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1、杨浦区 2019学年度第一学期期末质量调研 初三英语练习卷 2019 12 Part 1 Listening 第一部分听力 Listening Comprehension A Listen and choose the right picture 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 7 A Red B Blue C Green D Grey 8 A By bus B By taxi C By car D By train 9 A Since 2011 B

2、 Since he was 12 C For 10 ten years D For 19 years 10 A At the supermarket B At the hospital C At the fire station D At the police station 11 A He fell down while hiking B An animal bit him C He had a car accident D He walked too much 12 A Borrowing books B Placing an order C Applying for a job D Ta

3、lking about grades 13 A They will use an online map B They will ask the librarian C They will check on the Internet D They will look at a poster 14 A He studied for the science test B His brain was badly hurt C His mother s car broke down D He was stuck in the lift C Listen to the passage and tell w

4、hether the following statements are true or false 判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的 用 F 表示 15 Harry Jackson a builder and burger was born in London in 1861 16 Fingerprints weren t used by the police until the beginning of the 20th century 17 In 1901 Harry broke into a house but wasn t caught in the

5、act of stealing 18 Harry was finally caught because of the fingerprints he left on the wall 19 Harry had to spend seven years in prison for stealing a ball from a house 20 The story is mainly about how technology helped the police catch Harry Jackson D Listen to the passage and complete the followin

6、g sentence 听短文 完成下列 内容 每空格限一词 21 The course is for teenagers who are working on the radio 22 The first course starts on June 25th and the last one is on 23 Campers will learn how to use radio equipment and write for young actors 24 A singer who s just finished a will come to the camp 25 For anyone w

7、ho books before midnight the cost will only be Part 2 Phonetics Grammar and Vocabulary 第二部分 语音 语法和词汇 Choose the best answer 选择最恰当的答案 26 Which of the following underlined parts in different in pronunciation A recent B method C respect D enemy 27 My mother was angry me because I opened her computer bu

8、t couldn t put it back A for B to C with D by 28 My cat is great she plays much than my big noisy dog A quietly B more quietly C most quietly D the most quietly 29 sick need to be looked after so money must be spent on hospitals A A B An C The D 30 I ve got two cars of them is in very good condition

9、 I m afraid A Both B Neither C All D None 31 My neighbor doesn t seem very She always ignores my greeting and avoids me A politely B happily C patiently D friendly 32 Our room is always a mess My roommate never puts away A something B anything C everything D nothing 33 We usually go far a walk after

10、 supper if there a good program on TV A isn t B wasn t C won t be D wasn t going to be 34 The first computers the 1940s were bigger than cars A in B on C at D since 35 While his friends for him they heard a scream A wait B are waiting C waited D were waiting 36 I do the exam this year or next year W

11、hat do you think Next year would be better A Can B Must C Need D Should 37 We heard a strange noise from upstairs I phoned the police A but B or C so D for 38 Judy going for a walk but no one else wanted to A agreed B offered C promised D suggested 39 My purchases were three weeks late I had expecte

12、d the goods on time A arrive B arriving C arrived D to arrive 40 Every year billions of tons rubbish in Europe Are you shocked by this A produces B are produced C be produced D has produced 41 The chemicals in cola will be bad for your teeth you clean them carefully A unless B so that C when D altho

13、ugh 42 Wow amazing vase The artist must have spent a lot of time on it A what B what a C what an D How 43 did the Greeks enter Troy They hid in a wooden horse A How B Where C When D Why 44 Sorry about the mess I made in your kitchen I ll clean it up The cleaning lady will do that later A You re welc

14、ome B That s too bad C Oh it doesn t matter D Be careful please 45 Yes please That s very kind of you A What about seeing a play tonight B Shall I help you with the dishes C Would you mind passing me the salt D May I use your mobile phone Complete the following passage with the words in the box Each

15、 can only be used once 将下列单词填入空格 每空格限填一词 每词只能填一次 A keen B lied C locate D trained E lay Dogs are known to help humans to protect farm animals find illegal drugs and rescue people during natural disasters But did you know that dogs can also be 46 to help protect plants and animals Due to their 47 sen

16、se of small and their high energy level dogs can be taught to look for alien species 物种 that endanger local plants and animals For example in the United States over 50 million ash trees have been killed by a particular type of beetle from Asia The females of these insects 48 their eggs in the tree s bark Their young feed on the wood killing the tree Since these insect are almost impossible for humans to 49 dogs have been brought in to find them out so that humans can take action A deserve B item



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