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1、(2014 届)毕业论文(设计)题 目 基于受众理论的电影字幕汉译 - 以大学生群体为例 姓名: 王胜 专业: 英语 班级: 英语N102 学 号: 201045639222 指导教师: 罗国华 教务处制年 月 日 .专业.专注. A Study of Film Subtitles Translation from the Perspective of Audiences-concentric Theory- College students as the audienceA thesisSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement f

2、or the B.A. Degree in English language and literatureByWang Sheng Supervisor: Luo Guo hua Academic Title: LecturerCollege of Foreign StudiesJiaxing University, Zhejiang Province, P.R.CMay 15, 2014 诚 信 声 明我声明,所呈交的论文(设计)是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得

3、或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。我承诺,论文(设计)中的所有容均真实、可信。 论文(设计)作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日授 权 声 明学校有权保留送交论文(设计)的原件,允许论文(设计)被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分容,可以影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文(设计),学校必须严格按照授权对论文(设计)进行处理,不得超越授权对论文(设计)进行任意处置。论文(设计)作者签名:签名日期: 年 月 摘要电影是喜闻乐见的大众娱乐文化,作为文化传播的重要方式它充当着桥梁的角色,日益成为老百姓的生活中不可或缺的一部分。但电影字幕翻译中也存在着不少问题。本文在受众理论的指导下,

4、结合字幕的定义特点,并以大学生群体为主要的受众群体,采用直译、意译和缩减译三种翻译方法提高字幕翻译质量和水平。关键词:电影字幕;受众理论;翻译方法;大学生群体 .专业.专注. AbstractMovie is becoming more and more popular, and it is an important way for cultural dissemination. At the same time, there are lots of problems existing in subtitle translation.In this thesis, author takes A

5、udiences-concentric theory as the guidance theory, and adopts literal translation, free translation, and constrained translation as main translation methods. In addition, this thesis takes college students as main audiences, and the author will learn their ideas on film subtitle by the questionnaire

6、. This thesis aims to solve the problems in film subtitle translation and help translators to improve the quality of film subtitle. Key words:Audiences-Concentric Theory; Film subtitle; Translation .专业.专注. ContentsAbstractII1.Introduction12.A brief introduction to film subtitle22.1Definition of film

7、 subtitle22.2Characteristics of film subtitle22.3Functions of film subtitle43.Significance and problems of film subtitle translation43.1Significance of film subtitle translation53.2Problems existing in film subtitle translation63.2.1Improper literal translation63.2.2Misunderstanding original languag

8、e73.2.3Improper sentence structure84.Audiences-Concentric Theory and the subtitle translation methods94.1Audiences-Concentric Theory104.1.1Characteristics of Audiences-Concentric Theory104.1.2Function and advantage of Audiences-Concentric Theory114.2Subtitle translation methods124.2.1Literal transla

9、tion124.2.2Free translation134.2.3Constrained translation145.Conclusion15Appendix16Bibliography19Acknowledgement201. Introduction Film wasintroduced from abroad,the firstscreening of the filmin Chinesehistory was in 1896(Emperor Guangxu twenty-threeyears), at ShanghaiXu Yuananother village, and at t

10、hat time, the film was called “西洋镜”. From then on, foreign language films have occupied half of the Chinese film market.Chinas foreign exchanges have expanded considerably, since the reform and opening up. Chinesefilm Industry AssociationResearch Center issued the China film industry gold-five years

11、 development research report, during the period of “Twelfth Five Year Plan”. Theymade aforecast for the development trend of Chinese film market, from 2012 to 2015,believing thatthe internal box office will break 3,000,000,000 Yuan. And it will reach 4,000,000,000, at the end of “Twelfth Five Year P

12、lan”. In this thesis, the author takes college students as main audiences, using questionnaire survey to understand these audiences perception and attitude on film subtitles. The author tries to find out a model of film subtitle that more suitable to Chinese Audiences and some methods to solve the p

13、roblems in film subtitle. The author focuses on several works with highbox officeor good reputation, such as “Presumed Innocent,” Youve Got Mail,” Now You See Me, “and Forrest Gump”, “Avatar”. In addition, the author will take improper film subtitles in “Presumed Innocent,” Youve Got Mail, “Now You

14、See Me as examples to analyze, and find some methods to solve the problems.2. A brief introduction to film subtitle Nowadays more and more people like watching movies, so subtitle translation is linked with us closely. This section will introduce the definition of film subtitle, characteristics of film subtitle and the function of film subtitle.2.1 Definition of film subtitleGottlieb (1994) pointed out that the film subtitlewas a uniqueform of translation and he used five words to definite the subtitling: written,


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