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1、六年级英语试题毕业复习英语提纲一、26个字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgHh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm NnOo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz二、5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu三、含有相同音素的字母归类:/eI/ Aa Hh Jj Kk/i:/ Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv/aI/ Ii Yy/ / Oo/ju:/ Uu Qq Ww/e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz/a:/ Rr四、会熟练默写下列20个单词:动物:a dog 狗 a cat 猫颜色:red 红色的 blue 蓝色的衣服:a swea

2、ter 毛衣 a jacket夹克衫文具:a book 书 a pen 钢笔物品:a desk 书桌 a bed 床食物:an egg 鸡蛋 a cake 蛋糕交通工具:a bus 公交车 a car 汽车水果:a banana 香蕉 an apple 苹果地点:a zoo 动物园a park公园人物:a boy 男孩 a girl 女孩五、认识书后的所有单词:1.a bird _ 2.yellow _ 3.a mango,mangoes_a zebra _ green _ an orange,oranges_a panda _ white _ a peach,peaches_a tiger

3、_ brown _ a pineapple,pineapples_an elephant_ black _ a watermelon,watermelons_a monkey _ orange _ a pear,pears_4.a fridge _ 5.a pencil,pencils _a bookcase _ a pencil-box,pencil boxes _a table _ a ball pen,ball pens _a sofa _ a pencil sharpener,pencil sharpeners _a chair _ a ruler,rulers _a telephon

4、e _ a rubber,rubbers _a light _a door _ 6.a shirt _ 7.a bike _a window _ a T-shirt _ a plane _a Walkman _ a skirt_ 8.father _a box _ a blouse_ mother_a basket _ a coat_ brother_a TV _ a dress _ sister _a tap _9.an ice cream _ 10.man _ 11.a cinema_a hamburger _ woman _ a supermarket_a cup of tea _ ta

5、ll,short _the Great Wall_a cup of coffee _ long,short _ Beijing_a glass of milk _ fat,thin _ Xian_a glass of juice _ big,small _ Shanghai_Liyang_London_六、认识下列所有句子,会读,知道意思:1.Hello! Hi! 你好!2.Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good night. 晚安!3.Whats your name? Im. 你叫什么名字?我叫.也可以回答: My name is .4.This

6、 is Nancy Black/ David Black/Mr Black/Mrs Balck. 这是.(Thats) Helen Brown/Mike Brown/Mr Brown/Mrs Brown 那是.Wang Bing/Liu Tao/Yang Ling /Gao ShanBobby/MimiMiss Li/Mr Green.my father/mother/brother/sistera cat/an apple/.(Mr 先生,Mrs夫人,Miss小姐,在学校Mr称呼男老师,Miss称呼女老师)5.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you

7、,too. 见到你也很高兴。 (too是“也”的意思)6.What colour is it? Its red/blue/. 它是什么颜色?它是.7.I can see a ./some . 我看见一个./一些.8.A:How are you? 你好吗?B:Fine/Im fine. 我很好。Thank you/Thanks.谢谢。(Not bad. 不错。)(Not so good. 不太好。)And you? 你呢?A:Im fine, too. 我也很好。(Not bad,thank you. 不错,谢谢。)(Not so good. 不太好。)当别人说“不太好”时应说:Sorry./I

8、m sorry.9.Get up. 起床吧。Go to school now. 现在去上学吧。Go home now. 现在回家吧。Go to bed now. 现在睡觉吧。回答OK./All right. 好的。“平时道别”要说Goodbye./See you. 再见。“晚上道别”要说Good night. 晚安。10.Heres . 这里有.11.A:Look at my . 看我的. 也可以说:Look,this is my .your . 你的. (thats)your.his . 他的. his.her . 她的. her.B:Its smart/pretty/nice. 真漂亮!H

9、ow nice! 多漂亮啊!12.Lets go to the zoo/park/cinema/supermarket/Great Wall.让我们去.可以回答OK./All right. 好的。也可以说Good.太好了。 Great.太棒了!接着可以问But how? 但是怎么去呢?回答:By bike/car/bus/plane. 骑自行车去/坐车去/坐公交车去/搭飞机去。还可以说:Lets go to the .by . 让我们.去.13.Turn on the light/TV/tap/Walkman,please. 打开.Turn off the . 关掉. (please是14.O

10、pen the door/window/box/basket,please. 打开. “请”的意思)Close the . 关掉.可以回答OK./All right. 做了不好的事应该说Im sorry.15.Guess.What is it? Its . 猜。它是什么?它是.16.Some cakes? 来些蛋糕? 可以回答:Yes,please.ice creams? 冰淇淋? No,thanks.hamburgers? 汉堡? 如果你需要更多数目可以说:eggs? 鸡蛋? Yes,two,please.milk? 牛奶? Three,please.等tea? 茶?juice? 果汁?co

11、ffee? 咖啡?也可以问一个:A cake?An ice cream?A hamburger?An egg?同样回答。A glass of milk?A glass of .juice?A cup of tea?A cup of coffee?买东西要注意:询问别人“.好不好?”要用升调,例如A green pencil?告诉别人“请给我.。”要用降调,例如A green pencil,please.17.Im a Chinese . 我是一个中国的.an English . 一个英国的.Im from . 我来自.Im nine/ten. 我九岁/十岁。Im tall/short/fat/thin. 我很高/很矮/很胖/很瘦。My eyes are big/small. 我的眼睛很大/很小。My hair is long/short. 我的头发很长/很短。还可以说Im not . 我不.18.Hes /Shes . 他/她是 .His /Her . 他的/她的 .19.Who are you ? 你是谁?Who am I? 我是谁?


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