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1、 高考英语适应性训练(一)15. Here is the invitation list. Please telephone everyone and _the names of the people who are not coming. A. cut down B. cross out C. keep on D. make up 16. -I rang you at about nine, but there was no reply. -Oh, that was probably _ I was in the doctors office. A. why B. when C. what

2、D. that17. We must take measures to protect endangered wildlife_ it is too late. A. now that B. as long as C. unless D. before18. In _ world full of competitions, hard work is _ necessity. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, /19. -Hi, Ruby, but we never thought we could see you at this corner of suc

3、h a big city. - _. Neither did I. A. Its a small world. B. But thats Ok. C. Very glad to see you. D. How lucky.20. -We would have arrived there much earlier in your car. -I agree. But it _. A. was repaired B. was repairing C. had been repaired D. was being repaired21. Shall I give you a ride as it i

4、s so late? -Thank you. _.A. Its up to you B. It couldnt be better C. It all depends D. If you prefer22. Then I have learned there are a lot of troubles in our lives, but the problem is _ they control you or you control them. A. why B. what C. that D. whether23. Why do you look so blue? -My sons beha

5、viour in school greatly _ me.A punishedB. damaged C. annoyed D. disturbed24. She parked her car outside the window _, but the next morning she found it missing.A. as usual B. in return C. so far D. at present25. The comments which she made _ the 2006 Super Voice Girl bored a lot of fans to death.A.

6、being concerned B. to be concerned C. concerned D. concerning26. As is reported, Chinas women volleyball team _ efforts in practice in order to get another Olympic champion in the 2008 Olympic Games. A. will have made B. has made C. has been making D. had made27. Few users reported it to the police

7、when _ in shopping on the Internet.A. cheated B. cheating C. to cheat D. having cheated28. The man is having a hard _ communicating since he doesnt speak much putonghua.A. talkB. timeC. way D. task 29. I know we are late, but please let us take the test this time, _?A. dont you B. dont we C. will yo

8、u D. do we30. How long do you think it will be _ China becomes a developed country?-At least 20 years, I guess.A. that B. until C. when D. before31. Of the two books, this one is _ one, and it is also the one which has been put into ten languages.A. a thinner B. the thinnest C. the thinner D. a thin

9、nest32. There is no such child who cannot be educated, _ there are parents who are unable to offer their children an appropriate education. A. and B. so C. but D. or33. The Internet is widely used, which _ the development of English.A. speeds up B. takes over C. gets across D. turns to34. When you g

10、o abroad for further education, you may find your accent might be different from _ there.A. everybody else B. everybody elses C. everybodys else D. everybodys elses35. You _ have completed the article. The deadline is last Friday. -Sorry. Ive been busy these days.A. must B. mustnt C. should D. shoul

11、dnt第二节 完形填空 We are just at the starting point “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite(无数的)”I do not know who wrote those 36 , but I have always liked them as a 37 that the future can be anything we want to 38 it. We can take the mysterious, 39 future a

12、nd carve out of it anything that we can 40 , just like a sculptor(雕刻家) carves a statue from a 41 stone.We are all in the position of the 42 . If we plant a good seed, we will 43 a good harvest. If our seed is 44 and full of weeds, we will gain a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we 45 nothin

13、g at all.I want the future to be better than the past. I dont want it 46 and destroyed by the 47 and errors with which history is filled. We should all be 48 about the future because that is 49 we will spend the reminder of our lives.The past is 50 and static(静态的). Nothing we can do will 51 it. The

14、future is before us and dynamic(动态的). Everything we do will 52 it. Each day will bring us with new frontiers, in our homes and in our businesses, if we will only 53 them. We are just at the beginning of the 54 in every field of human effort.So, friends, do what you want to do from now on 55 we are just at the starting point.36.A.idioms B. systems C. contentsD. words37.A.sign B. mark C. reminderD. suggestion38.A.acceptB. makeC. leaveD. practise39.A.uncertain B. obvious C. proper D. bright40.A.arrangeB. applyC. standD. imagine41.A.uselessB. shapeless C. priceless



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