2020中考英语复习资料 161.doc

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1、Water课前预习 1. 亲爱的同学们,首先让我们热身一下吧!相信你很快就能找出下列的词语反义词。go _ end _ so _dirty _under_remember_ liquid_ waste_2. 通过预习课文(7-13段),你能猜出下列单词的意思吗?works_ sewage_ relax_ reservoir_ pollute_ pump_ treatment_ travel_journey_ valuable_ pipe_ 要点导学 最快乐的事就是把英语一点点的突破,一点点的掌握1. I relaxed there for a few days. 辨与析 few, a few,

2、 little, a little 虽然都表示“少”,但 (1)few, a few修饰可数名词复数, little, a little修饰不可数名词。 (2)a few, a little含肯定意味,意思是“一点”。few, little含否定意味,意思是“基本没有”。(这里所谓的“肯定意味”和“否定意味”应该这样来理解:同样是半杯水,口渴者会认为:There is little water in the glass. 而不口渴的人则会认为:There is a little water in the glass.)请试着完成下列空格:有几个人_ 没什么时间_一点盐_没有多少盐_ 一点大米_

3、 没有几本书_e.g. 他们有一点墨水,是吗? They have _ ink, dont they? 他们几乎没有墨水,是吗?They have_ ink, do they?他有几位中国朋友,是吗?She has _Chinese friends, doesnt she?他几乎没有几位中国朋友,是吗?She has _Chinese friends, does she?Notes:_2. Then people cleaned me up. clean up 意思是 _ e.g. 请在聚会后打扫干净教室。Please _ _ _ _after the party.Notes:_以下是相类似用

4、法的短语,让我们来做连线练习吧!cut down 推迟look up 上交put away 砍倒try on 发现 查明pick up 写下 记下put off 唤醒wake up 把收起来find out 试穿 试戴write down 查找 查阅hand in捡起3I waited there until you called me. until=_意思是_ notuntil 意思是_e.g.她将呆在这儿直到星期六。She will stay here_ Saturday. 他们直到雨停了才离开。They _ leave _ the rain stopped.4. Remember not

5、 to waste or pollute me. remember to do 意思是_反义短语_ remember doing 意思是_反义短语_ forget to do 意思是_ forget doing 意思是_e.g._ _ _be late again. 记得不要再迟到了。_ _ go to the post office after school. 记着放学后去趟邮局。I _ _ the man before. 我记得以前见过那个人。He _ _the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。Dont _ _ come tomorrow. 别忘了明天来。课堂检测 Neverp

6、utofftomorrowwhatyoucandotoday.今日事,今日毕。一.请按要求写出对应的词travel(过去时)_ valuable(名词)_ plant(同义词)_ treatment(动词)_二.中译英净化 一间水处理厂 首先 _ _ 来自 _ 返回到 _ 携带着我进入到水库 污染水_ 液体黄金 _ 一间污水处理工厂 _ 三.选择填空( )1. My father has many stories books, and he has_ English books.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )2. The twins can

7、speak only _ French.A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( )3.- The light in the office is still on. - Oh,I forgot_. A. turning it offB. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off( )4She is American, so she from America.A. is come B. come C. comes D. is comes ( )5Jim will to Shenzhen nex

8、t week.A. return back B. goes C. go back D. goes back( )6Remember come to school late.A. to B. to not C. not to D. not( )7There is a water treatment near my school.A. work B. plants C. factories D. works( )8If you dont know these words, you can _ in the dictionary.A. look up it B. look it up C. look

9、 up them D. look them up 四. 读一读;背一背A: I heard that Bill got divorced(离婚). B: Yes, he is really sad now. A: I thought he wanted to get divorced because he didnt love his wife anymore. B: Yes, but he didnt realize how much he needed her until they got divorced. A: Yeah. Well now its too late. She already has another husband. B: Thats too bad. Sometimes people often dont appreciate(珍惜)what they have until they lose it. 3



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