2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修四 Module 1(外研版)新高考

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《2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修四 Module 1(外研版)新高考》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版 英语 高考冲刺总复习--教材知识梳理--第一部分 必修四 Module 1(外研版)新高考(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修四 Module 1Life in the Future.单词语境记忆1.natural resources自然资源2.recycled materials 循环再利用的材料3.play outdoors 户外玩耍4.alternative energy 可替代能源5.the arrested criminal 被逮捕的罪犯6.within some limits 在一定范围内7.the outpatients at the clinic 诊所的病人8.another form of recreation 另一种娱乐形式9.fire the machine 启动机器10.urban res

2、idents 城市居民.词性转换与派生记忆mand n.命令;指令v.命令;指挥;控制2.charge n.费用;价钱v.索价;控告3.shape vt.造成形状n.形状4.switch n.开关vi.交换;调换5.power n.权力 vt.供给动力powerful adj.强有力的powerless adj.无力的;无权的6.definitely adv.无疑地;确定地definite adj.肯定的;确定的7.predict vt.预言;预料prediction n.预测8.load vt.装;装载upload vt.上传download vt.下载9.disability n.失去能力

3、;伤残disable vt.使人丧失能力;使残废disabled adj.残废的;有残疾的10.attach vt.系;贴;连接attachment n.喜爱;附件11.optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主义的optimism n.乐观主义12.rely vi.依赖;依靠reliable adj.可信赖的;可依靠的13.crime n.罪;罪行criminal n.罪犯;犯人14.risky adj.危险的;冒险的risk n.& vt.冒险15.eventually adv.最后;终于eventual adj.最后的;终于的联想记忆1.后缀ity单词集锦disability n.失去

4、能力;伤残possibility n. 可能性equality n. 平等reality n. 现实nationality n. 国籍,民族2.n.yadj.单词一览riskrisky adj. 危险的;冒险的dirtdirty adj. 肮脏的lucklucky adj. 幸运的noisenoisy adj. 喧闹的windwindy adj. 多风的3.“环境”相关词全扫描species n. 物种reserve n. 保护区atmosphere n. 大气层conservation n. 保护resource n. 资源recycle v. 回收利用4.“乐观,悲观”词汇全接触optim

5、istic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义optimist n. 乐观主义者pessimistic adj. 悲观的pessimism n. 悲观;悲观主义pessimist n. 悲观主义者短语背诵1.for sure肯定地 2.run out (某物)用完;不多了;没有了 3.rely on 依靠 4.get rid of 除掉;处理掉 5.look out 小心;当心 6.free of charge 免费7.use up 用完8.switch on 打开词块积累1.make predictions作出预测2.in the future 将来3.at

6、birth 在出生时4.carry out operations 做手术5.place an order/orders 订购6.in progress 在进行中7.for a start 首先8.on the way out 即将被淘汰;即将过时1.Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future!我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧!2.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they

7、live.每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。3.Not all predictions come true.并不是所有的预言都会成为现实。4.Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away,with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术的远程治疗将成为常事,因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。.单词拼写1.

8、We have many choices for the courses,so we have alternative (替换的) teaching approaches to them.2.It is impolite to laugh at those with disabilities (伤残).They should be respected as well.3.The speed limit (限度) on the roads in the central city areas is about 40 kilometres per hour.4.It is a known fact

9、that our country is abundant in some natural resources (资源).5.The soldiers fired (开火) bravely at the enemies in the violent battle.6.The general commanded (命令) that the army should attack at once.7.More young people are making the switch (转换) to online job seeking.8.Its a fact that basketball is the

10、 boys common recreation (娱乐) in our school.9.In general,the rate of unemployment is lower in urban (都市的)areas than that in remote towns.10.He is really such an optimistic (乐观的) man that he can deal with every difficulty happily.词性变化练习1.Judging from his behaviour,I made a prediction (predict) that he

11、 would be a great man in the future.2.He was considered as a stupid student when he was a child,but he became a great man eventually (eventual).3.It is risky (risk) to climb high mountains without any climbing skills and safety devices.4.He told me definitely (definite) that the restaurant he went t

12、o was worth another visit.5.As a criminal,the boy who was charged with the crime had shown criminal tendencies since early adolescence.(crime)6.Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help so your software must be reliable.(rely)7.Mary is an optimistic girl and she believes optimism can creat

13、e miracles.(optimistic)8.It is bad manners to laugh at disabled people.Most of us may end up in disability one day.(disable).选词填空use up,run out,get rid of,free of charge,for a start,look out,on the way out,rely on,carry out,for sure1.What makes us satisfied is that patients over 80 are treated free_

14、of_charge in this city.2.According to his plan,he could return home before his money ran_out.3.You have grown up and you shouldnt rely_on your parents to do all the housework.4.The government is making great efforts to get_rid_of poverty at present.5.We are carrying_out a social survey on how studen

15、ts deal with difficulties in life.6.I know for_sure that he will not go to the party with you.7.My parents always remind me to look_out when I am crossing the street.8.I dont want to buy that skirt.For_a_start,it is too expensive.Secondly,I dont like its style.9.I am afraid that we will use_up natural resources,leaving nothing to the younger generations some day.10.With science and technology developing


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