Unit3 Weather A Let27s learn

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《Unit3 Weather A Let27s learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 Weather A Let27s learn(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Part A Lets learn Lets chant教学目标:1、能听、说、认读单词“cold, cool, warm ,hot”并知道与这几种天气相对应的温度。2、能听懂、会说句型“This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today. ” 初步了解我国几个城市的基本气候特点。3、能听懂、会唱“Lets chant”部分的歌谣。4、培养学生积极与他人合作的优良品质。教学重点:1、能听、说、认读单词“cold, cool, warm, hot”并知道与这几种天气相对应的温度。2、能听懂、会说句型“This is the we

2、ather report. Its warm in Beijing today. ” 初步了解我国几个城市的基本气候特点。教学难点:能在创设的情境中运用新学的单词和句型模拟天气预报。教学准备:课件、单词卡。教学步骤:Step1、 Warm-up1、Greetings.Good morning, everyone. Im glad to see you. How are you today? Greeting each other.2、Sing a chant. Look at the picture. Lets sing together. Then teacher says some ord

3、ers, Ss do actions.Step2、 Presentation1、 Lets learn.(1)、T: Its warm today. Do you want to travel? Tomorrow I will go to Beijing. Whats the weather like in Beijing? I have to know the weather. The weather is very important in our life. Today we will talk about the weather. 然后引出课题。(2)、T: Now lets list

4、en to a weather report.教师播放一段天气预报实录。待学生听完后,教师说:This is a weather report.同时呈现单词卡片,领读weather report(把卡片贴到黑板上)。a、 Teach “weather”. 用有趣的绕口令让学生找找单词中的规律。第一个绕口令总结出字母组合ea的发音,第二个绕口令总结出ther的习惯发音。再巧妙的把学生利用发音规律,自己读读weather。当学生自己读出单词后,孩子们将很有自信,产生乐学的情绪。教师要注意提醒学生读weather时,th咬舌尖。b、带读weather report ,并让学生自读句子:This is

5、 the weather report. (3)、Look at the picture. How many cities are there in the weather report? 教师问:What are they? 学生回答:Beijing, Harbin. 教师借机传授城市名称:Hong Kong, Lhasa. (4)、学习新单词和句型。a、 look at the picture. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 出示温度计,教师读出温度,传授warm. 并传授新句型:Its warm in Beijing.b、出示拉萨的图片。 教师问:

6、Is it warm in Lhasa?同学回答:No. 出示温度计,教师读出温度,传授cool. 点击句子Its cool in Lhasa.引导学生答出:Its cool in Lhasa.让更多的学生重复回答。(讲解cool,让学生对其有深刻理解) c、出示香港的图片。教师问:Is it warm in Hong Kong?Is it cool in Hong Kong? 引导学生看温度表,教师传授hot。教师分析读音,复习字母o发短音的情况。d、教师带领学生看温度计,看一段哈尔滨天气的视频。引出cold。新句型:Its cold in Harbin.(4)、教师请部分学生朗读单词。然后

7、提问:Where is cool? Where is warm?启发学生回答:Its cool in Lhasa. Its warm in Beijing. (5)、为了巩固新单词和句型的操练,让学生读教师自编chant, 增加学习的兴趣。 (6)、 鼓励学生用warm、cool等单词描述我国其他城市的天气状况:Its warm / cool in ., 如果有不符合实际的叙述,教师可以用 It isnt warm/cool in进行简单纠正。 (7)、Lets listen to the weather report. Then look at the picture. This is th

8、e map of China. 教师出示中国地图,边指边说:Here is Beijing. What is the weather like in Beijing? 学生回答:Its warm in Beijing. 教师问:Whats the weather like in Harbin/Hong Kong/Lhasa? 学生分别回答:Its cold in Harbin. Its hot in Hong Kong. Its cool in Lhasa. Step 3、 Practice1、播放课件。Now , Im a CCTV weather report. Listen carefu

9、lly! 教师模仿天气预报员,进行播报,学以致用,高度调动学生的学习兴趣。教师模拟场景,让学生变成小小播报员,教师并现场拍摄录像,模拟现场,并将优秀视频下节课投放在大屏幕。 2、Lets chant.(1)、出示冬天下雪的图片,T: Its winter. Its snowy. Its cold outside, We should put on a hat. (2)、出示冬天室内图片,T: Its cold outside, but its warm inside. Its warm inside. We should take off my shoes.(3)、听录音跟唱歌谣。Make a new chant. Can you sing it? Lets have a try.(4)、活学活用:Lets try.出示夏天酷热的图片。Oh! Its .Its outside.Put on a .Hot , bye-bye.Mmm ! Its inside. . Its inside. Take off your shoes.It feels so nice.Step 4 、Homework1、读课文第25页三遍并背诵 Lets chant。2、练习我是小小气象员。



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