2020年中考英语考点专项突破:连词 单选题和填空题(学生版)

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2020年中考英语考点专项突破:连词 单选题和填空题(学生版)_第1页
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《2020年中考英语考点专项突破:连词 单选题和填空题(学生版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年中考英语考点专项突破:连词 单选题和填空题(学生版)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点突破备战中考专题06 连词 单选题和填空题(原卷版)1、 单选题1.(2019安徽)A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, _ its also the common interest of the world.A. so B. and C. or D. but2.(2019江西)The film seems interesting _ we all want to see it.A. and B. but C. unless D. if3.(2019山东滨州)Emily, you are playing video games

2、 again! Study hard, _ you will fail in the coming exam.A. then B. so C. and D. or4.(2019湖北孝感)一Whats the secret of success, Dr. Know? 一 More time and effort, _ youll make it some day.A. yet B. or C. and D. but5.(2019山东临沂)A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with

3、 their classmates. So it _helps with students health, _improves their social skills.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. not only; but also6.(2019北京)This cap is nice, _it doesnt look good on me.A. for B. so C. but D. or7.(2019山西)You cant decide whether or not you like something until you try it, _ its i

4、mportant to try something new.A. but B. or C. so8.(2019湖南湘西)一We should work hard.Well never give up. _ China dream can come true.一I think so.Lets try our best.A. But B. And C. Or9.(2019贵州毕节)Bill, stop smoking, _ youll get better soon.A. but B. after C. or D. and10.(2019江苏南通)Whats the weather like in

5、 Kunming, Lucy?Its _ hot _ cold So Kunming is called “the Spring City”.A. neither; nor B. not only; but also C. either; or D. both; and11.(2019贵州贵阳)The UN set October 16th as World Food Day to tell people to value food _ care more about the hunger problem.A. but B. so C. and12.(2019湖南岳阳)The toys are

6、 really old, _ I still want to keep them.A. or B. and C. but13.(2019山东东营)-How time flies! The middle school life is coming to an end.-Yes. We have to say goodbye, _ our friendship will last forever.A. for B. but C. or D. so14.(2019广西河池)I know her face _ I cant remember her name.A. and B. but C. so D

7、. or15.(2019甘肃天水)I tried calling you, _ your phone was out of service.A. and B. but C. so D. or16.(2019贵州铜仁)People invented Chinese chess in memory of the battle _ Liu Bang _ Xiang Yu.A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. between; and17. (2019江苏扬州)Do you think David and Lisa can be good acco

8、untants? Accountants should be careful enough. _ David _ Lisa is suitable, Im afraid.A. Either ; or B. Neither ; nor C. Both ; and D. Not only ; but also18.(2019广西玉林)Chinese government sent two pandas, Ruyi and Dingding, to Russia several days ago.The relationship _China_Russia will be closer than b

9、efore I think.A. both; and B. not only; but also C. either; or D. between; and19.(2019江苏常州)You must raise your hand if you have any questions in class._, your teacher wont notice you.A. Otherwise B. Anyhow C. Instead D. Moreover20.(2019江苏南京) Put on your coat,_you will catch a cold! This is what my m

10、um often says to meAand Bbut Cor Dso21.(2019江苏盐城)Ive wanted to read Peter Pan for long, _ today I finally borrowed the book from the libraryAor Bbut Cand Dsince22.(2019湖北宜昌)Its a pity that _ my teachers_ parents allow me to swim alone.After all you are too young, safety first.A. either.or B. neither

11、 nor C. both.and D. not only.but also23. (2019辽宁辽阳)_Can you come to the party this weekend?_Sorry, Im going to take part in a competition,_ I must prepare for itAor Bbut Cbecause Dand24.(2019上海)There was something wrong with my car, _I went to work by underground.A. for B. so C. or D. but25.(2019天津)

12、She was tired _ she continued her workAso Buntil Cbut Dthat26.(2019黑龙江龙东地区)Hurry up, _ you will miss the flight. There is _ time left.A. or; little B. and; a little C. or; a little27.(2019辽宁朝阳)Which program do your family like better,Running Man or The Reader?The Reader _ my parents _ my little sist

13、er likes watching itA. Both;and B. Not only;but alsoC. Either;or D. Neither;nor28.(2019辽宁朝阳)Friends are like booksYes,we dont need lots of them _they are goodA. as if B. even thoughC. as long as D. as far as29.(2019辽宁营口) Some children prefer to eat sweet chocolate _ its not good for their health.A.

14、because B. if C. when D. though30.(2019内蒙古包头) Give me your email address, _ Ill send you the form.A. or B. and C. but D. nor31.(2019内蒙古包头) It was the middle of the night _ the sound of the piano woke me up.A. because B. if C. when D. although32.(2019黑龙江大庆) Jim, lets go out to play basketball. Oh, I wont do that _ I finish my homework.A. if B. until C. because D. since33.(2019黑龙江大庆) Youd better _ hard from now on, _ you will fail in the exam. ()A. work; and B. working; or C. working; and D. work; or34.(2019吉林长春)Without



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