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1、Unit1Itallowspeopletogetclosertothem Module6Animalsindanger Teachingaims 学习目标 知识目标 掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法indanger atlast interested allow thinkof protect grow notice lookafter raise能力目标 能在实际情境中正确运用动词不定式情感目标 通过对濒危动物大熊猫的了解 增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感 学习重难点 重难点 主要学习动词不定式做宾语补足语和目的状语的用法 并能应用到讨论和保护濒危动物中来 Doyouwantthesea

2、nimalstodie Hugme Kissme Saveme Let slookafterthemandprotectthem 一 抱抱我 亲亲我 救救我 AGuessingGame 二 giraffe I mtallandIhavealongneck PPT模板 Iamthetiger scousin 表兄弟 Ieatmeat Fivekilosareenough Iamlongandthin Iamdangeroustoo IambigandIhaveaverylongnose IambrownandIliveintheforest Icanclimbtreesandswim Iambl

3、ackandwhite Ilooklikeahorse zebra AnimalWorld aTVprogramaboutanimalsindanger Whatisthisweek sAnimalWorldabout Whatanimalsareindanger 三 Whathappenswhenvillagesandfarmsaregrowingbigger Whydotheywantpeopletogivemoney Listenagainandanswer ActionTime LinglingandBettyareleavingthezoo Lingling Betty taking

4、awaytheirlandandforests aspossible Completethetable Becausevillagesandfarmsaregrowingbiggerandaretakingawaytheirlandandforests andthereisn tenoughcleanwater Givemoneytoprotecttheanimals Lookaftertheanimals Raisesomemoneyatschool Languagepoints 1 itallowspeopletogetclosertothem 它允许人们靠近它们 熊猫 allow的几种常

5、见结构 1 allowdoingsth 允许做某事 2 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事 3 allowsb sth 让某人拥有某物 尤指钱或时间 4 allow that 承认 Eg 1 Theyallowedsmokinginthisroomonly 2 Heallowedmetotakehisdictionary 3 Heallowshissontoomuchmoney 4 Wehadtoallowthathewasagoodteacher 2 Weneedtoprotectthembetter 我们需要更好地保护它们 need的用法 1 作实义动词 意为 需要 当主语是人

6、时 用needtodo 当主语是物时 用needdoing tobedone WeneedtolearnEnglishquickly 我们需要快速学英语 Thetreesneedwatering tobewatered 这些树需要浇水了 2 need作情态动词时 用于疑问句或否定句中 后面接动词原形 意为 需要 必须 Needhesweepthefloornow 他必须现在扫地吗 EverydayEnglish atlast 最后 Help 救命 Whatcanwedo 我们能做什么 Discussion Workinpairsandchooseananimaltohelp Whatanima

7、ldoesyourgroupchoosetohelp Whatdoyouknowabouttheanimal Whatcanyoudotohelptheanimal quiz 单项选择 1 Myfather sjobis animals A feedB tofeedC fed2 Hehurriedtoschoolwithout breakfast A havingB haveC tohave3 isdifficultforhim thebook A That readB It toreadC This read 4 I m inthe story A interesting interestedB interested interestingC interesting interesting 5 I mtired Let sstop A walkingB towalkC walk6 Let sdiscusshow theanimals A protectB toprotectC protecting Homework GetmoreinformationaboutpandasfrombooksorInternet SHOW


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