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1、Unit7 International CharitiesReading (1)学习目标: 1.通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。 2.读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。 3.学会用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。4理解采访中使用的开放性问题。教学重点:读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。学习过程:课前预习导学1.预习新单词,根据音标朗读单词,记忆单词含义。2.预习教材,回答问题1. What does Dr. Ma do? 2. How many people around the world are blind? 3. What is the plane also used as? 4

2、. What does ORBIS need to carry on with the work? 课堂学习研讨教学过程Step 1 Watch a video about ORBISWhy is there a plane in the logo?Because ORBIS workers take a plane to visit poor countries. The plane is called a flying eye hospital. (飞行眼科医院)Information about ORBISORBIS is a charity that helps blind peopl

3、e. Most eye problems can be cured or prevented. However, many people cant afford to go to hospital. The doctors on the ORBIS plane fly to poor areas to treat people with eye problems and teach local doctors and nurses new skills. After learning from the ORBIS doctors, they can help more people.Step

4、2 Do some exercisesSkim and write T or F:1. All the eye problems can be cured or prevented.2. Many people cant afford to go to hospital.3. The plane is used as a hospital and teaching centre.4. ORBIS is a business that helps blind people.5. Local doctors and nurses can help people in poor areas afte

5、r learning from ORBIS doctors.Step 3 Read and answer some questions.Lines 1-61. How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from?2. How many sick people can be cured or prevented?3. Why dont some people receive medical treatment?Lines 10-261. Why dont ORBIS doctors

6、work in a hospital?2. How many operations did Dr Ma perform during his last visit?3. Is the plane only a place to perform operations? Step 4 Can you divide the passage? 1. (Line 1-6) something about blindness 2. (Line 7-15) the work of ORBIS3. (Line 16-20) Dr Mas work and his feeling 4. (Line 21-26)

7、 Dr Mas hopeStep 5 Practice 1. Finish B3&4 2. Check answers当堂训练巩固用所给词的适当形式填空1.The doctor said he needed an_ _( operate) at once.2. Look, there is an_ (advertise) on the wall. 3. We hope people will support our work by sending_ (donate) to ORBIS.4. Timmy tells me_ (not tell )you the bad news.5. He is

8、 used to_ (drink) milk in the morning. 6. They are looking forward to_( see) you again. 7. My brother used_( watch) TV in the evening, but now he doesnt.拓展延伸提高根据短文内容以及首字母提示完成单词。 ORBIS has the worlds only F 1 Eye Hospital. A very large plane was changed into a teaching and treatment centre. The ORBIS

9、 Flying Eye Hospital and its international medical team have t 2 to more than 70 countries since 1982. Many of the worlds famous d 3 have p 4 operations and carried out training prpgrammes on the plane. The ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital and its medical t 5 are working hard at training doctors a 6 the world. ORBIS first went to f 7 countries: Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam. In these countries , it works to treat m 8 childhood blindness caused by cataract(白内障), glaucoma(青光眼) and trachoma(沙眼).课后反思改进备 注2


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