广东东莞寮步信义学校七级英语下册第12讲Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere复习讲义新人教新目标 1.doc

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广东东莞寮步信义学校七级英语下册第12讲Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere复习讲义新人教新目标 1.doc_第1页
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广东东莞寮步信义学校七级英语下册第12讲Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere复习讲义新人教新目标 1.doc_第2页
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《广东东莞寮步信义学校七级英语下册第12讲Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere复习讲义新人教新目标 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东东莞寮步信义学校七级英语下册第12讲Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere复习讲义新人教新目标 1.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第12讲* 教师寄语: Life is not all roses. 人生并不是康庄大道。1、翻译官1. 邮局_ 2. 警察局_3. 餐馆_ 4. 旅馆 _ 5. 街道_ 6. 公园_7. 银行_ 8. 医院_ 9. 在这附近_ 10. 付费电话_ 、完美呈现1. My mother works in a _(医院).2. Mike lives _(在附近) our school.3. There is a new_(旅馆)on Bridge Street.4. Is there a_(银行)in our town?-Yes, there is.5. Where is the_(邮政)offi

2、ce.II、对号入座park post office librarysupermarket restaurant1. If (如果) you want to borrow a book, you can go to the _.2. If you want to have fun, you can go to the _.3. If you want to go shopping, you can go to the _.4. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the _.5. If you want to mail(邮寄) a letter,

3、 you can go to the _.traffic light 交通灯 national highway 国道 public lavatory 公共厕所 public telephone 公共电话 zoo动物园 botanical garden植物园 art museum美术馆 museum 博物馆station 车站 post office邮局 stadium 运动场 fairground, fun fair 游乐园university 大学 school 学校library 图书馆 theatre 剧院(美语:theater) monument纪念碑 art gallery 画廊II

4、、翻译官1. 在旁边_ 2. 在中间_3. 在前面_ 4. 在后面_5. 在上面_ 6. 在对面_I、完美呈现1. Li Lei sits _ _ (紧挨着) Liu Mei.2. There is a restaurant _ (在上) Center Street.3. Tom is standing _ _ (在对面) the shop.4. I plant a tree _ _ _ (在前面) our house.5. There is a park _ (在后面) our school.、句型转换1. Sun Hotel is across from Star Supermarket.

5、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ Sun Hotel?2. In this photo, I see Lily is behind Mike. (改为同义句) In this photo, I see Mike is _ _ _ Lily.3. There are some trees in this picture. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ trees in this picture?4. Are there two students in the classroom? (作肯定回答) -_, _ _.5. There are some CDs on the desk. (改为否定句)

6、There _ _ CDs on the desk.、胸有成竹1. Is _ a post office near here?2. Look! The market is _ Center Street.3. The store is across _ the park.4. There is a bookshop next _ the hotel.5. Beijing is in the _ of China.* 教师寄语:Man struggles upwards. 人往高处走。1.左转 _2.右转 _ 3.在左边_4.在右边 _ 5.直行 _6.在第一个路口_ 7.在某人的左边_8.在某

7、人的右边_I、精挑细选( ) 1. The girl sits next _ Nancy. A. at B. in C. to( ) 2. Just go straight and turn _. The hotel is _. A. right; on the right B. on the right; rightC. on the right; to the right( ) 3. Is there a pay phone near here? -Yes, _. A. it is B. there is C. there are、译展身手1. 这附近有银行吗? _ _ a bank ne

8、ar here?2. 付费电话在哪儿? _ _ the pay phone?3. 银行就在超市的旁边。 The bank is _ _ the supermarket.4. 沿着大桥街走,在新公园向左转。_ _ Bridge Street and _ _ at New Park.5. 餐馆就在你的右边。 The restaurant is _ _ _.II、翻译官1. 十字路口 _ 2. 街区;街坊 _3. 免费的 _ 4. 到处;大约 _5. 阳光 _ 6. 空气 _7. 爬 _ 8. 花(时间、钱等)_ 9. 公路 _ 10. 街道 _【快乐阅读】:Dear Frank, Im very

9、glad you are arriving in my city at 3:00 p.m., this Saturday. Now let me tell you the way to the White Cloud Restaurant. I will (将要) meet you there. Take a taxi from the bus station and go down New Bridge Avenue. Go across the big bridge. When you see a bank, turn right and go through Bank Street. Y

10、ou will pass three one-way avenues: Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue. When you see a big McDonalds, turn left. Then go along Green Avenue until (直到) you see New Park. Turn left and go down Center Street. The White Cloud Restaurant is on your right. I hope you can have a good trip. Yours, Mike( ) 1. Mike will meet Frank in a _. A. restaurant B. bank C. McDonalds( ) 2. Frank goes to Mikes city by _. A. taxi B. bus C. air( ) 3. The big bridge is on _. A. Center Street B. Bank Street C. New Bridge Avenue( ) 4. The White Cloud Restaurant is _. A. on the left of New Park B. on th



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