Unit2 Section A

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《Unit2 Section A》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit2 Section A(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 Whats the matter?SectionA导学案(执笔人:王丹 审核人:八年级英语组 日期:2010年9月10日)一、学习目标:学会谈论健康并给出合理化建议二、学习重点:1.掌握描述身体部位的单词2.描述身体不适的三个句型和提建议should/shouldnt句型的应用三、课前预习与检测Translate the words and phrase事情 得病 受凉/冷 酸痛的 胳膊 耳朵 脚 手 头 腿 嘴 脖子 鼻子 牙齿 喉咙 发烧 休息 蜂蜜 牙医 应该 不应该 头痛 怎么啦? 喉咙痛 看牙医 带蜜的热茶 喝大量的水 十二只脚 十颗牙 四、学习过程(一)学习任务一:预习

2、交流,听力训练,看图对话Step1.学习并熟悉New words,然后完成Section A,1a;Step2.放录音,完成Section A,1b,交流答案;Step3.结合Page7上的图片,组织学生表演对话。(二)学习任务二:听力训练,表演对话Step1.放录音,完成Section A,2a;Step2.再放录音,完成Section A,2b,然后交流答案。Step3.分析SetionA2c并朗读对话,通过学生表演对话(三)学习任务三:小组合作Step1.完成Section A3a,交流答案,组织学生表演对话;Step2.通过Page 9.3b的图片和3a练习对话。(四)学习任务四:知识

3、归纳1、要点分析句型:Whats the matter? (1)该句用来询问对方所遇到的麻烦事。也是医生或护士询问病人病情时最常用的句子。常与介词with连用,即Whats the matter with.?(出什么毛病了?)Eg.Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?(2)matter在本句中作名词,表示“毛病;麻烦事”。Matter还做动词,指“要紧;有关系”,主要用于否定句或疑问句中。Eg.Im sorry for losing the book.很抱歉,我丢了那本书。It doesnt matter.没关系。2、I have a sore throat.我喉咙

4、痛。Have有“患(病)”的意思,表示具有某种“病症、症状”,常用“have a+名词”表示。Eg.He has a toothache.他牙痛。感冒 发烧 3、情态动词should的用法 Should表示“应该,应当”。用于提出建议,后面常接动词原形。其否定形式缩写为“shouldnt”。它的词形没有变化,因而第三人称单数形式结尾不加S。Eg.(1).She should look after her mother.她应该照顾她的妈妈。 (2).He shouldnt drink water before lunch.他不应该在午饭前喝水。4、You should drink some ho

5、t tea with honey.你应该喝点儿加蜂蜜的热茶。“with”做介词,表示“有,附有”,表示一种伴随的状态。Eg.I like coffee with milk.我喜欢喝加牛奶的咖啡。5、I hope you feel better soon.我希望你很快好起来。此句是看望病人时常说的祝福的话语。Hope在此句中为动词,意为“希望”,其后可跟that从句,其中that可省略;hope后也可跟动词不定式(to do)。Eg.(1)I hope (that) you can come to see me.我希望你能来看我。 (2)We hope to visit the Great Wa

6、ll.我们希望去参观长城。(五)学习任务五:自我检测1.怎么啦?我感冒了,你应该喝大量的水。 2.我牙痛,或许你应该去看医生,那是个好主意。 3.他胃痛,他应该躺下休息,他不应该吃东西。五、课后检测与反馈(一)单项选择。1.Whats _matter with you?-I have a headche. A.a B.an C.the D./2. Whats the matter with him?-He _.A. have cold B.have a cold C.has cold D.has a cold3.He is afraid when he sees the _of the tig

7、er in the zoo.A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth D.toothes4.I have a cold ,so I cant go to school today.-_A.Whats the matter? B.It doesnt matter C.Really?I cant believe it D.Im sorry to hear that.5.He usually goes to school_A.on foot B.on feet C.by foots D.by feet6. I am often ill.-_ A. I think so. B. Thats O

8、K. C. Really? Thank you. D. I am sorry to hear that.7. She never _ tea _ coffee.A. drink; and B. doesnt drink; or C. drinks; or D. drink; with(二)根据所给词的正确形式填空1.Whats the _(matter/wrong)?-I have a _(cold/ill).2.I hope you feel _(well/better)soon.3.He should _(lie/lies) down and rest.4. I _ (not feel)

9、well. I have a headache.(三)根据首字母提示完成表示身体部位的单词。Im a robot(机器人).I have a h_,but there is no h_on my head .I can see with my e_.I can smell(闻)with my n_.I have a m_,but there arent any t_in it because I never eat anything.I have two e_,so I can hear everything.My n_is very short ,I cant turn my head.I have a strong body,but I dont have a_or h_.I dont have l_or f_,either.So I cant walk.(四)翻译句子。1、他喉咙疼,他应该喝带蜜的热茶。 2、I have a sore throat.You should drink some hot tea with honey.3、我妈妈头疼,或许她应该去睡觉。4、I have a stomachache.You should lie down and rest.5、我感觉不太好,我牙痛。我想你应该去看牙医。



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