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1、20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)大学英语(二)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.( ) your parents on holidays.A.You would visitB.Youll visitC.You should visit答案:C2.Medical science is _ rapidly in our country.A.proceedingB.progressingC.movingD.develop答案:B3.Ive always enjoyed ( ).A.swimmingB.to

2、 swimC.swim答案:A4.Xiao Wang ( ) a university student next year.A.isB.will beC.is being答案:B5.A: Whose book is this? B: Its ( ).A.meB.mineC.my答案:B6.She ( ) to town last week.A.wentB.has goneC.goes答案:A7.The boys hair stuck _ straight with fright.A.toB.upC.up toD.on答案:B8.He bought two books. ( ) I.A.So w

3、asB.So didC.So do答案:B9.I dont like that girl because she is always ( ).A.up or lowB.low or downC.up or down答案:C10.If you ( ) mistake, you ( ) pass the exam.A.make a, wontB.will make a, arentC.make a, mustnt答案:A11.Ill go and see you ( ) Im in England.A.whileB.untilC.before答案:A12.( ) is this beautiful

4、 handbag?A.How manyB.How costC.How much答案:C13.We ( ) a chess competition tonight.A.have hadB.haveC.are having答案:C14.The day after tomorrow ( ) my birthday.A.shall beB.will beC.is going to be答案:B15.They attached great importance _ the friendship between the two countries.A.forB.ofC.withD.to答案:D16.You

5、 must _ the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were.A.live withB.live upC.live onD.live in答案:A17.I want to be a doctor when I ( ).A.grow oldB.growC.grow up答案:C18.Each ticket _ only one person to the exhibition.A.postsB.persuadesC.entersD.admits答案:D19.You can hardly avoid _ her if you both

6、work in the same office.A.to meetB.meetC.meetingD.meeting with答案:C20.He has ( ) gone out.A.justB.nowC.soon答案:A21.A: I didnt have time for lunch today. B: I didnt ( ).A.neitherB.tooC.either答案:C22.You can do your shopping ( ) home.A.your wayB.on wayC.on your way答案:C23.Why ( ) you go to see the film ye

7、sterday evening?A.didntB.doesntC.dont答案:A24.( ) a glass of coffee.A.Id rather haveB.I haveC.I prefer to答案:A25.( ) her mother ( ) she was at home when the thief came in.A.Neither, orB.Each, andC.Neither, nor答案:C26.Is it difficult to learn to ( ) Tai Chi?A.doB.playC.go答案:A27.( ) he is over 70 years ol

8、d, he still works very hard.A.BecauseB.AlthoughC.As答案:B28.Youre driving ( ), slow down!A.too fastB.very quicklyC.quite fast答案:A29.Do you know whether he is on holiday or ( )?A.in businessB.on businessC.to work答案:B30.The war broke out and killed many _.A.as a resultB.at lastC.in the endD.therefore答案:

9、A31.If youre going to come, please let me know ( ).A.beforeB.in aheadC.in advance答案:C32.( ) students are learning English in China now.A.Millions ofB.several millionsC.Million of答案:A33.My aunt was angry with her family and went away ( ).A.with herselfB.in herselfC.by herself答案:C34.The rate of unempl

10、oyment is _.A.risingB.increaseC.decreaseD.rise答案:A35.The company ( ) just outside the city.A.is situatedB.locatedC.situated答案:A36.Only two of the passengers _ the car accidents.A.surveyedB.maintainedC.remainedD.survived答案:D37.( ) will be good for you.A.Either of the booksB.Either of the bookC.Every

11、of the books答案:A38.If I won the lottery, I ( ) a big house.A.will buyB.would buyC.would have bought答案:B39.Did you ( ) early this morning?A.get upB.got upC.getting up答案:A40.Look out! The train ( ).A.comesB.has comeC.is coming答案:C41.You should turn off your mobile phone when the plane ( ).A.takes inB.

12、takes upC.takes off答案:C42.After they finished ( ) football, they went for a drink in a pub.A.to playB.playingC.play答案:B43.This jacket is not ( ) for me. I need a bigger size.A.not enoughB.smallerC.big enough答案:C44.His teacher doesnt know where John is, nor ( ) his classmates.A.doB.areC.does答案:A45._

13、this problem, I will tackle with it later.A.AtB.ConcernedC.WithD.As to答案:D46.We ( ) in the same house when we were students in Britain.A.used liveB.used to livingC.used to live答案:C47.Many friends of mine ( ) at the party yesterday.A.turned upB.turned onC.turned out答案:A48.Have you got any books on Chinese painting? I want to borrow ( ).A.oneB.everyC.any答案:A49.She was ( ) the grandchildren again.A.looking forB.looking forward toC.looking around答案:B50.The hero in that film is based on a real historical figure, not an _ one.A.imaginableB.imaginativeC.imaginaryD.imagination答案:C



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