, Linda!_ you _ my pet dog anywhere? I cant find it.(see)15. Where is Li Ning?He _ to some foreign music in bed.(listen)二. 句型转换根据上句改写下句,使两句意思相同或接近。1. Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?_ you _ an Englis

4、h-Chinese dictionary?2. In the past, my father was a policeman. My father _ a policeman.3. At last, one of them had a good idea.At last, one of them _ a good idea.4. Have you ever been to a foreign country?Have you ever _?5. Have you ever travelled on a plane?Have you ever travelled _.三 情景交际根据对话内容,在

5、横线上填入适当的语句,使对话通顺,完整。A: Good morning!B: Morning!(1)_?A: Id like to borrow the book David Copperfield. Have you got one?B: Yes. Is it on the first shelf?A: No, it isnt.B: Let me look for it on the computer. Oh, its on the third shelf.A: Thanks a lot.(2)_?B: A month.(3)_?A: OK. Heres another book. I bo

6、rrowed it a month ago. I have finished reading it.B: All right.(4)_?A: Nothing else. Thank you very much.B: (5)_. Bye-bye.四. 完形填空通读短文掌握其大意,然后从各题后四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Do you know something about newspapers? There are many different 1 of newspapers in America, and people like 2 them in the morning. On Sunday

7、s, many people sleep 3 , but others dont.Almost everyone reads the Sunday paper. Usually the paper is very thick. There are advertisements(广告)and many 4 parts. The parents in the family like the front page and world news pages. Many men like reading the sports pages and the financial(金融的)pages.Most

8、5 like the womens pages. There is the news about parties, food, health and clothes 6 it. 7 like interesting stories, and most Sunday papers have them. 8 the children like reading them. Old 9 read the notices(讣告). They can 10 from them who is dead during the week. Are newspapers lovely?( )1.A. kinds

9、B. way C. thingsD. meanings( )2.A. looking B. watching C. reading D. looking at( )3.A. early B. late C. upD. down( )4.A. same B. a lot C. few D. different( )5.A. manB. women C. boys D. girls( )6.A. inB. on C. ofD. at( )7.A. He B. Children C. The girl D. The old woman( )8.A. Because B. Of C. So D. Th

10、ough( )9.A. person B. man C. woman D. people( )10.A. study B. learn C. work D. talk五. 阅读理解阅读短文,根据其内容选出文后各题的最佳答案。AJune 28, 2004Miss Lily King,Im Wang Fang. I am a librarian in Nanjing Library. Im sorry to remind(提醒)you that you have four overdue(过期的)books. Please return the four books tomorrow. Other

11、 people may be waiting to borrow them. You may not borrow any new books until these books have been returned. Yours truly,Wang FangTitleWriterDueJane EyreCharlotte Bronte22/6Gone With The WindMargaret Mitchell23/6David CopperfieldCharles Dickens24/6A Farewell To ArmsErnest Hemingway25/61.The letter

12、was sent to _.A. Wang Fang B. Lily KingC. Charlotte Bronte D. Ernest Hemingway2._ wrote the book Gone With The Wind.A. Charlotte Bronte B. Margaret Mitchell C. Charles Dickens D. Ernest Hemingway3.The book David Copperfield should be returned to the library before _.A. June 22 B. June 23 C. June 24

13、D. June 25 4.From the borrowed books we can know Lily King likes reading _.A. love stories B. detective(侦探)storiesC. history stories D. true stories5. From this letter we know that _.A. Wang Fang does not like readingB. the library has many books to lendC. someone else has borrowed these booksD. Lily King may not borrow a


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