Unit1.5第一单元专题1.5 单元综合检测-八年级英语人教版(下册)

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Unit1.5第一单元专题1.5 单元综合检测-八年级英语人教版(下册)_第1页
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《Unit1.5第一单元专题1.5 单元综合检测-八年级英语人教版(下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit1.5第一单元专题1.5 单元综合检测-八年级英语人教版(下册)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词1. The old man fell down and hhis back. 2. We know the giraffe has a long n_.3. Mr. Smith is in a difficult(情况,状况). 4. The(问题,苦恼) is that he doesnt have enough time to relax. 5. Smoking can increase the (危险) of getting a heart problem.6. I made a big d_ to

2、stop doing my job for a few months.7. He jumped into the river to save the drowning(溺水的) boy w_ thinking twice.8. My parents dont want me to take such a _ (风险). 9. The car was out of _ (约束) and hit a tree.10. Aron lost too much b_ in that terrible accident.II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. More and more people beg

3、in to realize the (important)of the food safety. 2. We havent made the (decide) about where to go on vacation. 3. The _ (dead) of the little girl made her mother very sad.4. As we all know, a horse has four (foot). 5. There are many people (lie)on the beach and enjoying the sunshine now.6. She didnt

4、 think about _ (her), she only thought about helping others.7. His uncle is a mountain _ (climb).8. We found _ (we) in a dangerous situation, what should we do?9. He has problems _ (breathe) when he is swimming.10. To _ (we) surprise, Tom didnt give up climbing mountains after the accident.III. 单项选择

5、1. Whats _ matter with you?I have _ toothache.A. a;theB. the;/C. /;aD. the;a2. The old man eats _, but he doesnt look _.A. well;wellB. good;badC. well;badD. good;good3. Many successful people have the same quality they never _ no matter what difficulties theyve had.A. give upB. stay upC. cheer upD.

6、set up4. Maria _ watch TV, but now she _ listening to music.A. used to;is used toB. is used to;used toC. used to;used toD. is used to;is used to5. The teacher said it wasnt funny, but I saw him _.A. smiledB. to smileC. smilesD. smile6. Would you like to go to the space museum?Id love to, but I haven

7、t made a _. Ill think about it.A. progressB. mistakeC. messD. decision7. _ our surprise, the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year.A. WithB. InC. ToD. For8. This bus doesnt go to the train station. Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52.A. take offB. pu

8、t offC. get offD. turn off9. I think I should keep on _ the guitar at home.A. playB. to playC. playedD. playing10. Many people _ all the money to buy a house in big cities.A. give outB. run outC. give out ofD. run out ofIV. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词1. 他对登山如此的热爱以至于他仍继续登山。His love for mountain climbing is _ g

9、reat _ he kept on climbing mountains.2. 他下了车问那位妇女发生了什么事。He _ _ and asked the woman what happened.3. 他应当躺下休息。He should _ _ and rest.4. 年轻人喜欢冒险。The young like to _ _.5. 当他的水耗尽时, 他知道他必须要做点事情拯救自己的命了。When his water _ _, he would have to do something to save his own life.6. 罗德反复地给他们打电话,但他们没在家。Rod _ _ _ th

10、em, but they werent at home.7. 你什么时候从那间房子里出来的?When did you _ _ _ the room?9. 他多次尝试过戒烟,但失败了。He tried _ _ smoking many times, but failed.9. 他应该量体温吗?Should he _ _ _?10. 现在我感到好多了。I _ _ now.V. 完形填空Dear Dr. Ramsey,I seem to get colds all the time. I wonder if (是否) there is _1_ I can do to stop getting the

11、m. What should I do if I have a cold?ShirleyDear Shirley,Most people get colds by touching things that another person with a cold once touched. You can _2_ catch a cold by shaking hands. _3_ if someone you know has a cold, you should try not to use the same cups, dishes or telephone.Many doctors _4_

12、 that Vitamin C can help stop colds. They _5 _ people to take some Vitamin C when they start to get cold symptoms(症状). You can also have a try. But if it doesnt work, you should go to the _6_.To fight a cold, the body _7_ healthy food. If you have a cold, you should eat well, but not eat too much. A

13、nd you should drink lots of water. Also be sure to get enough _8_ and stay warm. When you get a cold, having a good rest is important and _9_.When you have a cold, you should also try to protect(保护) other people. Cover your mouth and nose _10_ a tissue(纸巾) when you cough. Wash all the things that you touch with very hot water before anyone else uses them.Dr. Ramsey1A something



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