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1、课时训练(十一)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.Where is your mother? is in the kitchen.A.He B.SheC.It D.That2.Jack went to bed 12 oclock last night.Thats why he was late for school this morning.A.until B.forC.to D.at3.Practise more, Tom, youll fail again in your spoken test.A.and B.butC.so D.or4.Can you ride a horse?No, I

2、 .A.cant B.may notC.neednt D.mustnt5. is it from your home to the school by bus?2 yuan, I think.A.How many B.How longC.How much D.How soon6.If more people give up driving cars, the air will get much in a few years.A.clean B.cleanerC.the cleaner D.the cleanest 7.If I have a ten-day holiday, I London

3、with my parents.A.visit B.were visitingC.will visit D.visited8.Lucy, where is Mary? She in the library.A.reads B.readC.was reading D.is reading9.Mr.White in that city since he moved there thirty years ago.A.lives B.livedC.was living D.has lived10.I didnt see you at the cinema this time yesterday.I G

4、race with her lessons at home then.A.help B.helpedC.was helping D.will help11.A lot of trees and flowers in our school every year.A.plant B.plantedC.were planted D.are planted12.Can you tell me next Sunday?Yes.Ill go swimming with Sally.A.where will you go B.where did you goC.where you will go D.whe

5、re you went.2018石景山一模 完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A little holiday magicChristmas Eve has always been my favorite day of the year.December 24, 2010, I decided to 13 a little last-minute shopping before joining my family at my mothers.I bought a large basket of cheeses and a bott

6、le of wine.On my way down, the elevator(电梯) stopped at the third floor, where everybody but an older couple and me got offand where a tall, handsome man 14.We started down again; then suddenly, the elevator stopped.We were stuckon Christmas Eve! 15 there was a phone, and the old man called someone i

7、n maintenance(维修), who told us that we had to be in for a long wait.At that point, wethe older couple, Mr.and Mrs.Phillips; John, the handsome man; and Isat down on the floor and began 16 Christmas memories.An hour passed, then two; we found ourselves so involved in the conversation that we forgot w

8、e were stuck.I shared my basket of cheeses and wine with them.I didnt realize at the time we were creating another special Christmas 17.After five hours, the elevator finally moved.When the doors opened, the worried store manager was surprised to find us in such 18 spirits.Saying our good-byes, the

9、four of us exchanged addresses and promised to send holiday greetings to each other in the years to come.I got to my mothers for our traditional family Christmasa bit late, 19 I got there.Christmas evening I returned to my apartment.Waiting for me was a single red rose and a message: I really miss t

10、he cheese basket, John.At the bottom was his phone numberJohn and I were married the following Christmas Eve.And we are 20 exchanging Christmas greetings with Mr.and Mrs.Phillips.And I still wake up every Christmas Eve morning filled with excitement at the magic of the day.13.A.make B.doC.show D.acc

11、ept 14.A.got up B.got downC.got off D.got on 15.A.Sadly B.ProudlyC.Luckily D.Strangely 16.A.sharing B.losingC.comparing D.studying 17.A.accident B.gameC.record D.memory 18.A.high B.lowC.common D.true 19.A.so B.butC.or D.because20.A.even B.alreadyC.still D.yet.2018丰台一模 阅读短文,根据短文回答问题If youre going to

12、travel the world this summer, you should make up a travel budget(预算) before you hit the road.This budget will help you know how much you need to save before leaving home so that you dont need to call mom and dad, begging for help halfway through your trip.Here are three tips to help you plan your mo

13、ney for the trip you have planned for this summer vacation.Pick a location that fits your budgetThe countries you choose to visit will have the greatest influence on the necessary size of your travel budget.Road tripping across America and backpacking through Europe, while popular, are two of the mo

14、re expensive choices for a vacation.In contrast, a visit to Asia or South America will be much less expensive than back home.“Fun” activities are expensiveIt seems to be necessary to plan your travel budget around three major costs1.Transportation2.Hotels3.FoodPaying for these necessities is part of

15、 travel, but you might be surprised to learn that they could add up to less than half of the money youll spend abroad.If youre like me, your “dream vacation” includes more than sitting in your hotel bed.When I was living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I owned a small apartment and ate delicious Asian noodles 3 times per day.With the room at $5 per night and meals for $1, I spent about $8 per day.One of


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