Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious

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《Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section A课前热身用所给词的正确形式填空1It is interesting_ (eat)out with friends or weekends2He refused_(give)the mooncake to me and ate it a113I think June is a good time _(visit)Hong Kong4Lucy and Lily planned _ (go)shopping that Saturday5A tall man tried _ (steal)somet

2、hing expensive from the shop,but he failed随堂演练 单项选择 1My sister wants a new dressShe _ it to the party. Awears Bhas worn Cwore Dis going to wear 2I enjoy_my bike in the mountainsIts not always easy,but exciting Aride Brode Cto ride Driding 3Your suitcase is_ to mineI dont know which one is mine. Asam

3、e BSimilar C1ike D1ikely 4Mike ran as fast as he could _ up with the others Aas to catch Bin order to catchCso that he caught Dto be caught 5The young soldier really doesnt know_ to stop the baby from crying Awhat to do Bhow to doCwhen to do Dwhere to do 6一How long _ it_ ? 一For about 2 hours Adoes;r

4、ain Bis;rainingChas;rained Dhas;been raining7一1 wonder _ I can use your MP3 一Sure Awhat BthatCif Dwhy 8I hear that Thailand is a good place_ sightseeing Ato go Bgo Cgoing Dgoes连词成句1 wonder,delicious,the mooncakes,I,if,are_ 2city,interesting,what,are,they_3 sad,called out,Hou Yi,that,so,was,her name,

5、every night,he_4 whether,for the festival,he,dont know,I,come home,will_5 idea,help,to,something,a,its,good,parents,do_用方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空relative,put on,lay out,tie,folk,be similar to,shape,call out,fly up,celebrate1Dont eat too much,or you will _ weight2They_ lots of delicious food for us yesterday3

6、Youd better wear a shirt and _ for the party4I am going to visit my_ this Sunday5Many people want to_ to the moon6The mooncake is in the _ of a full moon7How do you _ Mothers Day?8She was so excited that she _his name9There are many traditional _ stories about the MidAutumn Festival10The boy_ his fa

7、ther课后作业I根据汉语提示完成句子1Ive _ (增加)five pounds these days21 wonder whether its _ (与相似)the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan province.3The Amusement Park is _(拥挤的)except in holidays4.In the end,Change became light and _(飞到)to the sky5Nowadays it is becoming _ (越来越流行)tocelebrate Mothers day and Fa

8、thers Day in China单项选择1He dressed _ quickly_ he put his shoes on the wrong feet Aso;as Bsuch;thatCso;that Dso;for2一Helen,do you know if Martin_ to my party next week? - I think he will come if he _ free Awill come;will be Bwill come;is Ccome;is Dcomes;will be 3一How long does it take to get to the ai

9、rport? 一Forty minutesBut its foggy todayIm not sure_ the highway will close soonLets set off earlier Awhether BwhenChow Dwhy4一Excuse meCould you tell me how_ toBeijing Zoo? 一Well,you may take Bus No27 Aget Bgets Cgetting Dto get5After the rebuilding,our school is becoming _ Amore and more beautifulB

10、more beautiful and beautiful Cbeautiful and beautiful Dthe more beautiful6一What are you going to do when you grow up? 一A singerbut my parents wish me _ a teacher Aam Bto be Cwill be Dbe阅读理解 Different countries celebrate the New Year in different waysMany countries still follow the lunar calendar(阴历)

11、,meaning that it often starts in late January or in FebruaryNew Year celebrations for some countries(like China,Vietnam,and Korea)last not one day,but up to two weeks! In the US,many people attend New Year partiesThey drink,dance,and cheer at midnight In the southern US,many people eat blackeyed pea

12、s for good luck in the new year In Mexico and Venezuela,many people wear red or yellow clothes for good luck In Brazil,people wear white clothes for good luck,and in China,they wear red clothes and give children red envelopes with money in them In Iran,people wear new clothes on the first day of the

13、 New Year In Scotland,people open the front door at midnight to let in the New Year,and open the back door to 1et out the old year In Switzerland,people kiss each other three times at midnight In Japan,they ring a bell 108 times to get rid of (除掉)the 108 bad desires In Korea they ring a bell 33 times for 33 old soldiers(士兵)1There are two weeks about New Year celebrations in the following countries Except _ AKorea BBrazilCV



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