20春人教PEP版4下--人教四下 期中测试卷--(附答案)

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1、期中测试满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选出单词。(10分)()1.A.time B.today C.ten()2.A.snow B.snowy C.sun()3.A.cold B.cloud C.cloudy()4.A.first B.second C.third()5.A.office B.floor C.library二、听录音,选出与内容相符的图片。(10分)()1.A. B. ()2.A. B. ()3.A. B. ()4.A. B. ()5.A. B.三、听录音,连线。(10分)JohnAmyLucyDamingMike四、听录音,判断下列句子与内容是(T)否

2、(F)相符。(10分)()1.John gets up at 6 oclock in the morning.()2.Its windy today.()3.We dont have a library.()4.We have PE in the afternoon.()5.Its time to get up.笔试部分五、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A.lunch B.dinner C.cake()2.A.too B.five C.one()3.A.Chinese B.English C.Canada()4.A.green B.read C.yellow()5.A.clou

3、dy B.snowy C.weather六、选择正确的答案。(20分)()1.This is classroom. A.me B.my C.I()2.My classroom is on the floor. A.first B.one C.two()3. Do you have a library? A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, we do. C.No, it isnt.()4. Wow, your school is beautiful! A.Excuse me. B.Thank you. C.Youre welcome.()5. Whats the weather like

4、today? A.Its near the desk. B.Its cool. C.Its red and yellow.()6. Mum, can I wear my new shirt today? A.Yes, you cant.B.No, you cant. C.No, you can.()7. Can I wear my coat? No, you cant. Its today. A.hot B.cold C.hot dog()8.Whats the like today? A.name B.whether C.weather()9. is my book? Its on the

5、bed. A.Where B.What colour C.Whose()10. Is this your pencil, Alice? A.No, it is. B.No, its no. C.No, it isnt.七、给下列句子选择对应的答语。(10分)()1.Is this the lunch room? A.Its on the first floor.()2.Where is your classroom? B.Its 8:00.()3.Can I go outside? C.Yes, it is.()4.What time is it? D.Yes, you can.()5.Wha

6、ts the weather like? E.Its cloudy.八、补全对话。(10分)A: Mum.1B: No, you cant.A: Whats the weather like today?B: 2A: Where is my toy car?B: 3A: No, it isnt.B: Is it on your bed?A: 4 Thank you, Mum.B: 5A.Yes, it is.B.Youre welcome.C.Can I go to the zoo?D.Is it on your desk?E.Its windy and rainy.九、情景交际。(10分)(

7、)1.当你想询问现在是什么时间时,应该说: A.What time is it? B.Where is the classroom? C.Whats the weather like?()2.当他人打喷嚏时,你想给他送去祝福,应该说: A.What are you doing? B.Bless you. C.You cant go outside.()3.当你想询问香港天气怎么样时,应该说: A.Where is Hong Kong? B.How is Hong Kong? C.Whats the weather like in Hong Kong?()4.当你想询问对方学校有没有图书馆时,应

8、该说: A.Where is the library? B.Is this the library? C.Do you have a library?()5.你想说该上床睡觉了,应该说: A.Its time to go to school. B.Its time to go to bed. C.Its time to go home.参 考 答 案期中测试听力部分一、听力材料1.time2.snowy3.cloudy4.first5.library答案:1.A2.B3.C4.A5.C二、听力材料1.We have PE class in the morning.2.Its sunny tod

9、ay.3.Its time to have breakfast.4.Its 3 oclock.5.She is in the library.答案:1.B2.A3.A4.A5.A三、听力材料1.John feels hot.2.Amy is in the art room.3.Lucy is in the library.4.Daming has English class in the morning.5.Mike gets up at seven in the morning.答案:略四、听力材料1.John gets up at 7 oclock in the morning.2.Its windy today.3.We have a library.4.We have PE in the afternoon.5.Its time to get up.答案:1.F2.T3.F4.T5.T笔试部分五、1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C六、1.B2.A3.B4.B5.B6.B7.A8.C9.A10.C七、1.C2.A3.D4.B5.E八、1.C2.E3.D4.A5.B九、1.A2.B3.C4.C5.B8实用文档



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