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1、本模块以“体育生活”为话题,谈论了运动比赛与运动员刘翔。运动与健康是常见的作文话题。通过本模块的学习,学生应该能够描写自己最喜欢的运动项目和体育明星,并指出喜欢的原因,学生可尝试用被动语态的句子来描写。假设你们学校定于本周三下午召开一次主题为“My favourite sportsperson”的演讲比赛,请根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇100词左右的演讲稿,向大家介绍一下中国女排主攻手朱婷。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。姓名朱婷出生地河南出生日期1994年11月29日身高198 cm打球位置主攻手(outside hitter)体重75 kg成长经历13岁开始打排球;17岁来到北京;19岁进

2、国家队 团队荣誉2015世界杯(金牌) World Cup (Gold Medal)2016里约奥运会(金牌) the Rio Olympics(Gold Medal)个人荣誉奥运会最有价值球员(Most Valuable Player); 被誉为当代“铁榔头(Iron Hammer)”Good afternoon, everyone. _Thanks for listening.短语:1.make great achievements _ 2leavefor_ 3be proud of _ 4make great progress _ 5在岁时 _ 6变得越来越强大 _ 7使某人惊讶的是 _

3、 8在的帮助下 _ 句型:5高分模板Good afternoon, everyone. My favourite sportsperson is Zhu Tingone of the greatest volleyball players in the world.Just like many old Chinese womens volleyball players, Zhu Ting has made great achievements in her sports life through hard training. Born on November 29th, 1994, Zhu T

4、ing started to play volleyball at_the_age_of_13. When_she_was_17,_her ability in volleyball was noticed by a coach. Then she left her home town Henan for Beijing so_that_she_could_continue_to_train_for_volleyball. In 2013, Zhu Ting joined the national team. With_the_help_of_Lang_Ping,_she made great

5、 progress. At the same time, the Chinese womens volleyball team was getting stronger and stronger. In 2015, they won the World Cup. To our surprise, they won the Olympic gold medal in 2016. They rewrote history. Based on her wonderful performance, Zhu Ting was_honoured_as the most valuable player. N

6、ow Zhu Ting is_considered_to_be the “Iron Hammer” of the teams new generation. We are proud of her.Thanks for listening.名师点评巧妙运用at the age of和when引导的时间状语从句。so that引导的目的状语从句的运用体现了她渴望训练的心情。with the help of短语的运用充分说明了她的成功得到了他人的帮助,尤其是郎平教练。be honoured as和be considered to be都是被动语态结构,运用合理,展现了她的成功带来的荣誉。假如你叫李

7、华,你校九年级的同学正在讨论九年级学生要不要参加体育锻炼。请你根据下面所提供的信息,用英语总结出讨论结果。提示:70%的学生:应该每天进行体育锻炼,但时间不要过长;锻炼能增强体质,保持健康,使大脑得到休息,使学习效果更好。30%的学生:锻炼浪费时间、使人疲劳;锻炼以后很兴奋,较长时间不能投入学习;锻炼中可能会受伤。要求:语句通顺,句意连贯;100词左右。_详解详析【素材积累】1. 取得巨大成就 2. 离开去3. 为感到自豪4. 取得巨大的进步5at the age of6. get stronger and stronger7. to ones surprise 8.with the help

8、 of【小试身手】One possible version:Dear classmates,Im Li Hua. After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend too much time. They think taking exercise builds them up and can keep them healthy. Sports also let their brains have a good rest so that they can study better.On the other hand, 30% of the students believe taking exercise is tiring and its a waste of time. They say that after having sports they are too excited to focus on their lessons. And its possible to get hurt while doing sports.


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