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1、下半年BEC初级听力考试预测试题答案(1)Questions 1-81【答案】B【精析】本题目问:男人的职位头衔是什么?听时要注意跟公司职位有关的名词,there is thedirector responsible for strategic coordinationThen there is me所以可以得出这个男人的职位是Director 2【答案】B【精析】听前要注意分析三个图表的走势特点,听时注意数字。K71、K73、K75销量分别为170、150、100 million,呈逐年下降的趋势。故选B。 3【答案】B【精析】此题是要听航班号,所以注意听数字。Flight LH 4152

2、to Hong Kong is now also boarding at gate number 42飞往香港LH 4152次航班现在42号门登机,故选B。文中之前有一句话也有航班号,不过不是飞往香港的,要仔细的辨别所需信息。 4【答案】B【精析】此题是问现在哪个部门有空缺职位。听时注意有关职位的词汇。Actually that vacancy was in the personnel department but the positionS filled nowWe are looking for a secretary in the sales department,though报纸上登出

3、来的职位空缺是人事部,但现在已经找到人了。不过现在销售部需要秘书,所以选B。 5【答案】C【精析】题目:飞机何时起飞?听时注意时间。It has been arranged to take off at four fifteen but itS delayed thirty minutes飞机原定4:15起飞,但现在推迟了30分钟。所以飞机最终的起飞时间是4:45分,故选C。 6【答案】B【精析】Id like tO cash this check可知这位女士是想兑现支票。注意cash的动词词性,有“兑现”的意思。A是干扰选项,不过文中并没有提是否开账户。所以女士想要的是现金,故选B 7【答案

4、】A【精析】题目:他们在谈论什么机器?此题关键是最后一句话:Just insert the paper,key in the number and press the send button把纸放进去,键入号码并按一下发送键,所以只有传真机符合这一描述。8、C选项干扰,但如果听出来key in the number and press the send button,就一定会选出传真机。 8【答案】A【精析】此题要注意Hugh是这位男讲话人。主要线索在这句话:SO Ill stop over in Tokyo and we can talk我会在东京停留并且我们可以聊天。所以Hugh在日本东京

5、工作,故选A。 PART TWOQuestions 9-159【答案】freezer【精析】Id like to place an order for a Belmont freezer想订购一个冰箱。Place an order for 订购的意思。 10【答案1 Thurrock【精析】原文信息:Can you tell me your name,please?Yes,AnnThurrockT-HR-R-O-C-K 11【答案】2436【精析】原文信息:Have you got the model number?Yes,2436 12【答案】Museum Street N092 【精析】原

6、文信息:And the address for delivery,pleaseYes,it is Museum Street N092 13【答案】corner【精析】原文信息:It is on the corner 14【答案】Wednesday【精析】How about Wednesday in the morning?星期三早上怎么样?回答是yes。 15【答案】check【精析】原文信息:1 will send you a check today PART THREEQuestions 16-2216【答案】blame【精析】注意听关键字,First,great managers ac

7、cept blame 17【答案】praise【精析】 Second,great managers give praise 18【答案】 performance【精析】原文信息:Managers who regularlygive praise are in a much stronger position to criticize or reprimand poor performance.19【答案】need【精析】原文信息: Most managers need to find out not merely what their team thinks, but what the res

8、t of the world, including their customers need.由此可见经理需要了解顾客的需求。 20【答案】strengths【精析】原文信息: They see strengths in themselves as well as in other people, as things to be built on, and weaknesses as something to be accommodated, and if possible, eliminated. 经理不仅看到他们自己的优点,也看到别人的优点。 21【答案1 new skills【精析】原文

9、信息: What great managers do is to learn new skills and acquire useful information from the outside world. 经理应该学习新的技能并且从外界获取有用信息。 22【答案】Activities【精析】原文信息: So greatmanagers are always on the lookout for higher-level activities to occupy their time.优秀的经理始终在留意高水平活动来填充时间。 PART FOURQuestions 23-3023【答案】B【

10、精析】原文信息: To begin with, I was slow because I did not know the program, but now I get annoyed when the computer just stops working for no reason. I often sit looking at the monitor for minutes, not sure whether it is still working or not.计算机不知为何就停止工作。A是干扰选项,那只是最初的时候她面临的问题。计算机的问题是它经常性的停止工作,故选B。 24【答案】

11、 B【精析】原文: I think the network is too old for our software and we need some new machines.网络对于软件太陈旧了,我们需要一些新的机器。注意这里指的机器就是新的电脑。故选B。 25【答案】A【精析】原文: Id like the authority to issue credit notes without having to ask you first. Youre often away on business and sometimes customers ring up with a compJaintA

12、nd if we cant contact you。then we cant deal with the complaint properly在处理投诉问题时,她希望能不用请示上级就发放信用证。上级经常出差有时客户就打电话投诉。如果我们联系不上老板,那么我们就不能适当地处理投诉。所以可以看出她希望能有更多的职责来独立处理问题。 26【答案】C【精析】原文信息:You cant believe everything they say,you know此处可见Sharon的老板认为有些客户不总是诚实,所以不能完全相信他们说的话,故选C。 27【答案】C 【精析】原文信息:But I think t

13、he most important thing is tO increase my product knowledge。SO I dont get embarrassed when customers make enquiries虽然她前面提到想少犯一些错误,但注意the most important最主要的目标就是要增加自己对产品的了解。C选项:多了解些产品的知识,正符合题意,故选C。 28【答案】B【精析】原文信息:How do you feel you have done in your first full year with the company?这里注意一个关键词full,一整年

14、的意思,所以可以推出她一年前开始在这家公司工作。 29【答案】B【精析】原文信息:the job is exactly as it was advertised in the paper工作职位是在报纸上刊登的,所以选B。 30【答案】C【精析】原文信息:I dont mind answering the phone and preparing invoicesSometimes itS a bit boring typing long price listsSharon不介意接电话或是准备发票。但有时打印过长的价目表有点烦人。选项c中准备价目表正符合题意。选项8可能会干扰,但注意B只是说打印发票,这是很容易的事。不过准备过长价目表让人不那么愉快,故选C。



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