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1、 状语从句 状语从句按其意义和作用可分为 1 时间状语从句2 地点状语从句3 原因状语从句4 目的状语从句5 结果状语从句6 条件状语从句7 方式状语从句8 比较状语从句9 让步状语从句 1 时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有 when while as whenever before after since till until assoonas once hardly when nosooner than等引导 如 Whenhewasstillayoungman hewasforcedtoleavehishomelandforpoliticalreasons Ithasbeen15

2、yearssinceheleft I lltellhimthenewsassoonasIseehim Onceyouhavegotusedtoit youwilllikeit Iwaitedtillhehadfinishedhiswork 注意 1 when while aswhen 1 表 当 的时候 即可引导持续性动作 又可引导短暂性动作 如 IwasfatwhenIwasachild Whentheycamehome Iwascookingdinner when 2 表 突然 就在那时 句型有 was weredoing whensb did was wereabouttodo when

3、sb did had not done whensb did IwaswalkinginthestreetwhenIsawhim Tomwasabouttotelltheteachereverythingwhenhisdeskmatestoppedhim Shehadnotbeenmarriedmanyweekswhenthemansawherandwasstruckbyherbeauty while 1 表 当 的时候 指的是 在某一时间里 在 期间 从句里的动作必须是持续性的 它也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生 往往侧重主句和从句动作的对比 如 WhilehewasinLondon hest

4、udiedmusic WhilewewerewatchingTV hewaswritingacomposition while 2 也可做并列连词 表示对照的含义 意思为 而 然而 虽然 如 Heistallwhilehisbrotherisshort WhileIunderstandyourviewpoint Idon tagreewithyou as 1 引导持续性动作 侧重主句和从句的动作同时发生 Hehurriedhome lookingbehindashewent Isawyoursisterasshewasgettingonthebusyesterday Hesangashewal

5、ked as 2 也可表示 随着 但要注意与with的区别 as是连词接句子 with是介词 接名词或词组 Asthedaywenton theweathergotevencold 从句 故用谓语动词 Withthedaygoingon theweathergotevencold 介词 故用非谓语 2 before since的句型 Itwon tbelongbeforesb doessth 不久以后某人就会做 Itwillbelongbeforesb does很久以后某人才会做 Itwaslongbeforesb didsth 很久以后某人才做 Itwillbe 一段时间 beforesb

6、does某人要过多长时间才做Itwas 一段时间 beforesb didsth 某人过了多长时间才做Itis hasbeen 一段时间 sincesb didsth 自从某人做某事已经多久了Sb hasdonesth sincesb didsth 自从某人做某事以来 某人已经做了 例如 Itwon tbelongbeforewehaveourmid termexams Itwastenyearsbeforehereturnedhome ItishalfayearsincewegraduatedfromtheJuniorHighSchool Shehasbeenworkinginahospit

7、alsinceshegraduatedfromamedicalschool 3 bythetimebythetime 现在时 主句用将来完成时 例如 Bythetimehearrives wewillalreadyhaveleftCalifornia bythetime 一般过去时 主句用过去完成时 例如 Bythetimehearrived wehadalreadyleftCalifornia 注意bythetime的用法 4 till和until 如果主句谓语动词是持续动词 通常用肯定式的主句 表示 直到 为止 如 Iworkedtill until hecameback 如果主句谓语动词

8、是瞬间动词 则用否定式的主句表示 直到 才 如 Hedidn tgotobeduntil till hismothercameback 注意 Notuntilhismothercamebackdidhegotobed 倒装 Itwasnotuntilhismothercamebackthathewenttobed notuntil的强调结构为itis wasnotuntil that 5 用nosooner than和hardly scarcely when引导的从句表示 刚 就 主句中的动词一般用过去完成时 从句用过去时若把nosooner hardly提到句首 主句倒装 例如 Hehadn

9、osoonergottothelabthanhesetouttodotheexperiment 该句倒装为 Nosoonerhadhegottothelabthanhesetouttodotheexperiment 6 eachtime everytime thefirsttime themoment theinstant theminute immediately instantly directly都可以作为连词 引导时间状语 Eachtimehecame hewouldcallonme IrecognizedhimthemomentIsawhim Youmustshowhiminimme

10、diatelyhecomes 2 地点状语从句 通常由连词where和wherever等引导 如 Gobackwhereyoucamefrom Whereveryougo youmustwritetoyourparents Wherethereisawill thereisaway Wherethereistoomuch thepoisonandwastemaydogreatharmtothethingsaroundus 注意 不要和where引导的定语从句相混淆 例如 Weshallgowhereworkingconditionsaredifficult Weshallgototheplac

11、ewhereworkingconditionsaredifficult 状语从句 定语从句 3 原因状语从句 通常由连词 because as since nowthat inthat等引导 区别是 because 表示 因为 直接而明确的原因和理由 语气最强 why提问的句子 一般都用because回答 Hedidn tcomebecausehewasill 注意 在强调句中强调原因状语从句 只能用because引导 不可用as或since 如 Itwasbecausehewasillthathedidn tgowithus because可以引导表语从句 而as since不可以 但仅用于

12、以下句型 This That Itisbecause It sbecauseheistoolazy since 表示 既然 语气比because弱 Sinceyouarehere youmustdoit as 表示 因为 语气比because轻 引导从句可放主句前也可放主句后 Youneedn tgowithme asyouarebusy AsIwasafraid Ihidmyself nowthat意思与since相似 表示 既然 NowthatyouareinHighSchool youwillprobablyspendmoreinreading Nowthatalltheguestsha

13、vearrived let shaveourdinner for也表示 因为 但是并列连词 它连接的不是状语从句 语气比较强 For引导从句不说明主句发生的直接原因 只是提供一些补充说明 且不位于句首 Itmustbemorning forthebirdsaresinging seeing that 鉴于 considering that 考虑到 和inthat 因为 Seeingthattheweatherisbad we llstayathome Ilikethecity butIlikethecountrybetterinthatIhavemorefriendsinthecountry

14、4 目的状语从句 通常由inorderthat sothat lest 以免 以防 incase 以防 免得 forfearthat 以免 等引导 Hegotupearlyinorderthathecouldcatchtheearlybus Shemarriedhimsothatshemighttendandcomforthim Iexplainedagainandagainincaseheshouldmisunderstandme lest incase forfearthat后面常用虚拟语气 也就是说其引导的状语从句常用 should 动词原形 例如 Ihidthebooklest for

15、fearthat heshouldseeit inorderthat sothat引导目的状语从句中谓语动词常含有may might can could will would 等情态动词 5 结果状语从句 由sothat so that such that that引导 Itwasverycold sothattheriverfroze Thebookissowrittenthatitgivesaquitewrongideaofthefacts Thereweresomanypeople suchalotofpeople intheroomthatwecouldnotgetin Hemades

16、uchanexcellentspeechthateveryoneadmiredhim Whatwasthematterwithhimthathelookedsohappy 注意 sothat既可引导目的状语从句 又可引导结果状语从句 其区别在于 引导结果状语从句时通常用逗号同主句分开 引导目的状语从句中谓语动词常含有may might can could will would 等情态动词 Hemadeawrongdecision sothathalfofhislifetimewaswasted 结果状语从句 Theystartedearlysothattheymightarriveintime 目的状语从句 6 条件状语从句 由if unless aslongas solongas 只要 incase that 如果 万一 suppose that supposing that given that 在 的情况下 假定 grantedthat 就算 onconditionthat providedthat providingthat等引导 例如 Ishallnotgotothecine



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