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1、1上海版牛津英语 7A M1 U1 学习辅导材料 (11.09)学 习 新 词 语invite vt。 邀请(是及物动词,可直接跟名词作宾语) 例如:Ive invited the Smiths to visit us next Friday. 我已邀请史密斯一家下周五来家玩。Shall we invite them back after the theatre? 看完戏我们邀请他们回去好吗?同根词:invitation n. 邀请;请柬 例如: Thank you very much for your kind invitation. 非常感谢你的盛情邀请。expensive adj. 昂贵

2、的 例如:I think international calls are very expensive. 我认为国际电话费用很高。The dress is too expensive for me to buy. 那条裙子太昂贵,我买不起。近义词:dear adj. 贵的;贵重的反义词:cheap adj. 便宜的 例如:The meat is very cheap today. 今天的肉很便宜。agent n. 代理人;经纪人 例如:He and his agent have parted company. 他和他的代理人散伙了。I booked my holiday through the

3、 local travel agent. 我是通过本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。同根词:agency n. 代理处(代理人工作的地方at the end of (August) 在(八月)底。at the end of 的意思是“在末端” ,用于表示时间、空间当中临近借结束的意思。例如:We finally graduated at the end of June. 我们终于在六月底毕业了。 (表示时间概念)There is a post office at the end of the street. 街道的尽头有一家邮局。 (表示空间概念)反义词组:at the beginning

4、of 在的起点raise vt.(及物动词) 提升;升起 例如:He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。Theyve raised the price of petrol. 他们提高了汽油的价格。词义辨析:raise; rise; lift 这三个词都有“升高”的意思。raise 是及物动词,后面可跟宾语。例如:Xiao Cheng raised his right hand. 小程举起了他的右手。 (his right hand 是 raise 的宾语)rise 是不及物动词,后面部可以跟宾语。例如:The sun rises in the e

5、ast. 太阳从东方升起。 (in the east 不是 rise 的宾语,是状语)lift 强调在外力作用下把某样东西升起来。例如:The box is too heavy for me to lift. 这箱子太重我抬不起来。another pron. 另一个(指事情、东西或人) 例如:One boy is reading, another is writing. 一个男孩在读书,另一个男孩在写字。another 还可以做形容词(adj.) ,用来修饰名词,例如:Would you like another orange? 你还想再要一个橘子吗?上面一句 another is writi

6、ng 中,another 是个代词,做主语; 下面一句 another orange中 another 是一个形容词,用来修饰 orange 这个名词,作定语。常用词组:one after another 一个接一个地;相继地 例如:They are coming into the cinema one after another. 他们正一个接一个地走进电影院里来。词义辨析:One the other; one anotherOnethe other表示只有两样东西,除了一个,就是另一个,所指的东西都是确定的。如:There is not a thing in his left hand.

7、What about the other?他左手什么东西也没有。另一只手呢?(一共就俩只手,除了一只就是另一只。 )Oneanother所者表示存在的物体多于两个,所指的物体不确定。例如:This jacket doesnt fit me well. Show me another, please. 这件夹克不适合我。再拿一件给我看看。 (商店里的服装不止一件,试完一件,再试剩下的好多件中的一件。 )2语 法 知 识专有名词专有名词的定义:专有名词表示特定的人名、地名或组织机构的名称,专有名词一般具有独一性。除个别外,专有名词通常没有复数形式。例如:1. 人名、地名:Jenny 珍妮 Smit

8、h 史密斯 China 中国 Asia 亚洲 the Great Wall 长城 London 伦敦2. 组织机构、时间、书籍报刊等的名称:the United Nations 联合国 Bank of China 中国银行 May 五月份 Sunday 星期天 Time时代周刊 the Guardian卫报3. 家庭关系名称、个人头衔:Mum 妈妈 Grandpa 爷爷 Doctor Black 布莱克大夫 Captain Grey 格雷船长 Mr. Hopkins 霍普金斯先生 Miss White 怀特小姐专有名词的注意事项:1. 因为专有名词具有专有独一性,所以一般情况下,专有名词的第一

9、个字母要大写,不能在专有名词的前面加上不定冠词a,也不能在专有名词词尾加上表示复数形式的-s。如:Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。但是有时专有名词可以转化成为普通名词,转化后它就具有普通名词的特性了,即可以在其前面加上不定冠词a,在其词尾加上表示复数形式的-s。以下是专有名词转化成可数普通名词的例子:A Mr. Green called just now. 刚才有位格林先生打来电话。(此时 a Mr. Green = a man called Mr. Green)I knew a John Lennon, but not the famous

10、 one.我认识一个叫约翰莱农的人,但不是著名的那一位。There are three Johns in this class. 这个班里有三个叫约翰的人。(此时 three Johns = three persons called John)There are many Edisons in our country.此句有两种不同的意思:其一、我们国家有许多叫爱迪生的人。其二、我们国家有许多像爱迪生一样的发明家。2. 姓氏是专有名词,一般没有复数形式,而且也不能加定冠词the。但是,当姓氏的前面加定冠词the,在后面加上-s,表示 一家人。如:the Smiths 史密斯一家人The Bla

11、cks have moved house. 布莱克一家已经搬走了。3. 有些专有名词表面上看是复数形式,但是在实际使用中谓语动词通常采用单数形式。例如:the United States 美国the United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是 1945 年组建起来的。这里把the United Nations看成一个整体。课 后 测 试 题一.根据提示完成下列句子:1. I am going to have a trip to London on _ (八月) the second.2. Wed like to travel to Beijing by

12、 _ (火车).3. Dad has got some _ (资料手册)from the travel agent.4. Look at that _ (天鹅 ). Its so beautiful.5. We can see a lot of _ (庙宇)in Bangkok.6. This is a _ (照片) of two girls in Beijing.7. I will _ (邀请)my friends to my birthday party. 8. The farmer used _ (石头)to make his house. 9. Anyone knows the ans

13、wer, please _ (举起)your hands.10. There are many _ (古老的)buildings in Xian. 11. China is an old country with a long _ (历史).3二. 选择正确的词或词组完成句子:1. It is _ (more expensive / cheaper) to travel by train than by plane. 2. _ (How far / How long ) does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane?3.

14、 We are going to come back _ (on /at) the end of June.4. The train is _ (slower / faster) than the plane. 5. We are going to visit Beijing _ (on /in) 8 August.6. I can see swans _ (swimming / swim) on the lake. 三. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Many foreign _ (tour) want to know the history of China.2. I will tell

15、you _(interest) places in Shanghai.3. I am planning the _ (travel) to Japan in October.4. Tom thinks that Shanghai is _ (wonderful) than any other city in China.5. Look, soldiers are raising our _ (nation) flag in the square.四. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Tim _ (have) a holiday in Yunnan this weekend.2. _ you _ (finish)your homework yet?3. My uncle _ (just come) back from Japan.4. Listen, someone _ (sing) in the next room.5. Peter, _ (tell) me something about your trip to Beij



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