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1、初三英语Units9-11 Review 教育科学版一. 本周教学内容: Unit 9-11 Review二. 重点、难点: Topic, Phrases and Grammar 三. 详细内容:Unit 9 Please Explain 1. Topic- Please Explain Lesson 1 口语表达:话题内容;重点句型 Lesson 2 阅读理解 主题内容: 相关的词汇: 相关的语法知识 基本的写作方法: 全文的主题句;段落的主题句;过渡词的使用;结尾扣题。 2. Phrases: (1)keep sth. in order 使事物整齐 (2)ask students to b

2、e quiet 要求同学们安静 (3)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 (4)be confused by sth. 对某事迷惑不解 (5)read about sth. 阅读有关某方面的资料 (6)a story from history 历史上的故事 (7)be hard to say 很难说 (8)in the past 在过去 (9)hear about sth. 听说某事 (10)be pleased to join sb. for sth. 很高兴加入到某人当中做某事 (11)continue doing sth. 继续做某事 (12)travel thro

3、ugh time 穿越时光 (13)watch past events happen 看过去的事情发生 (14)a number of 大量的 (15)nothing special 没什么特别的 (16)get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 (17)pretty good 相当好 (18)sound good 听起来很好 (19)check out (美) 从图书馆借书 (20)old stories from Asia 来自亚洲的古老故事 (21)more than once 不止一次 (22)a person in your group 你们组当中的一个人 (23)time

4、 to come 即将来临的时候 (24)take place 发生 3. Grammar-动词不定式用法小结 参见:6734期 Unit 10 The Future 1. Topic- The Future Lesson 1 口语表达:话题内容;重点句型 Lesson 2 阅读理解 主题内容: 相关的词汇: 相关的语法知识 基本的写作方法: 全文的主题句;段落的主题句;过渡词的使用;结尾扣题。 2. Phrases: (1)have exciting adventures 进行刺激的探险 (2)far away from 远离 (3)flying cars 飞行汽车 (4)live in s

5、pace 在太空中居住 (5)work as an astronaut 当宇航员 (6)in twenty years 20年后 (7)travel far away 到很远的地方旅行 (8)fly to work and fly home 坐飞机上班与回家 (9)be fun to do sth. 做某事有乐趣 (10)be quite sure 十分肯定 (11)travel to space 到太空旅行 (12)explore the mountain 探索山区 (13)travel through space 穿越太空 (14)go around the earth 绕地球飞行 (15

6、)be an astronaut like him 成为像他那样的宇航员 (16)go on adventures 去探险 (17)be the only female Chinese astronaut 成为唯一的中国女宇航员 (18)fly to the moon for our vacations 飞往月球去度假 (19)design and build spaceships 设计与建造宇宙飞船 (20)travel from planet to planet 在星球之间旅行 (21)plan to do sth. 计划做某事 (22)have a boring live 过着无聊的生活

7、 3. Grammar-情态动词表示推测 参见:6739期Unit11 Yang Liweis Mission to Space 1. Topic- Yang Liweis Mission to Space Lesson 1 口语表达:话题内容;重点句型 Lesson 2 阅读理解 主题内容: 相关的词汇: 相关的语法知识: 基本的写作方法: 全文的主题句;段落的主题句;过渡词的使用;结尾扣题。 2. Phrases: (1)work at the space center 在航天中心工作 (2)some day 某一天 (3)go over mountains 穿越山区 (4)go thro

8、ugh cities 穿过城市 (5)on your last trip 在你最后一次旅行中 (6)have a good trip 旅行愉快 (7)be launched 被发射 (8)on the mission 执行任务 (9)take pictures of Earth 给地球拍照 (10)blast off 立地升空 (11)wave to everyone 向大家挥手 (12)train hard 刻苦训练 (13)fly through the air 在空中飞行 (14)come true 实现 (15)be chosen to do sth. 被选出做某事 (16)start

9、 training for a space mission 为一项航天任务开始训练 (17)thirteen other pilots 另外13名飞行员 (18)last five long years 持续5年之久 (19)the next day 第二天 (20)the space center in Jiuquan 酒泉发射中心 (21)orbit the Earth 14 times 沿着既定轨道环绕地球14圈 (22)see sb. on television 在电视上看到某人 (23)hear sb. on the radio 在收音机里听到某人 3. Grammar-介词from

10、to, through, over的用法 要点:参见:6741期。【典型例题】 1. Must we move to the next room? No, you _. You may still live here if you like. A. mustntB. dontC. dont have toD. wont 2. I find _interesting to play games with children. A. thatB. howC. whatD. it 3. _are useful animals. A. CowB. PigC. PandaD. Sheep 4. Be ca

11、reful when _the street. A. to crossB. crossC. you crossD. youll cross 5. Take your time, _youll make another mistake. A. thenB. andC. ifD. or 【参考答案】 1. C2. D3. D4. C5. D【模拟试题】 1. Well do what we can _English well this term. Its high time for you to work hard. A. studyB. to studyC. be studiedD. be st

12、udying 2. I dont think your team can beat theirs. _. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we cantB. Yes, we cant C. Yes, we canD. No, we can 3. Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet. I think itll take _ ten minutes. A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. more 4. Roy made several kites, but

13、 _ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neitherB. noneC. allD. most 5. Will you be back _ five in the afternoon? Im not sure, maybe later than that. A. inB. beforeC. forD. until 6. Im sorry to have kept you waiting long. Never mind. I _ here for only a few minutes. A. have beenB. have comeC. have arrivedD. waited 7. You seem to like sweets. _ .Thats probably why Im becoming fatter and fatter. A. So I doB. So do IC. So am ID. So I am 8. With the help of the compute



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