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1、Module 7 Unit 1 Living with technology Welcome and Reading学习目标:1. 培养学生学习和运用词汇的能力 2. 通过练习巩固所学词汇和句式学习要求:1 课前识记文中生词表中的重点词汇和短语2 通过自学和合作探究,提高分析句子的能力3 通过练习检测自己对词汇和句子的掌握情况,查漏补缺,进一步提高解题能力课前学习:A. 词形变换1用心 爱心 专心1. uncertain _ (n.) 2. electric _(n.) 3. demand_(adj.) 4. apply _ (n.) 5. evolution _ (v.) 6. assume

2、 _(n.)7. convenience _(adj.)8. superior _(opp.) 9. variety_(n.)10. delight _(adj.)5 B. 短语翻译:1.做贡献,起作用_2.比优越_ 3.接收,接通_ 4.上市,面市_ 5.与相结合_ 6.涌现,迅猛发展_7.远距离电视传输_8.在五年之内_9.用人工_10.电流_11.便携式袖珍盒带播放器_12.录制_13.给上发条_14.播放唱片_15.将应用于_16.增加_17.到一定程度_18.占领市场_19.各种各样的_20.电唱机_21.很快,不久以后_22.对作出回应_C选择方框中词组的适当形式填空 be unc

3、ertain of is superior to come onto the market apply to to some degree take over spring up contribute toa variety of 1. Alcohol _ 100000 deaths a year in the US.2. I _ what to do next?3. Your mobile phone _ far _mine.4. New technology is being _ almost every industrial process.5. We are all willing t

4、o support him _.6. After his father died, Tom _ the company.7. This shop sells _ toys.8. Fast-food restaurant are _ all over the town.9. In 1877, the record player had to be _by hand and only played a record for two minutes.10. This digital camera has _now. Do you want to buy one?课堂学习: 1 . Some cons

5、ider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before. superior adj.“高级的;高傲的;优越的;上级的” superior n.“上级”、“长者”、“地位/智力较高的人”等。 be superior to意为“比好”、“比强”,In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those made by machine

6、. 翻译:_即时训练: Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as _ other musicians. A. more superior than B. more superior to C. superior than D. superior to He is my superior in knowledge . = He in knowledge.2. and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more CDs than LPs. demand vt.

7、要求,需要 n. C U 要求,需要(1) demand后的从句要用(should)+do的虚拟语气。老师要求我们下课后交上作业。The teacher demanded that _.(2) demand后接动词不定式,即demand to do sth.(但不能接不定式的复合结构,如需类似表述,则用宾语从句),不接动名词。 他们要求被告知发生的每件事。They demanded _. (3) 其后接名词作宾语时,结构应为:demand sth. of / from sb. I demanded an answer of / from him. (4) demand作名词时,后面接for。

8、There is a great demand for the books. _ 拓展:in demand 需求量大,有需求meet /satisfy / supply ones demands /needs 满足某人的需求on demand 一经要求 即时训练:The key to the problem is to the demands by the customers. A. solve; meet ; made B. solving ; meet ; made C. solve ; met ; make D. solving ; meeting ; made It is demand

9、ed that the play for another week. A. runs B. will run C. run D. shall run Good workers are always demand in the factory. A. in B. on C. by D. for The workers demanded immediately. A. being replied B. replying C. to be replied D. to reply 3. This is like a mini CD player but can also record music an

10、d is very easy to carry, being very small, as the name “mini” indicates. 翻译:_ being very small做什么成份_ as the name “mini” indicates 是什么从句?_巩固练习:单项选择:1. The old clock needs _ every day, otherwise it will stop workingA. to turn up B. to wind up C. winding up D. wind down2. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class



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