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1、课时1 七年级 上 Units1 4 含Starter 课前自主热身 温馨提示 此部分 词汇拓展 严格按照人教课本词汇表及牛津词典梳理单词 记性 汉语意思 并对每个单词的常考形式进行拓展 短语集锦 栏目梳理重点短语 好句积累 栏目梳理好句与重点句型 语法 栏目链接本书第二部分 语法专题研究 的页码 话题 部分为本课时所学话题 well better best you himself your yours yourself yourselves me my mine myself these its itself those spelled spelt spelling colorful saw

2、 seen says said name named met meeting her her hers herself him his first second third fifth eighth ninth friendly friendship families them their theirs themselves has had photos dictionaries thanks thankful taught teacher helpful watches watch found lost came come knew known knowledge 中考考点解读 lastna

3、me inEnglish telephone phonenumber middleschool firstname pencilbox IDcard ask for asetof comeon tapeplayer modelplane Whatabout Isthis Ask Who rethey inmygrandparents room Hereare for spell Call at 考考点解读 What sthis thatinEnglish Whatcolorisit What syourname What syourtelephonenumber They remygrandp

4、arents Isthisyourpen Theyareonthesofa It sunderthetable 中考考点解读 甘肃真题专练 重点词汇 1 2017省卷77题 Theredumbrelladoesn tbelongtome it s she 2 2016省卷78题 Many photo weretakenduringmylasttriptoTibet 3 2016兰州97题 Whatabout practice swimmingthissummervacation 4 2015省卷22题 Theforeigneris please withthepleasanttasteofCh

5、inesefood hers photos practicing pleased 重点语法 5 2016省卷71题改编 Everyone have hisownidea 6 2015省卷57题 Eachofthestudents ask totakeadictionarytotheEnglishClass 7 2015省卷58题 Idon tthink be angrywithyourselfcansolveyourproblems 8 2015兰州97题 Momcouldn tstandthemessinmyroom sosheaskedme clean itrightnow 9 2017省

6、卷21题 moonisverybrightatnight A AB AnC TheD 10 2017省卷24题 Didyoudothehomework A youB yourselfC yourD yours has isasked being toclean C B 11 2017兰州27题 Iaskedtodoschoolworkby A him his himselfB her her itselfC her his myselfD him her herself12 2017兰州35题 Doyouthinkacceptableforsquaredancenearyourhouse A

7、itB thatC thisD its13 2016省卷21题 Thereisbookinmybackpack bookisveryheavy A a TheB a AC the AD the The14 2016省卷23题 Isthatbluepencilcase A youB yourC yoursD yourself15 2016省卷35题 Whichofthefollowingistheleast A 0 105B 0 501C 0 015D 0 1516 2016兰州26题 Cheerup YouwillgetAinthelisteningtest A aB theC anD 17

8、2016兰州27题 Tonyhasanewbike Itisdifferentfrom A myB mineC myselfD me A A A C C C B A A A 18 Danny sgrandmotherisillinhospital He llgotheretoseeherafterschool A anB theC aD 19 TheBrownshadapartywiththeirneighborsyesterday allenjoyedthemselves A WeB YouC ThemD They D D 情景交际 20 MayIspeaktoMr Black please

9、 He supstairs A Holdon please B Yes speaking C Who sthis D What sthat A 课堂重点剖析 1 help的用法 Thankyouforyourhelp Anna 安娜 谢谢你的帮助 Unit3 P14 如 Canyouhelpme to learnEnglish 你能帮助我学习英语吗 PleasehelpmewithmyFrench 请帮助我学法语 Helpyourselvestothefruit 请随便吃些水果 Withthehelpofher hefoundhislostchild 在她的帮助下 他找到了他失踪的孩子 She

10、askedherfriendsforhelpwhenshewasintrouble 当她遇到困难时 她向她的朋友们求助 Icouldn thelplaughingwhenIheardhersinging 当我听到她唱歌时 我情不自禁地笑了 1 在我姐姐的帮助下 我做了这个小礼物 并且把它送给了我的好朋友 mysister Imadethesmallgiftandgaveittomygoodfriend 2 这些是我给你做的食物 请随便吃 ThesearethefoodIcookedforyou please 考点小练 3 I mreallytoobusywithmyhomeworkandIca

11、n thelpmymotherthehousework A doB doingC doneD did A Withthehelpof helpyourself 2 ask的用法 Asktheteacherforit 问老师吧 Unit3 P17 如 Heaskedmeaquestion 他问了我一个问题 Sheaskedtoseethemanager 她请求见经理一面 Tomaskedmetowaitforhimatthegate 汤姆让我在门口等他 Heaskedhisteacherforadvice 他向他的老师寻求建议 Jennyaskedthedoctoraboutherhealth

12、珍妮向医生询问她的健康状况 4 YoushouldaskBob wash hisownclothes Heistenyearsoldnow A washB towashC washingD towashing 5 我认为当人们身处险境时 向警察求助可能是最佳选择 Ithinkthatthepolicemightbethebestchoiceforpeopleto whentheyareindanger 考点小练 B askforhelp 3 辨析family home house与room That smyfamily Thosearemyparents 那是我的家庭 那些 人 是我的父母亲

13、Unit2 P7 6 DavidhasbeeninShanghaiforeightyears Shanghaihasbecomehissecond 7 Herisgoingtobeprovidedforhundredsofforeignfriendswhoareworkingandstudyinghere 考点小练 home house house home family room Family room 8 Theyarrivedatthetrainstationearlyandhadtositinthewaitingforanhour 9 isthebasicunitofsociety 4

14、 辨析thanksfor与thanksto Thankyouforyourhelp Anna 安娜 谢谢你的帮助 Unit3 P14 thankyoufor thanksfor意为 为 而感谢你 for为介词 后接名词 代词或动名词 如 Thanksforyourhelp Thanksforhelpingme 谢谢你的帮助 thanksto是介词短语 意为 多亏 由于 to 是介词 其后接名词 代词或动名词作宾语 表示感谢的对象 如 Thankstoyourhelp Isucceededingettingthegoodjob 多亏你的帮忙 我才成功得到了那份好工作 10 Thanksfor h

15、elp mewithmyscience 考点小练 helping Thanksto 11 多亏有摩拜单车 我才能及时赶回家 themobike Iwasabletogetbackhomeintime 12 yourhelp IcouldmakesentencesinEnglish A ThankstoB ThankfoC ThankD Thanks A 5 Whatabout 句型 Whataboutthisdictionary 这本字典怎么样 Unit3 P14 What Howabout 意为 怎么样 此处about为介词 其后接名词 代词或动名词 13 Theweatherisfinet

16、oday Whatabout go hikingthisweekend 考点小练 going What Howabout 14 我们都非常累 下周末去野餐怎么样 We reallverytired goingoutforapicnicnextweekend 15 Myjacketisblack Whatabout A youB yoursC yourselfD your B 话题写作指导 话题概述 分析近3年甘肃中考真题和全国中考真题可知 书面表达考查人物介绍类的话题较多 主要涉及四个角度 描述性格与爱好 好人好事 自我介绍和描述家庭成员 亮点句型 身份概述 1 Heworksinahospital 2 HeisateacherwhoteachesEnglishinamiddleschool 3 Heisascientistrespectedalmostbyallpeople 4 Hewasborninabighappyfamily 5 He astudentofTsinghuaUniversity camefromapoorfamilyinGansuProvince 人物介绍 外貌特



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