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1、SelfCheck Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes Warmup Topic1Doyouagreethatstudentsmustwearschooluniforms Yes Iagree No Idonotagree Topic2Doyouagreethatstudentsshouldbeallowedtousemobilephones Yes weagree No wedonotagree Topic3Doyouagreethatstudentsareallowedtohavepart timejobs Yes Ia

2、gree No Idonotagree Topic4Doyouagreethatstudentsareallowedtohavepuppylove Yes Iagree No Idonotagree 1Matchthewordsinthetwocolumnsandchoosefivephrasestomakesentences takeshoppingdophotosgetmydreamachieveearspiercedmakepart timeworkgoachoice Inevergoshoppingwithmydad Itisnoteasytoachievemydream Itisno

3、tallowedtotakephotoshere Youhavetomakeachoicerightnow Iwanttodopart timejobsthissummer 2 Completethesentencesusingthecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets TranslatethemintoChinese 1 Nomatterhowmanydi cultieswehave Ibelieveallproblemscan solve intheend 无论我们有多少困难 我相信最终所有问题都可以被解决 besolved Mobilephonesshould

4、 keep o duringthemeeting 在开会期间手机应该被关掉 Teenagersundereighteenmust notallow tosmokeordrink 十八岁以下的青少年一定不被允许吸烟或喝酒 bekept notbeallowed 4 Manyparentsthinkgoingtoschoolmust put first soteenagersshould notencourage toworkpart time 许多父母认为上学必须被放在第一位 因此青少年不应该被鼓励做兼职工作 beput notbeencouragedto 一 单项选择 Thedinnerhal

5、lis tohold300people A bigenoughB enoughsmallC enoughbigD smallenough2 Thepeoplewhoaremoreconfidenthavemore tomakethemselvessuccessful A educationB chancesC prideD excuses A B 3 EagleFatherwasso thathekeptthefour year oldsonrunninginthesnowwithoutclothes A pleasedB sorryC carefulD strict4 Seeingtheir

6、teacher intotheclassroom theystopped atonce A walk tellingB entering tospeakC enter totellD walking talking B D 5 I mallowedtogotothemovieswithfriends A MetooB ItooC ToomeD TooI6 Doesthegirlneedanyhelp No Sheis todressherself A enougholdB youngenoughC oldenoughD enoughyoung A C 7 Youshouldn tbeangry

7、withyourteacherifhe you A isstrictwithB isstrictinC caresaboutD worriesabout8 Ididn tpassthetest Ididn tpassit A tooB alsoC eitherD to A C 9 Heistootired Hehasto arest A stophavingB stoppinghavingC stoptohaveD stoppingtohave10 Studyinghardisgood us A forB atC inD of C Studyinghardisgood us A for B a

8、t C in D of A 二 完成句子 1 He dothehomeworkaftersupper 晚饭之后他开始做作业 2 Fruitsandvegetables you 水果和蔬菜对你有益 3 Hisparents him 他的父母对他要求非常严格 began to are good for are strict with 4 himtwohourstodothehomework 他花了两个小时做作业 5 Ihavealotoffamilyrules 我家有许多家规 我家也是这样 It took Me too 6 Wouldyou yourdog myson please 请让你的狗离我

9、儿子远点好吗 7 Children tochoosetheirownhobbies 应该允许孩子们选择自己的业余爱好 8 Ican manythings books 我能从书中学到很多东西 keep away from should be allowed learn from 9 你不能对你的儿子要求太严格 Youshouldn t yourson 10 她的业余爱好妨碍了她的学习 Herhobbies herstudies be too strict with get in the way of 三 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 Althoughhewastired hem toreacht

10、hetopofthemountain Weshouldbes aboutourlessons Iwanttogetbackmydriver sl Thisisagoodc tocatchupwithhim Bobisintheconcerthall Ihavejustseenhime anage trict icense hane nter 四 将下列短语翻译成英语 1 被允许做某事beallowedtodosth 2 没门 Noway 3 为 担心beworriedabout 4 打耳洞getone searspierced 5 需要做某事needtodosth 6 拍照takephotos

11、7 是某人远离某物keepsb awayfromsth 8 拥抱某人givesb ahug 9 举起liftup10 回嘴 顶嘴talkback11 后悔做了某事regretdoingsth 12 自己做决定makeone sowndecision13 从某事中学到 learn fromdoingsth 14 对某人要求严格bestrictwith 15 挡 的路gotinthewayof 16 允许某人做某事allowsb todosth 17 不反对havenothingagainst18 有机会 haveachanceto Homework Reviewthelanguagepointsyouhavelearntinthisunitthroughdoingpracticingwithyourpartner Rememberthewordsinthisunit



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