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1、状语从句用法详解 By Mr Gong一、时间状语从句Awhen, while, as, whenever;when, while, as表示主句谓语作和从句的谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生。1whenwhen表示点时间时,从句中用短暂性动词;表示段时间时,用持续性动词。When I got home, my family were already having dinner.我到家的时候,全家已在吃晚饭。(when表示点时间)When they were still talking and laughing, the teacher came in.当他们还在说笑的时候,老师进来了。(whe

2、n表示段时间)He waved hello when he saw her.当他看见她的时候,就挥手打了个招呼。(when表示点时间)When you think you know nothing, you begin to know something.当你认为自己一无所知的时候,就开始知道一些事情了。(when表示段时间)【注意】当when意思是正当时候(and at that moment)时,when只能跟在前一分句之后。He was about to go to bed when the doorbel rang.他正要上床,忽然门铃响了。They were watching the

3、 World Cup when suddenly the lights went out.他们正看着世界杯比赛,突然灯灭了。They had just arrived home when it began to rain.他们刚到家,天就开始下雨了。有时when表示虽然,尽管的含义,相当于although或since。He walks when he might take a taxi.尽管可以打的,但他还是步行。How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none既然你不宽恕别人,你自己又怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?2whilewhile

4、通常表示一段时间,从句中宜用持续性动词作谓语。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。She fell asleep while she was reading the newspaper.她在看报的时候睡着了。while有时可以作并列连词,表示对比,可译成而。I am fond of English while he likes math.我喜欢英语而他却喜欢数学。We slept while the captain kept watch.我们睡觉而上尉担任警戒。while有时可引导让步状语从句,意思是虽然。While they love the children

5、, they are strict with them.虽然他们都爱他们的孩子,但却对他们要求严格。虽然during 与 while 意思很相近,但是during是介词,不能引导从句。3asas表示点时间时,从句中用短暂性动词;表示段时间时,用持续性动词。as和when两者经常可以通用。The thief was caught as when he was stealing in the supermarket.小偷在超市行窃时被逮住了。I saw Jim as when he left the meeting room.吉姆离开会议室时候我看到了他。as表示 一边一边,强调从句和主句中两个动

6、作交替进行或同步进行。They talked as they walked.他们边走边聊。He looked behind from time to time as he went.他一边走,一边不时地往后看。as表示随着,此用法不用when或while替代。As time goes on, its getting warmer and warmer.随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖了。As spring warms the earth, al flowers begin to bloom.随着春回大地,百花开始绽放。4when, while, as的用法区别只有当从句表示的是段时间,即其谓语

7、动词有持续性特征时,这三者可以通用互换。I got the news on the radio when /while /as I was having breakfast.我在吃早饭的时候从收音机里获悉这一消息。在下列情况下,三者彼此之间不能替换使用:aas更强调同一时间或紧接的一前一后或伴随着的变化。We listened to the singer sing as he played the guitar.我们听着歌星边弹吉它边演唱。I thought of it just as you opened your mouth.你一张嘴我就知道你要说什幺As he grew older, h

8、e became less and less active.随着他年龄的增长,他变得越来越不活泼了。【提示】状语从句可放在主句之前或之后,放在主句之前时一般用逗号与主句分开。有时可置于主句中间,前后用逗号。【注意】as 引导时间状语从句表示“当的时候”“在期间”时,该从句的谓语通常是那些表示动作意义的动词,而不能是be(是、在), have(有),like(喜欢),belong(属于)等表示状态或静态意义的动词。【误】Im going to the post office.As you are there, can you get me some stamps?【正】Im going to t

9、he post office.While you are there, can you get me some stamps?我打算去邮局。当你在邮局的时候,请帮我买几张邮票好吗?正因为 as 引导时间状语从句表示“当的时候”“在期间”时,从句的谓语不能是表示状态或静态意义的动词,所以当下面第一句变为第二句这样的状语从句时,不能再用 as,而应用 when:As a student he had known great poverty.When he was a student he had known great poverty. 他当学生时,经历过很贫困的生活。bwhen更强调特定时间,还

10、可表示从句中的动作先于或后于主句的动作,此时不用as或while。When I had given Mary the spare ticket, I found my own already gone.当我把多余的票给了玛丽时,我才发现我自己的票已不知去向。(从句动作发生在主句之前,注意主从句的时态)When I finally got there, the meeting had been on for ten minutes.当我最终赶到那里时,会议已开始十分钟了。(从句动作发生在主句之后,注意时态)cwhile从句只能表示延续的动作或状态或主从句中动作的对比。She thought I

11、was talking about her daughter, while in fact, I was talkingabout my daughter.她以为我在谈论她女儿,而事实上,我在谈论我的女儿。d若表示两个短促动作几乎同时发生时,用as场合多于when。As he finished his speech, the audience burst into applause.他结束讲话时,观众爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。5wheneverwhenever是when的强势语,它描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。You are always welcome whenever you

12、come.无论你何时来都欢迎。Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us.每当我们遇上困难的时候,他们就来帮我们。Bbefore, after1beforebefore表示在一段时间之前。I must finish all the work beforeI go home.回家之前我必须干完所有的活。You must first learn to walk before you try to run.在想要跑以前,你得先学会走。He had learned English for three years before he w

13、ent to London.他去伦敦之前已学了三年英语。She didnt go out before she finished her homework.她把作业做完才出去的。(=notuntil)提示:before 从句往往带有否定的含义,常译为:还没等到.就.;还没来得及就趁着还没就。作此意时,从句中常见情态动词can/ could。He ran off before I could stop him.我还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。The man hung up the phone before I could answer it.我没坐多久他就回来了。He almost knocke

14、d me down before he saw me. 他几乎把我撞倒才看到我。Before I could get in a word, he measured me. 我还来得及插话,他就给我量好了尺寸。Ill water the flowers before it gets dark. 我要趁着天还没黑把花浇好水。Be a pupil before you become a teacher. 先做学生,后做先生。【必背】before 常用句型 It will be + 时间段+before+ 一般现在时:要等多久才.It will be five years before we meet

15、 again.五年以后我们才能再见。It wont be long before+ 一般现在时:等不了多久就会It will not be long before you regret what you have done.不用过多久你就会对你所作所为感到后悔的。It was +时间段+before +一般过去时:等了多久就It was minutes before the police arrived.过了几分钟警察才到。It wasnt long before+ 一般过去时:没等多久就It was not long before I realized I was wrong.不久我就意识到我错了。其他变形句型:The war last three years before it finally ended.战争在结束前持续了三年。Three years passed before I finally realized my mistake.过了三年我才意识到我的错误。【对比】It is/ has been +时间段+since +一般过去时:自从以来到现在



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