2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)

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2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)_第1页
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2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)_第2页
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2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)_第3页
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《2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012届高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题3 夹叙夹议型读写任务(四月)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题三夹叙夹议型读写任务 专题三夹叙夹议型读写任务 专题三 专题导读 夹叙夹议就是一方面叙述某一事情 一方面又对此事加以分析与评论 这种表达方式中的叙与议是一个有机的整体 叙 是 议 的基础 即议论不能脱离记叙 必须在记叙的基础上展开 议 是 叙 的渗透 即议论在记叙的基础上发表 且要有一定的深度与广度 写夹叙夹议类书面表达时 思维要有灵活性 要随着记叙与议论的转换 及时调整思维方式 专题三 典例导练 阅读下面的短文 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文 SchoolNews Yesterday Dec 14 thegrandceremony ToBuildOurSchoolanEco s

2、chool 国际生态学校 washeldontheschoolplayground First ourgeographyteacherjustgaveusaverybriefintroductionaboutEco school whichisoneoffiveenvironmentaleducationprogrammesruninternationallybythe 专题三 典例导练 FoundationforEnvironmentalEducation FEE Itisthebiggestenvironmentaleducationprogrammeforyoungchildrenall

3、overtheworld Itaimstohelptheschoolimprovetheenvironment raisetheirawarenessofenvironment Beingamemberoftheprogramme westudentscanshareexperienceontheInternetwithforeignstudents whichcouldprovideabiggerstageforus Afterthat theschoolmasterMr Liumadeaspeechtitled Tosaveandtreasureourresources toloveand

4、bemastersoftheschool Hepointedoutthatwestudentsshouldbeartheresponsibilitytoprotectourenvironmentandlearntosave 专题三 典例导练 Finally onbehalfofallthestudents TanPeiying ChairmanoftheStudents Union madeaspeechtocallonusalltotakeactionnowtomakeourschoolagreenone 写作内容 1 以约30个词概括以上 校园新闻 的内容要点 2 然后以约120个词就 节

5、约资源 爱我校园SaveResourcesandLoveOurSchool 的主题发表你的看法 内容包括 1 你认为校园里存在哪些浪费的现象 2 谈谈这些浪费现象带来的危害 3 建设 国际生态学校 你该做些什么 专题三 典例导练 写作要求 1 在作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文中的句子 2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 评分标准 概括准确 语言规范 内容合适 语篇连贯 Onepossibleversion Save Resources and Love Our SchoolOur school held a ceremony to start

6、 the Eco school programme the biggest international one to educate us to improve our environment and be aware of its significance on which we are called on to save resources and love our school 专题三 典例导练 However very often we come across an empty classroom with lights still on It s not difficult to f

7、ind evidence of wasting water Additionally some throw away the soft drink bottles used exercise papers and books which should be recycled Worse still others use non environmental lunch boxes causing White Pollution These phenomena show that many students lack the sense of environmental awareness whi

8、ch is dangerous If these continue like the saying The last drops of water will be our tears 专题三 典例导练 To build our Eco school first I must educate my schoolmates to be more environmentally friendly Then we can start from doing some small things such as collecting used items for recycling turning off

9、the lights saving water Always remember our responsibilities and Every little counts 专题三 新题预测 阅读下面的短文 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文 Sharingisanimportantprocessofgrowingupthatwecontinuetolearn eveninouradultyears Ashumans wearenaturallyprotectiveofourthings However overtimewelearnthepleasureofgiving Herearesi

10、mplewaystostartteachingyourpreschooleraboutsharing 专题三 新题预测 Demonstratesharingyourself Itsoundssimple butsometimesweforgetthatourchildrenlearnbestfromthemodelweprovide Whenyouaresharing besuretoexplaintoyourchildwhatyouaredoingandwhy otherwise hemaybeunawareofwhatishappening Forexample youmightpoint

11、outthatitfeelsgoodtohelpoutaneighborbysharingabookorlendingyardtools andthatyourneighborappreciatesit too 专题三 新题预测 Acknowledgesharing Whenyourchildsharesatoywithafriend praisehimforit butbespecificinyourchoiceofwords Toooftenweusetheword nice todescribeanactionofsharing But nice isahardwordtodefine

12、andisevenharderforyouryoungchildtounderstand Insteadofsaying Thankyouforbeingnicetoyourfriend youcansay ThankyouforsharingyourballwithMattew Youmadehimhappy 写作内容 1 以约30个词概括短文的要点 专题三 新题预测 2 然后以约120个词就 让独生子女学会分享 的主题发表你的看法 并包括以下要点 1 以前的孩子 由于兄弟姐妹多 在平时的生活里 有意无意地就学会了分享 而现在独生子女很难有机会感受到分享的乐趣 2 一个没有分享意识的孩子必然

13、自私 也不容易合群 很难适应未来的社会 3 你的看法 写作要求 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文中的句子 评分标准 概括准确 语言规范 内容合适 语篇连贯 专题三 新题预测 Onepossibleversion Learn to ShareThispassagetellsuswhatsharingisandhowparentsshouldteachtheirkidsaboutsharing Parentsshouldsetanexampletokidsandtheyshoulduseproperwordstopraisetheirkidsfo

14、rsharing Inthepast therewereusuallyseveralchildreninonefamily Achildoftensharedhisthingswithhisbrothersorsisters Theyformedthehabitofsharingwithoutthinkingaboutit However mostfamilieshaveonlyonechildnow Thechildtakesitforgrantedthatallthetastyfoodandtoysmustbelongtohim Hedoesn tevensharethemwithhisp

15、arents 专题三 新题预测 A child who doesn t know how to share with others must be selfish Children like this can t get on well with others In the future it will be difficult for them to adapt to society In my opinion parents should realize the importance of sharing and must train their child to learn how to share



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