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1、秦淮河钓鱼David Copperfields childhood I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, in the east of England,and was given my poor fathers name,David Copperfield Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married, and died six months before I was born My fathers death made my beautiful you

2、ng mother very unhappy, and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my fathers aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from

3、 her, and sometimes beat her, she decided they should separate He went abroad, and soon news came of his death. Miss Trotwood bought a small house by the sea, and lived there alone, with only one servant She had not spoken to my father since his marriage, because she considered he had made a mistake

4、 in marrying a very young girl But just before I was born, when she heard that my mother was expecting a baby, she came to visit Blunder- stone.It was a cold, windy Friday afternoon in March My mother was sitting by the fire, feeling very lonely and unhappy, and crying a little. Suddenly a stern, st

5、range-looking face appeared at the window. Open the door! ordered the sternfaced lady My mother was shocked,but obeyed at once You must be David Copper fields wife,said the lady as she enteredIm Betsey Trotwood Youve heard of me? Yes,whispered mother,trembling How young you are! cried Miss BetseyJus

6、t a baby! My mother started sobbing againI know I look like a child! I know I was young to be a wife, and Im young to be a mother! But perhaps Ill die before I become a mother! Come, come! answered Miss Betsey.Have some teaThen youll feel betterWhat do you call your girl? My girl? I dont know yet th

7、at it will be a girl,replied my mother miserably No,I dont mean the baby,I mean your servant!Her names Peggotty Her first names Clara,the same as mine, so I call her by her family name,you see What a terrible name! However, never mind Peggotty!she called, going to the doorBring Mrs Copperfield some

8、tea at once! She sat down again and continued speakingYou were talking about the baby Im sure itll be a girl Now, as soon as she s born He, perhaps, said my mother bravely Don t be stupid, of course it ll be a sheIm going to send her to school,and educate her well I want to prevent her from making t

9、he mistakes Ive made in life Miss Betsey looked quite angry as she said this My mother said nothing,as she was not feeling at all well.But tell me, were you and your husband happy?asked Miss BetseyThis made my poor mother feel worse than ever.I know I wasnt very sensibleabout moneyor cookingor thing

10、s like that! she sobbed.But we loved each otherand he was helping me to learnand then he died!Oh!Oh!And she fell back in her chair, completely unconsciousPeggotty, who came in just then with the tea,realized how serious the situation was, and took my mother upstairs to bed. The doctor arrived soon a

11、fterwards, and stayed all evening to take care of his patient.At about midnight he came downstairs to the sittingroom where Miss Betsey was waiting impatientlyWell,doctor, whats the news? How is she?The young mother is quite comfortable, madam, replied the doctor politelyBut she, the baby, how is sh

12、e? cried Miss BetseyThe doctor looked strangely at Miss Betsey.Its a boy,madam, he repliedMiss Betsey said nothing,but walked straight out of the house, and never came backThat was how I was born. My early childhood was extremely happy, as my beautiful mother and kind Peggotty took care of me. But w

13、hen I was about eight, a shadow passed over my happiness. My mother often went out walking,in her best clothes, with a gentleman called Mr Murdstone He had black hair, a big black moustache and an unpleasant smile, and seemed to be very fond of my mother. But I knew that Peggotty did not like him A

14、few months later Peggotty told me that my mother was going to have a short holiday with some friends. Meanwhile Peggotty and I would go to stay with her brother Daniel in Yarmouth,on the east coast, for two weeksI was very excited when we climbed into the cart, although it was sad saying goodbye to

15、my mother Mr Murdstone was at her shoulder,waving goodbye, as the driver called to his horse, and we drove out of the village When we got down from the cart in Yarmouth,after our journey,Peggotty said, Thats the house,Master David! I looked all round, but could only see an old ship on the sand.Is th

16、atthat your brothers house?I asked in delight. And when we reached it,I saw it had doors and windows and a chimney,just like a real house I could not imagine a nicer place to live. Everything was clean and tidy, and smelt of fish Now I was introduced to the Peggotty familyThere was Daniel Peggotty, a kind old sailor Although he was not



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