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1、可编辑HOUSING RENTAL CONTRACTLessor (Party A): Tel: ID:Lessee (Party B): Tel: ID:Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at _ _ and in good condition for_. In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, decrees and pertinent rules and

2、regulations, Party A an-d Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.1. Lease time:The lease term will be from _(month) _(day) _(year) to _(month) _(day) _(year). Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _(month)

3、 _(day) _(year).2. Rental:The rental will be _ per month in the first year,_ per month in the second year,_ per month in the third year.3. Rental payment:Party B should pay _Margin deposit and the first month rental to Party A on contract day. The succeeding Payment of rental will be paid to Party A

4、 on the first day of each month. If Part-y B cannot pay off the rental within 15 days after the payment day, nonperformance should be took as by party A. So the contract com-es up with automatic avoidance, in the mean time, party A no need to pay back Margin deposit to part B.4. Dual responsibility:

5、a. Party A cannot optionally increase the rental or take back the apartment within lease period.b. When the contract period comes to expiration, Party B should pay off all the charges produced by party B, and keep the apartment and attached facilities intact and clean. Based on this situation Party

6、A should pay back the Margin deposit to Party B within 5 days of the expiration date.c. Within the contract period, all the charges includes: managem-ent fee, water/electricity fee, TV cable fee, lease tax. All thecharges should be paid by Party B. If the rental and (or) wat-er/electricity fee canno

7、t be paid within one week, the supply of power and water will be cut off immediately.d. Party B is not allowed to change the use or construction of the apartment and attached facilities. If any breakdown or da-mage happens within the contract, Party B should pay for it or make it to be original.e. P

8、arty B is not allowed to do anything illegal in the apartment. Party B should be responsible for the legal liability and economical responsibility if anything related happens. Illegal behavior is regarded as the evidence of scraping the contract by Party B. Party B is not allowed to stock inflammabl

9、e, poisonous and other dangerous goods in the apartment. Party B should be responsible for all the results if any inobservance. Party A no needs to take any responsibilities for the results and losses of the inobservance. f. Without the permission of Party A, Party B cannot sublease the apartment to

10、 others by any verbal or written deal. Party B should inform Party A in written form before sublease it to others. Party B should settle down all the certificates needed. Otherwise should take the responsibilities for all the result by improper settlement.g. Party B promises that when party B breaks

11、 the treaty, Party A has rights to terminate the contract and take the apartment back, has rights to deal with the items in the house. Party A no needs to pay back the Margin deposit to party B. IF any damage or losses caused by Party A, party B should be compensated accordingly.h. The contract becomes effective after the signing of both sides(or deputy) and to be executed to the letter.Remark: Check-in day: water meter reading:_ tons, electricity meter reading:_.Party A delivery_ keys to Party B.Party A (Deputy) sign: Party B (Deputy)sign:Covenant made date: _year _month _day-


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